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Todd shields Téa behind his back. He glances back at her, and notices Téa's eyes starting to glaze over.
"Hold on Delgado!" he says to her.
"It's useless!" the voice screeches. "Now, Téa, upstairs! I want some HOT LOVIN IN THE SHOWER!"
The screechy brown haired woman, still pointing the infamous Llanview Brain Sucking Machine at Téa is suddenly distracted. The door to the PH opens, and in a slow stream, the residents of Llanview file into the PH. In shock, the brown haired woman lowers the brain sucking machine.
Téa blinks and looks around. Then she grins, remembering their plan. She and Todd, throughout last night, had gotten in touch with the current residents of Llanview and asked them to come to the PH. Considering the general feeling towards Todd, it hadn't been easy....but somehow, it had worked.
The screechy voiced woman looks around at everyone.
"OH GOOD! All in one room, this will make my brain cell robbery a little easier!"
She lifts the brain sucking machine back up and spins slowly, pointing it at Blair Cramer, Nora Buchanan, Kelly Cramer, Viki Carpenter, Dorian Lord Hays, and finally back at Téa. Todd does his best to block Téa from the brain sucking machine's harmful rays, but he notices with rising panic that Téa's eyes are glazing over again. The evil voice cackles.
Suddenly....out of nowhere...a masculine voice is heard from the PH stairs.
"What the hell is going on?"
The screechy voiced woman and the rest of the room turn to see John Sykes, dripping wet, standing in nothing but a towel.
"Hey," he says, walking towards the screechy voiced woman, "I thought I was gonna get SOME ACTION with the ADA!!!"
Todd's eyes narrow with anger.....this loser was in on it. "You touch Delgado over my dead body, Syko."
Sykes glares at Todd. "That can be arranged."
Todd just bursts out laughing. Like this loser could take him!
"Whatever," Todd says, laughing, carefully shielding Téa. Suddenly , Todd notices the screechy brown haired woman is distracted. She is staring lustily at Sykes, completely oblivious to everyone in the room.
"Shorty! Now!!!!!" Todd yells.
In the door like a bolt of lightning, Starr comes running. So distracted by her matinee idol, the screechy voiced woman doesn't even see her. Starr runs over to her, jumps, and grabs the Llanview Brain Sucking Machine right out of her hands!
"WAIT, GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT!"B Todd stares at the screechy brown haired woman icily. "You watch what you say about my daughter," he says, menacingly. Starr runs over to her Dad and hands him the dreaded machine. Unceremoniously....Todd throws it to the ground and smashes it out of commission.
Téa just looks at her, having regained all her faculties. "Wanna bet?"
Todd puts his arm around Téa's shoulder and grins evilly at the woman. "You might want to have a seat...the fun is just getting started."

To be continued....