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The Destruction of JFPView 5: "Like I'm Gonna Let That Loser Sykes Anywhere Near You Delgado!"

Previously..."Okay, Delgado. Now you and I aren't the only ones being affected by this. This woman is a maniac. I found journals...she writes down what she has planned," he pauses, tipping her face up to his. "She has to be stopped, Delgado...look what she has you doing tomorrow!" He hands her one of the journals. As Tea reads, her face turns deathly white. The words swim in front of her eyes. All she sees are words.
Tea drops the journal, her hands flying to her mouth, letting out a scream of terror!

Todd quickly rushes to Téa's side at the sound of her anguished scream. He guides her over to the couch and sits her down, sitting down next to her.
"Relax, it's only her plan, it's NOT gonna happen. Like I'm gonna let that loser Sykes anywhere near you Delgado!"
Téa takes a deep breath, hearing his words, desperately wanting to believe him.
"But Todd, sometimes it seems like I have no's telling me to do things. Like go out with Sykes," a look of disdain passes over her face, "and become ADA....what if it tells me to ...take a shower with Sykes....what if I can't stop it?"
"You will...we will..don't worry. She has to be stopped...look what else she's doing!" He hands her the journal again.
"Wait....Sam Rappaport is going to be a ....a Buchanan?"
"Yeah...can you believe that? And how about my sister? Since when did she turn into a goo goo eyed loser over some guy?"
"I have been a little worried about Viki...she actually told me to go after Sykes."
"Yeah...I saw that....that was a MAJOR tip off to me that she wasn't right...that and she seems to care more about this Ben person than her own kids...which is NOT my sister."
"But, Todd..she seems to have everybody under control, how are we going to stop her?"
"Delgado...there's a lot you don't know...but there isn't time. We have to get out of here."
"Wait...I thought you said you couldn't leave!"
"I can....if someone from the outside helps me...she hasn't checked on me in a long time...too busy trying to make Nora fall for Sam and you for Sykes," he says with disgust, "she won't even know I'm gone...and by tomorrow...her plans will all be shot straight to hell."

Todd and Téa sneak quietly along the maze like hallways. They see the door open to the office Téa had been in earlier, and stop dead in their tracks. Todd looks at Téa, and puts his finger to his lips, and inches closer to the open door. They both peek in.
The short haired, screechy voiced woman is sitting at her desk, chain smoking, and frantically writing away in a notebook.
"Okay...okay....Sam is Asa and Renee's long lost son....the age? Who cares..who'll notice!! Okay....okay...oh wait...that mean Jessica and Will are related...and they've already...okay...Will....Will is ...Will is Ben's son! Yes!! Ben had an affair with Lindsay. Kevin and Maisie will begin a HOT affair, oh Llanview will LOVE that! Blair...Blair and Max...professing undying love...that works....okay. Max could die....ah well..we'll keep him around for a while. I've got it!! We'll have Blair and Max trying to discover who the Buchanan heir is!! Wait..that sounds familiar.....oh's my with it! matinee idol....okay...well he's gonna have that HOT shower with Téa...I'm sure I can think of more places in that PH for them to have sex...I know I would LOVE to see that! Speaking of Téa, I haven't checked in on her tonight...oh but she's with Carlotta....plenty of Todd bashing going on....Téa will soon be programmed to LUST after my matinee idol...and forget all about that Todd person. I'm gonna have to rush that along..I'm still seeing way too much "missing Todd" in her...hmmm...well after she gets some with my matinee idol..she'll forget all about that other guy!" the voice screeches...laughing evilly. Todd and Téa glance at each other, horrified. Todd glances into the office, making sure the woman is occupied so they can sneak by. He sees her, back turned to the door, staring at pictures on the wall of Sam, John, and Kevin. Todd shakes his head, and motions for Téa to follow him. Looking one last time into the office of horrors, Téa shivers.

"We're here," Todd says, getting out of the car.
"The Bayberry? Why?"
"Cause this place is...well romantic..I guess....she'd NEVER think to look for us here!"
They walk in, and manage to get the room they had stayed in, however briefly, the first time they had come here. Minus all the Christmas decorations.
Téa sits on the bed, and looks up at him.
"So, what now?"
Todd looks at her, how beautiful she is sitting there. He wishes they didn't have so many plans to make. His therapy had helped him deal with some of his demons, and there were much better things he could think of to do at the moment. But there would be plenty of time for that...later.
"Plans, Delgado...and we don't have much time...we have to make sure you're back at the PH in the morning," he grins, "Believe me....when we're through with her....she won't know what hit her!"

To be continued....