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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Kelly's Stories
Fan Fiction Home

Chapter 3

Leaving Starr to her dress up, Blair heads downstairs. She sees Todd standing, staring at the closed penthouse front door.


Her voice breaking his trance, he shakes his head slightly. "Leave me alone Blair," he snaps.

"She left? What's with her, always leaving huh?"

He whirls around. "Do you not understand English? Leave me alone!"

"Touchy....she seemed kinda shocked when she walked in here."

"Yeah, well she didn't know I was back. Or that you were here."

Blair grins. "And she didn't take it well?"

"What the hell do you care?"

She shrugs. "I don't...just curious."

"Yeah well take your curiosity somewhere else," he says, walking over to the bar and pouring himself a scotch.

Blair eyes him, mentally calculating. "You know Todd, you deserve better."

"Ugh...will you PLEASE leave me alone?"

"I'm serious! I don't know what you ever saw in her anyway."

"None of your business."

"But...if you want her back..."

"Who said I do?" he shoots back, taking a swig of scotch.

"Well if you do, a little jealousy never hurt anyone," Blair grins.

Todd gives her a strange look. "So..what, I should let her think there's something going on between us when the mere thought makes me wish for root canal?"

"Oh that's really funny Todd...I'm trying to help you..."

"Please Blair, you have not done an unselfish thing in your life. What's in it for you? Ahh...wait. Don't answer that. You'd give anything to gloat where Téa is concerned."

"I won't deny the thrill, no."

"Forget it Blair...just stay out of my life alright? You can live here, but anything else is off limits. Get a hobby or something, I don't know..take up sewing," he quips, downing the rest of his scotch. Blair is about to snap back when her cell phone rings. She flips it open and brings it to her ear.


"Hey, it's me...what's so important?"

Blair breaks into a grin at the sound of RJ's voice. Glancing at Todd, she covers.

"Dorian! It's so great to hear from you!"

"Dorian? Girl, are you....oh the psycho's in the room huh?"

"Yes, oh she's fine, misses her Auntie Dorian though," Blair gushes, turning to head upstairs. Todd shudders, the thought of just hearing Dorian's voice enough to give him the shakes.

Blair hurries up the stairs and into the hallway. She makes sure she's out of Todd's earshot and then begins speaking quietly into the phone.

"Where have you BEEN? I've got BIG news!"

"Yeah, who's in town?"


Blair's admission is met by silence.


"Yeah..yeah I heard ya. Is she alright?"

"I don't know and I don't care. You're missing the point. Todd is gonna be majorly distracted now, this whole game is gonna be SO much easier. And more fun."

"You think he's gonna go after Téa again?"

"Maybe...but regardless, just her presence is gonna throw him off. Especially if he sees her with you...that'll drive him nuts." Blair can almost see RJ grin through the phone.

"I'll tell you one thing, he's gonna pay for EVERYTHING he did, that's a promise."

"And I'll make you a promise RJ. We're gonna win this round."

To Be Continued...