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Found 1

This is the follow up to Lost…it begins only seconds after the last one ends….ENJOY!!!


Todd cocks the gun and listens for another sound.
Téa's heart stops. Paralyzed with fear, she can barely move. Mustering all the courage she has left, she manages to to get out one word.


Her voice pounds into Todd's consciousness like a ton of bricks. No. It can't be her. It's a trick...someone's playing a trick on you. He closes his eyes. Please let it be her. He moves slowly towards the archway. Téa hears movement, and begins to turn around.

Todd looks through the archway. His eyes mist up, shock all over his face.
"Delgado?" he says, his voice a ragged whisper, "you're here?"

Téa faces him. She gasps audibly as she takes in the sight of him. If it wasn't for those beautiful hazel eyes, she might not have recognized him. Her eyes wander slowly from his long brown hair, in tangles, looking like it had not been cut in months, to the full unkempt uneven beard that adorned his tired, haggard face. The button down he wore was buttoned haphazardly at best and completely wrinkled, as were his customary black pants. His bare feet stepped tentatively onto the linoleum floor of the kitchen.

"Delgado?" he whispered again, his shocked eyes never leaving her face.

Téa's now tear filled eyes move slowly back up his body, stopping at his hand. She draws in her breath sharply at the sight of him clutching the revolver.

She raises her eyes to meet his.

"Todd," she chokes out, trying her best to sound soothing, "please….put the gun down."

Todd just stares at her. His eyes are glassy, fixed on her face. Téa just watches, unaware of the internal battle that has been waged because of her presence. Todd stands motionless, almost expressionless as they battle inside of him. Pete…wanting to come out and confront her…protect Todd. Tom…wanting to come out and give Téa a hug…to have her comfort him. Todd fights to stay in control, afraid if he disappears, so will she.

Téa's worry increases as his blank stare continues to be fixed on her, his face showing no signs that he had heard her. Slowly, tentatively…she takes a small step towards him. She reaches out her hand..speaking with as calm a voice as she can muster.

"Todd….please…give me the gun..okay?"

She can see his eyes become shiny with tears, and takes this as a sign that he has heard her. Shaking slightly, he raises the gun, placing it gently in her palm. Téa expels a slight breath of relief, grasping the gun in her hand. She steps back, turning around and placing the gun in her purse. She wasn't sure what was wrong with him, but she did know she wanted that gun nowhere in his reach.

Taking her purse off her arm, she places it on the counter behind her. She walks tentatively towards Todd. There were so many things to say, but all either of them could manage was just to stare at each other.

Swallowing hard, Téa finally breaks the silence.

"Todd…how long have you been here?"
He blinks quickly, reacting to her voice.

"Uhhh..since …Christmas I think," he says quietly.

Téa feels a massive guilt wash over her…all this time…he had needed her.

Todd watches her closely, afraid to move, afraid to blink. Afraid she'll be gone if he does. He watches her move toward him…then past him as she walks into the living room.

"Why here?"

He shrugs, his eyes never leaving her.

"Why not?"

Téa turns, nodding slightly in response. Her eyes continue their investigation of the living room, taking in the large pieces of furniture covered with dusty sheets.

Suddenly, a stab of pain rips through his head. Todd closes his eyes, leaning back against the archway. He hears Pete's voice…wanting out…wanting to get to Téa. Todd clenches his fists at his sides.

Téa faces him again, her heart pounding at what she sees. Something is wrong…..but what?

"Todd?" she calls softly, "what is it?"

Her voice rips through his brain again. Pete pounces on it….fighting Todd to be let out. Todd squeezes his eyes shut. He finds himself in his old predicament. Wanting…needing her close…but needing to send her away to protect her….and himself. The secrets were too dangerous….for her…for her to find out….

His heart heavy…realizing this is the last time he might see her…he opens his eyes, gazing at her. Téa watches him…confused. She suddenly sees a familiar hardness creep into his face.

"Get the hell outta here, Delgado."

Téa shakes her head. "What?"

Todd looks at her…struggling. He was, for the moment, successful in keeping Pete at bay…but as much as he hated to…he had to send her away…he wasn't sure how long he could keep Pete in control.

"You heard me…I don't need you here…get out," he says, his cold voice hiding the pain in his heart, the lie that he was feeding her…to keep her safe.

"Wait," Téa says, her own anger rising, "YOU sent me the key…you wanted me to find you….now you want me to go?"

Todd squeezes his eyes shut, the pain in his head increasing. She had to go….he wasn't sure he could hold on much longer.

"GET OUT!" he yells.

Frustrated…hurt…Téa rushes past him, grabbing her purse. Whirling, she turns and quickly walks by him, tears of confusion and pain streaming down her face. He didn't want her here….nobody wanted her or needed her….not even the one person she thought she could turn too.

Todd watches her go, his eyes following her, treasuring every second she was in his sight. When she disappears from the living room, Todd closes his eyes, a crippling pain strangling his heart. But it was better…for her.

Téa gets to the front door…her tears blurring her vision. She reaches for the doorknob…and freezes. A thought occurs to her. He's pushing her away….typical. But Todd's actions a lot of times spoke louder than his words. The look on his face when he first saw her…the fact that he had sent the key…had reached out to her in the first place. Then, she thought of Starr….she couldn't leave him here like this. Slowly, she turns and walks back towards the kitchen.

Hearing footsteps, Todd opens his eyes, looking back towards the entrance to the living room. Exhausted, his eyes lock with Téa's as she walks back in the room.

"I thought I told you to leave," he says weakly.

With quiet determination, Téa sticks her chin out, her eyes never leaving his.

"No," she says quietly.

To be continued…

Fan Fiction by Kelly