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Another Second Chance 8

Todd looks at his sleeping wife. His mind reels with the events of last night. Tea had confirmed that Sam had never called Briggs, and then confirmed with Briggs that he had indeed received a call from someone who claimed to be Sam. So, now they knew Todd had been set up. It was just a question of who had done it. They had worked late into the night, finally falling to sleep in the early hours of the morning. Well, at least, Tea had fallen asleep. Todd still didn't sleep well. Now he just laid in bed and held Tea close. That was enough. As he pulls her even closer, he vows to himself that he will get out of this, and they will finally have the future they want.


John Sykes sits at his desk at the Llanview police department. He sips his morning coffee and thinks about what his upcoming day holds. The morning calmness is interrupted by Asa Buchanan.
"Is Manning back in town?" Asa asks gruffly.
Sykes gives Asa a puzzled look. "What are you talking about?"
"I got word that Manning's wife is snooping around his case."
Sykes thinks back to his earlier encounter with Tea. She had seemed on edge, but there hadn't been any traces of Manning.
"If she is, it's news to me. Look, she won't find anything, she can poke around his case all she wants."
Asa stares hard at Sykes. "You just better hope you covered your tracks well."
Sykes stared back, "You too."


Tea awakens to the smell of coffee. She walks into the living room and finds Todd poring over their "suspect" list. He looks up at her and says, "Do you really think we can rule out Blair?"
"Good morning to you to Todd."
Todd smiles sheepishly. "Sorry. You want some coffee?"
Tea nods, yawning. Todd brings her coffee and sits down next to her on the couch. She reaches up and gently strokes his hair.
"I know you're nervous, but we'll get through this, I promise."
Todd looks into her beautiful brown eyes, losing himself momentarily. He leans in slowly and kisses her gently. Tea responds, sliding her arms around his neck. They pull apart, very reluctantly, knowing how much work there is to be done.
Trying to regain her composure, Tea picks up the list. "As for your question, I think we can definitely rule out Blair. Look, I know you two have your problems, but she knows how important you and Starr are to each other. She would never have you committed. Besides, if Sam ever found out he would dump her, and Blair would never risk that."
"Ok," he says, "But the Buchanans are definitely suspects."
She smiles wryly, "With you, they always are."
Tea picks up the police file again, the one from the day of Todd's arrest. As she goes through it, something catches her eye.
"Todd, Minnie was there too?"
Todd gives her a funny look. "Of course, you think Starr was there by herself?" He laughs, "Yeah, she was there, so was River."
"Well, I think she might be worth talking to. At least to go over her police statement. River was there too, huh? I didn't realize she took care of River, too."
"I don't think she does, maybe it was just for the day," Todd says.
An idea begins to form in Tea's mind, "Well, since Cassie and Andrew share custody now, it's probably safe to assume Cassie had some idea of where Minnie would be taking Starr and River, and if Cassie knew then maybe..."
"Step daddy Kevin knew," Todd finishes her thought.
There eyes meet, and a grin spreads slowly across Todd's face.
"Oh, Delgado, I love the way your mind works."


Fan Fiction by Kelly