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Another Second Chance 7

Tea looks at him questioningly. "What do you mean you didn't say that?"
Todd is staring at the piece of paper, transfixed by the words he can't for the life of him remember saying. He gets up and begins pacing.
Did I say this? Did Pete come back, was he trying to screw my life up again?
His head is spinning.
No, No I remember being there, it was me and I didn't say this.
Tea continues to watch him pace. God, he looks confused.
Todd runs his hands through his hair. "Tea, I don't know what this is, but I never said this. This isn't even close to what happened." He looks at her, praying that she'll believe him.
Tea takes a deep breath. She thinks back to that awful day. Everything had happened so fast. They had taken his statement and arranged to have him committed in record time. It never had sat right with her. She had arrived at the police station in time to say goodbye to him, but she never had gotten his side of the story. There just hadn't been time.
"Ok, Todd, you know, we never did get a chance to talk about this. Let's start from the beginning. What were you doing at the park that afternoon?"
Todd rakes his hands through his hair again, giving Tea an exasperated look. "Don't ask me stupid questions Delgado!", his voice growing louder.
Tea glares at him. "I wasn't aware it was a stupid question Todd!"
"Tea, we don't have time for this!"
Tea is growing angry. "Todd, it's not a difficult question, just answer it!"
Todd turns to her. "I was meeting you!"
Tea is shocked. "What?"
"Tea, I was at the park because you asked me to meet you there!"


Asa Buchanan's nightcap was interrupted by the appearance of his grandson, Kevin Buchanan.
"Grandpa, we have a problem. I think Tea Manning is going to reopen Todd's case."
Asa is stunned. "What on earth would make you think that?"
"Look, I just saw her at Mom's cabin, and the files for his case were all over the place," Kevin replies, obviously worried.
Asa is momentarily panicked, but then he relaxes. "Kevin, I don't care how good she is, she'll never be able to figure out that we were behind Manning's commitment." Asa smiles at the memory of his triumph over Manning.
"I hope you're right," Kevin says, relaxing a little, but there was still a nagging worry inside him.


Tea is looking at Todd, a stunned look on her face.
"Todd, what the hell are you talking about?"
Todd is starting to lose his patience. "Tea, I got a message from you to meet you at the park at 4:00!"
Tea speaks very slowly. "Todd, I never asked you to meet me at the park."
"What?" Todd feels himself starting to lose it, starting to feel crazy.
"You said I asked you to meet me. I don't remember calling and asking you that."
"No, Tea, you didn't call me. Briggs gave me the message." Todd begins pacing again.
"Briggs said I called him and asked you to meet me at the park?"
Todd turns to her and tries to explain. "No, Briggs came into my office and said he talked to Sam and Sam told him to tell me that you wanted to meet me at the park at 4:00."
Tea's mind is reeling. "And you didn't think that was strange?"
"Yeah, I thought it was strange, but you like that secret romantic stuff, I figured you were up to something!"
"Todd, I never told Sam to call Briggs and I never planned to meet you at the park."
Todd picks up the police statement. "Delgado, what I just told you, I told the cops. This statement is wrong. It says that I went there because I knew Shorty would be there and I had every intention of seeing her. That's not true," he walks to Tea and kneels down in front of her, taking her face in his hands, "I may be impulsive, but I'm not stupid. I knew what would happen if I purposely tried to see Starr. They would take me away from you and her and lock me up. You have to know I would never risk our future like that," Todd pleads, hoping Tea will believe him.
Tea gazes into his beautiful hazel eyes and knows he is telling the truth. She brushes his hair away from his face and speaks softly to him. "I believe you Todd."
Todd feels relief wash over him. He knows she believes in him, they are a team. Soulmates. And they would get through this.
Tea speaks suddenly, "Todd do you know what this means?"
Todd looks at her questioningly.
"Well, I'll have to double check with Sam, but I'm willing to bet he never called Briggs. Todd, somebody set you up! Somebody who knew what would happen to you if you saw Starr, somebody who knew that Starr would be at the park..."
"And somebody who knew that I would go to the park if you asked me," Todd finishes Tea's thought.
Their eyes meet, the realization that maybe there was a way out of this mess dawning on both of them.
"Okay Todd, let's think, who would want to set you up?"
Todd gives her a morbid grin. "Delgado, it's probably easier to start out with who wouldn't."

To be continued......

Fan Fiction by Kelly