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The screechy brown haired woman eyes Todd and Téa nervously, realizing things are starting to slip away from her. She nervously clutches Sykes' wet hand and sits down on the sofa.
Todd smirks, his arm still around Téa. He glances around at the residents of Llanview gathered in his living room. "Let's see what's behind door number 1!"
The door to the PH slowly opens and in walks....Clint Buchanan.
Viki's eyes open wide. "Clint!" she says, happily.
He walks over to her. "Viki, you and I got a lot to discuss," he glares at Ben, "alone."
Viki glances at Ben. "Sorry,'re a nice guy and everything, but I will always love Clint!" Viki says, staring at Clint. Clint smiles, takes her hand, and they leave. Ben looks around confused.
"Well," Todd says, "that's one back to normal."
"Wait, wait, wait!!" the voice screeches, flipping madly through her journal, "Clint's supposed to give Viki and Ben his blessing, not take Viki away from him."
Téa grins. "Not in the real world, only in your twisted world. Okay, Todd," she says, giving her husband that beautiful smile, "who's next?"
"Just watch," he grins.
Across the room, Bo Buchanan and Nora Buchanan begin to stare longingly at each other. Suddenly, Nora turns to Sam.
"I'm sorry Sam, but I love Bo, and I have to try and work things out with him. You and I don't belong together," she says, and starts walking towards Bo. Sam looks on in shock.
Bo stares at Nora. When she finally is standing in front of him. "Bo, Matthew is your baby. Do you think we can work this out?"
Bo glances at Lindsay. "Sure we can, Red...sure we can," he says, taking her hand and leading her out of the PH.
"NO NO NO!!! She's not supposed to tell him about the baby..she's supposed to profess undying love to my Sammy!!!"
Sam throws his hands up. "So what am I supposed to do now?"
Todd grins. "Sorry Coach. Hey could just go back to being my friend...and not sticking your nose into everyone's lives."
Sam glances at Todd...then at Lindsay. "Maybe you and I should leave for a while and go visit our daughter."
"That's a good idea," Lindsay says, and they walk out.
"Wait, wait, what about me?" Ben yells, following them out the door.
Near the fireplace, Blair turns to Max.
"You know Max, you and I have been around this block so many times, and it's never worked. What do you say we just stay friends?"
"But Blair..."
"Come on know it's not gonna's the same old stuff."
Max smiles. "Okay,...yeah're right."
Suddenly the door to the PH opens....and in walks Gabrielle, with Al, Frank and Leslie close behind her.
"Oh my God!" Max says.
"Hello Max, I stopped by and picked up the rest of your children, now come with and I are gonna have a little talk about you being a father!"
Max grins, and follows them back out the door. Suddenly, Starr runs over to Blair, who is now alone.
"Mommy, I hurt my hand!"
Blair leans down and carefully looks at Starr's hand.
"Maybe I can help," a deep voice says.
Blair looks up and sees the handsome Dr. Lange, smiling at her.
"Why don't you have a look?" she says, smiling.
Asa and Renee look at Dr. Lange with interest.
"Hey, kiddo," Renee says excitedly, "he's about the right age!"
"Wait, Renee, you think...." Asa says, interested.
Meanwhile, Dr. Lange suggests that Starr taken to the emergency room for stitches.
Suddenly, RJ walks up to the three of them.
"I can drive you Blair," RJ says.
"I don't mind taking them," Dr. Lange says.
Blair's eyes sparkle happily. Two handsome, charming men fighting over her...this could get interesting.
"Come on sweetie,...give Daddy a hug," she says, smiling.
Starr runs over and gives Todd and Téa hugs.
"I'm glad you're back me and you and Tee can go camping again!"
"You got it Shorty," Todd says. Starr runs back to her mother, who picks her up, still thinking about the two delicious men who are arguing over who gets to drive them to the hospital. The four of them walk out.
Asa looks at Renee and grabs her hand. "Let's follow that Dr. Lange!" And they both rush out the door.
"WHAT IS HAPPENING! Sam is supposed to be the Buke...not Dr. Lange! And where the hell did Gabrielle come from? And RJ isn't supposed to be around....he's on the backburner, not flirting with Blair!" she says disgustedly.
Dejectedly, she puts her head on Sykes' wet shoulder.
Todd looks at the remaining people. Kevin, Grace, Kelly, Joey, and Dorian.
"Well, Kelly and Joey, we know you're gonna end up together, get outta here," Todd says. Joey smiles and takes Kelly's hand, and they walk out.
He looks at Grace. "You can just go," Todd says, "and on second thought, you can too Kevin."
"What! I'm not leaving town...I'm not leaving my mother!"
"Oh, don't worry, the real Kevin Buchanan will be here," Todd grins wickedly.
The PH door opens again and in walks Kevin Buchanan, holding Cassie's hand.
"Now, that's the Kevin I remember!" Téa says.
"What..." NuKevin says, looking worriedly at the screechy brown haired woman, but she seems to be in a confused daze.
"I don't know who you are," REAL Kevin says, "but you're not get the hell out of here so Cassie and I can get on with our lives!"
NuKevin dejectedly looks down. Grace takes his hand. "Let's you and I leave this town," she says.
NuKevin nods, and they leave, followed by REAL Kevin and Cassie.
Todd looks at the last person left other than the screechy voiced woman and Sykes.
He sighs. "I can't believe this...but I'm about to do something nice for Dorian. Mel!" he yells.
The PH door opens, and Mel Hayes walks in. Dorian jumps up and runs to him, giving him a big hug.
"Mel! You're alive!"
"Yeah...long story," he says, taking her hand and leading her out the door.
Todd and Téa look over at the screechy voiced woman. Todd stands up and walks over to her.
"Now you and your matinee idol get the hell out of my house and out of Llanview," he sneers.
The screechy brown haired woman and Sykes stand up, Sykes still wearing nothing but a towel. They begin to walk dejectedly towards the door. He stops in front of Téa.
"You don't know what you're missing," he leers.
Téa just rolls her eyes. "Whatever."
The screechy woman is muttering to herself. "Well there's still Pine Valley...Port Charles....Salem.....". She and Sykes leave.
Todd grins at Téa. "We're good."
Téa smiles. "Very good. First thing tomorrow, I quit my job. I mean..I'm sure over the course of time you're gonna need a lawyer again."
"And..I could use your help getting my paper back...and I have to get into real therapy...not just the phone call kind."
Todd walks over to her and pulls her close. He leans down and kisses her.
"You know," he says, grinnng wickedly, "I believe that shower is still running."
Téa eyes him seductively. "Sounds good to me!"
Todd stares deeply into her eyes. "I love you Delgado."
"I love you Manning." And they go upstairs, together.


Fan Fiction by Kelly