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Dangerous Games 1

Penthouse, November 2000

"Look, I let you live here, now will you just leave me the Hell alone?" Todd snaps.

"My my aren't we snarky today," Blair mutters, flopping down on the couch.

"I'm snarky everyday, I thought you remembered that."

Blair rolls her eyes. "You of all people have no reason to have this attitude. You have your Penthouse back, you have your paper back. You have unlimited access to your daughter, not too mention a beautiful roommate. Everything you've always wanted."

Todd gazes out the penthouse window, taking in her words. "Whatever," he mumbles.

Blair sighs. He was even harder to live with this time around, grouchier than she remembered. Colder..more distant than she remembered. No wonder Téa left him. She'd leave too, if she didn't have her own plan. She smirks slightly. As he turns towards her, she quickly wipes the smirk off her face.

"What the Hell are you staring at?"

Blair's about to respond when she hears footsteps on the stairs. A smile lights up her face as she sees her daughter carefully walking down the stairs, holding a small box.

"Daddy? What's this?"

Todd's snarly attitude thaws slightly in the face of his daughter.

"Dunno, Shorty. Lemme see," he replies, sitting in a chair and waving his daughter over. He lifts her up onto his lap, taking the box from her. He lifts the lid and looks inside. As he catches sight of the contents, he feels as if the wind has been knocked out of him.

"It's you and Tee!" Starr exclaims. Blair rolls her eyes again, and leans back on the sofa.

"Yeah," Todd mutters. He reaches into the box and lifts out the picture, one of the only ones of them together, taken on their second wedding day after much coercion by Téa. "Where did you find this?

"I was playing 'scavenger hunt' in your bedroom and I found it under the bed. Is it Tee's?"

"Uh, yeah I guess so. She didn't really have time to pack when we left," he finishes quietly. He fingers through the rest of the items in the small box, finding the now yellowed love letter he had written to her, and a dried peach rose, probably from the bouquet he gave her when she was in the hospital. Swallowing hard, he replaces the lid back on the box.

"Put this back where you found it," he says to Starr, who hops off his lap, box in hand. As she scampers upstairs, Todd notices Blair's eyes directed at him.


"Why don't you just get rid of it?"

"Not mine to get rid of."

Blair laughs. "Since when has THAT ever stopped you?"

"Shut up Blair."

"I don't know why you care. She LEFT you. Although, if you walked around in this mood all time, I have to say I can't blame her."

"Well nobody asked you."

"All I'm saying is that keeping that box under your bed where you can dwell on it..."

"And I said shut up. What part of shut up did you not understand?"

"Fine," Blair huffs. They sit in a tense silence for a few moments before Starr bounds down the stairs again.

"Can we have a tea party?" she asks. Todd and Blair glance at each other. Todd shrugs.

"Sure Shorty," he replies, forcing a smile for his daughter. Starr beams, and runs into the kitchen to collect everything they needed. Todd turns and heads back towards the penthouse window. Blair watches him, the wheels in her mind spinning. Téa is still an obvious weakness for him, she thinks, making a mental note. That information could certainly come in handy down the road. It was tricky, all this. All games and double talk. And she had to be careful, because Todd was smart. If he suspected anything, she would live to regret it, of that she was sure.

There was a small part of her that enjoyed being back in the penthouse with him and Starr. But, quite frankly, not enough to deter her from her mission. She didn't want to hurt Todd ,but, then again, she did, because he had played her for the fool, and Blair Cramer was no fool.

Starr traipsed back into the room, arms full, and busied herself setting up. Blair watched her, smiling at her beautiful daughter. That was part of the reason this was so hard, because she knew how much Starr loved Todd. She also knew that when Todd found out, he would go after Starr with guns blazing. Although, she wasn't too worried, she had enough on Todd to ensure he wouldn't win custody. And without his barracuda lawyer, his chances were even slimmer.

Todd takes a deep breath, still staring out the window. It had shaken him, seeing that box of memories Téa had kept from their relationship. Not that just living in the penthouse wasn't a constant reminder. He had to admit, one of the reasons he had consented to having Blair live there, other than the obvious reason of having his daughter around, was as a distraction. He tried so hard NOT to see Téa everywhere he looked in the penthouse, but the truth was, he still did.

He also had an ulterior motive for allowing Blair to move in. She was up to something, he could feel it. When he had released the virus, he had expected her to go ballistic on him, accusing him of stabbing her in the back. But she hadn't...and that worried him. Because he had the sneaking feeling she had something bigger planned. So, he decided to keep his enemy close. Although he wasn't really all that nervous. Blair was famous for blowing her schemes...which is basically how she got herself into this whole mess to begin with.

"It's ready!" Starr announced. Todd and Blair make their way over to the coffee table and sit down on opposite sides, with Starr in the middle.

"Tea, Mommy?"

"Of course, sweetie."


"Yeah, whatever," he muttered, still a bit shaken.

"Daddy, you're grumpy," Starr giggled.

"The grumpiest," chimed Blair, who was rewarded with one of Todd's infamous glares.

"I bet a tea cake will make you feel better," Starr giggles, picking up a small piece of crumb cake she had taken from the kitchen and putting it on Todd's plate.

"Thanks Shorty," he replies, still sullen. Blair kicks him under the table. Todd looks up at her, and is met with a harsh stare. Glancing at Starr, he clears his throat and takes a bite of the cake.

"This is great, Shorty," he says, a grin on his face. Starr beams, pouring herself some tea. All three look up as they hear a noise. Sounding like a key in the door, Todd leans sideways to see what is going on, but sees nothing. The noise suddenly stops, and the door opens and closes. His jaw drops as the person strolls into the living room, stopping dead at the sight in front of her.

"TEE!" Starr yells, jumping up and rushing to put her arms around her stepmother. Shocked beyond belief, Téa's arms encircle Starr, her brown eyes locked with Todd's.

Blair looks back and forth between them, and a slight grin crosses her face.

To Be Continued...