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Found 4

Previously...He watches as Téa looks around the wreckage of the room from the doorway. Peter's old room. The bastard. Panic grips his heart as he watches take a step into the room.
Téa gives him a questioning look. In a flash, he is by her side, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the hallway.
" can't go in there," he says, his voice shaking...


"Why not?"

" can't..."

"Todd, you're not making any sense, why don't you want me to go in there?"

"He'll get you in there Téa....he gets everyone that goes in there."

She tentatively steps closer to him, haunted by the look in his eyes. His confused eyes.

"Come on, I'll show you," she says softly, moving to step into Peter's old room. No sooner had she taken a step than she feels a fierce grip on her arm. Whipping her head around, she finds herself staring into cold, hard eyes.

"You're not a very good listener," he says through a clenched jaw.

"Todd, let go," she replies, a slight waver in her voice betraying her stubborn stance towards him. She's rewarded by an almost maniacal chuckle.

"Todd has left the building sweetheart."

Téa freezes. Her eyes search his face. She had suspected the DID was real, and if it was, she was now being confronted by another alter. The angry one. "Pete" he had called himself last summer. And Todd's protestations since she had arrived had further cemented her belief that he indeed did suffer from DID.

But as she stood there in the clutches of the "angry alter", she realized something was off. As always, when she needed to find an answer, she searched the depths of his hazel eyes. As she expected, there was anger. But there was more. If she didn't know better, she would swear it was fear...and confusion. A far cry from the cocky facade this "alter" was trying to present.


He blinks quickly, shaking his head.

You're crazy crazy crazy...and now she knows....

She watches his actions closely, becoming more confused by the second. Her gut was telling her that something was off, that things weren't as they seemed.

Todd releases her arm.

"You have to get outta here Téa."


"He's gonna hurt you!" he yells.

"Todd, your father is DEAD!"

His eyes meet hers. "That's what you think."

He turns and walks slowly down the hall, heading for the stairs. Téa follows, her mind racing. He walks into the living room, his eyes glancing into every corner of the room. Looking for ghosts. Making sure they were all where he could see them. No surprise attacks.

Crazy crazy crazy you keep faking yourself out Todd...faking yourself out...

Téa stands a few feet behind him, staring at his back. Looking at the straggly long hair that now had grown way past his shoulders. Shoulders that once had squared stubbornly in the face of his detractors now slumped in defeat.

"Todd," she begins tentatively, "Peter Manning is dead. He can't hurt me, and he can't hurt you anymore."

"You're wrong. He's alive and well and living inside me."

Téa steps closer, reaching out and placing her hand on Todd's shoulder, and he immediately pulls away. Gotta keep her safe.

"He's not Todd, I promise you he's not."

Suddenly, he whirls around to face her.

"Oh yes he is. You just talked to him upstairs Téa."

Téa's eyes narrow as she watches him pace.

"Oh man, I shouldn't tell you this. You know, they tell me not to tell you this."


"Yeah...they. You were right Téa...what you said before. It's real. It's all real."

Téa looks at him skeptically. An awfully easy admission considering his protests from earlier.

"But you just insisted a little while ago that it was fake."

Todd stops pacing, staring at her.

"Oh, what, now you don't believe me? You callin' me a liar Delgado?"

Téa shakes her head slowly. "No, I don't think you're lying."

"So you believe me?"

"No," she replies quietly.

"You don't think I'm lying but you don't believe me? Wanna explain that?"

"I don't think you're lying Todd. But I also don't believe you have DID."

To Be Continued....

Fan Ficton by Kelly