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PREVIOUSLY...The phone rings. "Hello? John?" ick, she thinks. "Uh...tonight...oh no..I can't I...I have....I have help Carlotta, yeah! Okay, tomorrow...bye!" Unbeknownst to Téa, the voice had witnessed this conversation. However, it did not know about Téa's secret meeting with Starr. Carlotta...hmmm. I think I can trust those two to be alone. I've sufficiently programmed Carlotta to bash Todd and talk up my matinee idol. looks like I have more pressing concerns....Nora is thinking waaayyy too much about Bo...and Viki needs to jump into bed with hunky Ben again," the evil voice cackles....and leaves...unaware of Téa's true plans.

The directions on the map lead Tea outside of Llanview, and to an enormous building. She looks down at the map and heads for the front door. The inside of the building has the stench of stale smoke. There are many doors and what appear to be large rooms. She follows the directons on the map to her first stop. Tea tries the key in the door, but it doesn't fit. She turns the knob and finds the door open.

Walking in, Tea's face registers shock at what she sees. The odor of stale smoke is more pungent in here. The walls are covered with of Sam Rappaport....Ben Davidson...John Sykes. Tea begins to feel nauseaus. On one wall, there is a huge heart, containing more pictures. Tea is filled with fear as she walks slowly towards the pictures. There is a picture of Nora, seemingly having been torn in half. Stapled to Nora's picture was a beaming picture of Sam Rappaport. There were the same kind of haphazardly thrown together pictures of Ben Davidson and Viki Carpenter and Blair Cramer and Max Holden. But it's the last set of pictures that cause sickening terror to fill Tea. Tea stares at a picture of herself, stapled to a picture of John Sykes.

"Oh My God!" Tea says. What is going on? She turns around to another wall that is filled with pictures of Kevin Buchanan. There is one of him standing next to Cassie, but Cassie is crossed out. Below Cassie's picture, there is a picture of Grace. Walking closer, she sees another picture of Blair Cramer, with a line through it, next to a beaming picture of Grace. In one small corner, Tea finds another cluster of pictures, seemingly having been ignored. All of these pictures have frayed edges and have lost their the owner just put them up for show...but doesn't really care about them. She looks closely and sees a picture of Blair Cramer, Carlotta Vega, RJ Gannon, Dorian Lord-Hayes, Bo Buchanan, Asa Buchanan, Clint Buchanan, Nora Buchanan, Viki Carpenter, Hank Gannon, Max Holden, Cassie Carpenter, Mel Hayes, Kevin Buchanan (Tea double that's the Kevin I slept with ...what happened to him...and who is the strange mean guy who is using his name now?), Starr Manning, Todd Manning, and a picture of herself. The cluster of seemingly unwanted and disliked pictures in this dark little corner of the room only deepens Tea's fears.

Tea turns in disgust and looks back at the map. Todd's hastily written instructions indicated she should be looking for a big box. She looks around the room and finally comes across a large box with the words "Todd and Tea" scrawled across it in black marker. She walks over to it and opens it up.

The first thing she sees is a bundle of letters addressed to her. These must be the letters Starr was talking about, she thinks. Digging further, she finds an old two of hearts playing card. Tea smiles wistfully as she thinks back...

It's a substitute emergency card....

She continues to dig through, and finds the love letter Todd had written so long ago.

But wait...she thinks..I kept did it get here?

She reaches in again, this time finding the dreaded pink tape, along with what looked to be a puzzle piece. Tea smiles as she realizes what it is....Todd's heart. She takes it and puts it in her purse. Finally, she pulls out what look to be legal documents. Reading over them, she discovers they are statements from several doctors swearing in their professional opinion that Todd did indeed suffer from DID. Tea's eyes fill with tears.

He is sick...he does need me...he does love me..she thinks.

Grabbing as much of the stuff as she can fit into her purse, she wipes her tear filled eyes and looks back down at the map. Her next instructions are too go to a large room that appears to be in the basement. She leaves the office, one last look at all the pictures causing her to shudder. She begins down the hall way, finding it to take many strange twists and turns. The building is somewhat like a maze on the inside, and Tea is thankful Todd provided her with a map. Finally, she comes to another door. She tries the handle, but it's locked. Tea takes out the key, and inserts it in the door.

Turning the key, she unlocks the door and opens it. The room is empty, but there are a couple of other rooms shooting off of it. She puts her purse in the door to keep it open. Suddenly, she hears footsteps coming from one of the other rooms. Her eyes widen in happy shock as she sees Todd walk into the main room. His eyes light up at seeing her.

He gives her that sexy grin. "Delgado, what the hell took you so long?"

To be continued....