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The Destruction of JFPView 2: Starr, You Are Definitely You're Father's Daughter!

Previously...S.M.? Starr! Starr Manning! Tea smiles. For some reason, every time she had thought of Starr in the past months, the voice had been there, telling her to forget Starr. But it wasn't here now. Tea smiles, grabs her keys, and heads to the PH. She had just moved back in there. Tea thought about it, she wasn't sure why she had moved back in there, it didn't belong to her. But, the voice, had told her to, and for some reason, whatever the voice said, Tea did. When the voice spoke, Tea seemed to have no control...

Téa opens the door to the PH, and as usual the familiar flood of memories comes rushing back. But this time, there is no evil voice telling her Todd lied to her, no evil voice telling her she wants Sykes. She stands for a moment, recalling Todd and the good times when her eyes fall on the tent in the middle of the room. Suddenly, an adorable little blond haired girl emerges.

"Tee!" she yells, running over to hug Téa.
Téa bends down and hugs Starr. "Starr, oh I've missed you!"
"I missed you too Tee."
Téa looks around. "Is your mommy here?"
"No, she's running around after Uncle Max," Starr says, rolling her eyes. Téa grins at the gesture, so much like her father. "Mommy's been acting really weird lately. One minute she's regular and we play, then she's all googly eyes with Uncle Max!"
"You don't like your Uncle Max, Starr?"
"I used to, I guess, but since he started hanging around my mom again, I haven't seen or played with Al, Frank or Leslie. If he gets together with Mommy, and Daddy's not here, what's gonna happen to me?"
"Starr, your Mommy would not let that happen."
"Tee, if she's regular she won't, but she doesn't act regular too much lately," Starr says matter of factly. She reaches out and takes Téa's hand. "Come on, we have to go in the tent, where it's safe."
They go into the tent and sit down. "Starr, if you're Mommy's not here, how did you get here?"
Starr's eyes gleamed mischeviously. "I have my ways."
Téa laughs. "Starr, you're definitely your father's daughter!"
"Tee, I need to talk to you about Daddy."
Téa looks surprised. "Have you heard from him Starr?"
Starr smiles. "Yeah. He sends me nobody knows. He doesn't tell me where he is though. And, a couple days ago, he called me, but no one knows....except me and's a big secret."
"He wanted me to talk to you. He told me that he wrote you letters too."
Téa looks shocked. "I never got them Starr!"
"Daddy said he found that out, that's why he wanted me to talk to you. He said you're pretty mad at him, but that's cuz you don't know everything. He says he knows something, and he needs your help, Tee."
Téa listens, looking surprised. It was strange to think about Todd and not have the voice tell her to stop. Starr reaches into her little bag and pulls out a key and a piece of paper.
"He sent me this to give to you."
Téa looks at the key. It looked exactly like the key she had thrown away at the diner!
Why did I do that again? she thinks, confused. Oh yeah, THE VOICE told me too.
"Tee, do you miss Daddy?"
Téa looks at Starr and smiles. "Very much Starr. It's weird, usualy when I think about him or try to talk about him, I can't, it's like someone or something is trying to stop me."
"Like Mommy and Uncle Max? When you're regular Tee you miss Daddy?"
"I guess so Starr." Téa opens up the piece of paper Starr had given her. It's a map, with this message at the top:

Delgado, I know you're ticked...but believe me, you're being kept in the dark....Follow the map and key, and things will become clearer. Love you, Todd.

Téa smiles. What did she have to lose right?
"Tee, you better go. Are you gonna bring Daddy home?"
"I hope so Starr."
"Good...cause Daddy promised me you, me and him are gonna be a Daddy NEVER breaks his promises!"
Téa hugs the little girl. "Can I bring you home?"
"No, it's okay...I got a ride. Daddy says we can't be seen together cuz it might raise....sus...supiscion."
Téa smiles. "Okay, Starr, I love you."
"I love you too Tee!"
Téa watches and makes sure Starr gets safely to her ride. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she was going to find out.
The phone rings.
"Hello? John?" ick, she thinks. "Uh...tonight...oh no..I can't I...I have....I have help Carlotta, yeah! Okay, tomorrow...bye!"
Unbeknownst to Téa, the voice had witnessed this conversation. However, it did not know about Téa's secret meeting with Starr.

Carlotta...hmmm. I think I can trust those two to be alone. I've sufficiently programmed Carlotta to bash Todd and talk up my matinee idol. looks like I have more pressing concerns....Nora is thinking waaayyy too much about Bo...and Viki needs to jump into bed with hunky Ben again," the evil voice cackles....and leaves...unaware of Téa's true plans.

To be continued....