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In the Light 3

Previously...She hears someone clear their throat on the other end.

"Alright, who is this?"

A long pause follows, but for some reason, Téa can't bring herself to hang up the phone.

"Delgado....I need you."


Téa's jaw drops as she realizes who is on the other end.


"Don't hang up, okay?" he asks, his voice nervous. He leans back in the chair he's sitting in, still in the commissioner's office.

Téa's eyes dart to the door before she speaks again, making sure no one can hear her.

"Where are you?" she asks, her tone a mixture of anger and surprise.


Téa closes her eyes, her anger fading into worry. Damn him. God, he could draw her in with his pain. Always.

"What happened?"

"Uh, I don't know really. I just know I'm in trouble. And that I need you."


"Yeah, I need a lawyer. A good one. And you're the best."

"Todd, I'm an ADA now."

"So what? You forgot how to be a defense attorney?"

"Well, no but..."

"Téa look, I know you're pissed at me and all, but I'm really screwed here. And you're the only person I can turn to."

She leans back, processing what Todd is asking. Just dropping everything and going to him, where ever he was. Not that she had much to "drop", her life here was pretty miserable. But could she do it? After everything that had happened between them?


A slight grin tugs at the corner of her mouth at his nickname for her. "Yeah, I'm here."

"I don't have a lot of time to talk here, and I know you probably have a zillion questions and wanna rip me a new one for what I did to you, but right now, I just need to know if you'll help me. I know you're probably thinking that I have a hell of a lot of nerve calling you now, for this, but if anyone can help me, you can."

Téa reaches over and pulls open her top desk drawer. She takes out the picture she keeps in there, near her at all times. It's a picture of her, Todd, and Starr, taken by Carlotta at their wedding. She smiles as she remembers arguing with Todd, who had wanted no part of the picture frenzy. But Téa had insisted and eventually won. It was her favorite picture. Her family. And despite everything that had happened, he and Starr were still her family, at least in her heart. She knew she couldn't turn her back on him. No matter how many questions there still were between them. No matter how hurt she was. He was taking a risk, asking her for help, something not at all easy for Todd. There was no way she could turn him down.

"Just tell me where to go."

Todd breathes a temporary sigh of relief. She was coming to him.

"Coles Park, Nebraska."


"Yeah, don't ask."

"What are you being charged with?"



"They haven't charged me yet."

"Okay, why are they holding you?"

Todd swallows hard, not wanting to say the words out loud.

"Come on, you have to tell me so I know what we're up against."

He closes his eyes, hearing the word "we". Comforting himself.

"A girl was raped and murdered last night," he says quietly.

"Oh my God," Téa whispers. "Okay, listen to me. Not one word to anyone til I get there."

"Yeah, whatever. Listen, Téa, don't tell anyone okay?"


"Look, make up some story on why you have to leave okay? I just...please?"

"Can I at least tell Viki and Starr I heard from you?"

A lump form in Todd's throat when he hears their names.

"Yeah, okay. Just don't say why. And Delgado?"


"Give Shorty a hug for me."

"You got it," Téa answers softly. "Tell the commissioner I'm gonna try to make it out there by tomorrow, the day after at the latest."


Téa runs her hand over the picture still laying on her desk. "It'll be okay."

Todd closes his eyes, her voice offering some measure of reassurance. "Yeah," he responds softly.

"I'll see you soon."

Todd doesn't respond, hearing the click of Téa hanging up the phone. Wanting to hang onto her voice, her reassurance, a little longer. After a minute, he sets the phone down. The officer who had been standing by the door opens it and nods for the commissioner to come back in. Todd looks up.

"She's gotta tie up some loose ends, she'll be here tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? We have to wait til tomorrow?" Frank asks, aggravated.

"Hey, she's coming from out of state. And don't even TRY questioning me. You're not gettin a word out of me without my lawyer."

Meanwhile, Téa sits at her desk, in a mild state of shock over the sudden, unexpected turn her life had just taken. But Todd was certainly sudden, and most definitely unexpected. She glances at the work on her desk, and realizes she has to come up with a story. A good one. A story that would make people believe she just suddenly picked up and left Llanview behind.

To Be Continued...