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PREVIOUSLY... Tea takes out the key, and inserts it in the door. Turning the key, she unlocks the door and opens it. The room is empty, but there are a couple of other rooms shooting off of it. She puts her purse in the door to keep it open. Suddenly, she hears footsteps coming from one of the other rooms. Her eyes widen in happy shock as she sees Todd walk into the main room. His eyes light up at seeing her. He gives her that sexy grin. "Delgado, what the hell took you so long?"

Tea stands in shock as she stares at the love of her life.
"Todd?" she whispers. "Are you okay?"
"Depends what you mean by okay."
"I saw the papers....I know that you really have DID...but why are you here...what's going on?"
"Delgado, it's a long story...and we don't have much time. Here, sit down," he says pointing to the couch. He walks over and sits down next to her.
"So, you know I was sick. It was weird...I didn't even realize it. Pete was causing me a lot of trouble, making everyone think I was faking. I'm sorry about that," he says, staring at her.
"Todd, we can work all this stuff out later, right now I just want to know what's going on."
"Okay...when I left...I didn't really plan on being away that long. I was gonna go find a doctor, and then pay him a ton of money to come back to Llanview with me. I didn't want to just run off on you and Shorty. I was gonna come back and we were gonna work this out."
"So, what happened?"
"I was in New York, and this woman came up to me. She had short dark hair, and a screechy voice. I knew that voice," he pauses, "and so do you. She told me she had the perfect doctor for me. Well, I was sort of leery, but it didn't seem like I had any control. So, I followed her here, and I've been here ever since. At first, she watched me like a hawk. Me and everyone else. But then, she started getting more distracted. I managed to get in some therapy while she wasn't looking, on the phone, cause I couldn't leave. Pretty strange. I wrote letters to you and Shorty. I know Shorty got hers, but I didn't know you didn't get yours until recently. I had thought that maybe you were just ignoring me, which I would have understood. But, see, this woman's been getting careless, giving me an opportunity to find stuff out. See, that's when I found out about your letters, and that she had hidden the doctor's papers saying I had DID. It hit me that you didn't know the truth. And it made sense, cause I know if you did know the truth and did get my letters, you wouldn't have ignored them. So, I had to get to you, to tell you, but I couldn't cause she was always watching you."
Tea takes it all in. "Okay. But you were able to contact Starr."
Todd grins. "She's not interested in Starr, she hasn't hit puberty yet."
"But I don't understand, what does this woman want?"
"Delgado, she has some weird control over Llanview. She wants me and everyone else she doesn't like gone so all the people she likes can get what they want. I mean, you saw all the pictures. And I know what she has planned."
Tea looks down. "Todd, it's all been so strange. One minute I'm missing you, and then I hear this voice screaming that I should like John. I mean, I became ADA! ME!!"
"I know, I know everythings that's happened."
Tea turns to face him, staring into his beautiful hazel eyes. "Todd, I NEVER wanted Sykes."
"I know Delgado. It was out of your control."
Tea's eyes fill with tears. "We're not married anymore."
Todd smiles. "Yeah, we are."
"Well, when I read about you filing the annulment papers, I knew you were not doing it out of your own free will. So I sent Shorty to get them," he goes over to a desk and pulls out the papers. "She sent them to me. My Shorty's a smart kid," he grins. Then, he pulls out his lighter and lights the papers on fire. "That woman is not going to come between us Delgado."
Tea sighs in relief. "I'm glad," she whispers. Then, she reaches into her purse and pulls out her wedding ring. Todd takes it from her and slips it on her finger. He leans down and gently kisses her.
"Okay, Delgado. Now you and I aren't the only ones being affected by this. This woman is a maniac. I found journals...she writes down what she has planned," he pauses, tipping her face up to his. "She has to be stopped, Delgado...look what she has you doing tomorrow!"
He hands her one of the journals. As Tea reads, her face turns deathly white. The words swim in front of her eyes. All she sees are words.


Tea drops the journal, her hands flying to her mouth, letting out a scream of terror!

To be continued....