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In the Light 4

Previously...Meanwhile, Téa sits at her desk, in a mild state of shock over the sudden, unexpected turn her life had just taken. But Todd was certainly sudden, and most definitely unexpected. She glances at the work on her desk, and realizes she has to come up with a story. A good one. A story that would make people believe she just suddenly picked up and left Llanview behind.


February 2000,
Two days later,
Coles Park Police Department

Frank Wesley rubs his tired eyes, tired from staring at the folder containing the pertinent facts of the Cook murder. The case seemed open and shut. They had found Todd Manning draped over her body, apologizing profusely. He had priors for rape. Who else could it have been?

The rape and murder of 19 year old Amanda Cook had shaken up this small mid-western town. It was a quiet town, one not used to such brutal violence. A town wanting answers. A town more than willing to lay blame on an outsider.

He raises his head slightly as he hears a slight knock on his door.

"Come in."

DA Parker Matthews walks into his office, an air of smugness about him.

"How's our boy?"

"Completely close mouthed. Says he won't say a word until his attorney gets here."

"Any word on when that will be?"

"I heard from her yesterday, said she had to tie up some loose ends. She caught an early flight today. She mentioned that she was going to stop by the courthouse first, talk to Judge Collins."

"Why?" Parker asks, a note of suspicion in his voice.

"Judge has to approve her since she's out of state. Shouldn't take long, then she said this would be her next stop."

"Physical evidence back from the labs?"

"Some. Manning's prints are all over her. No surprise, he was practically on top of her when he was found."

"Any others?"

"Nope. Poor kid was definitely raped, although he must have used a condom."

"No evidence, huh?" Parker asks, inwardly congratulating his son. At least the damn kid listened to him, learned the important stuff.

"None. We're still trying to get any hair or skin samples so we can run some tests, but that's gonna take a little longer."

"Damn shame," Parker says, feigning a sympathetic voice. Good job, kid...taught the little slut a lesson.


The rough cement walls of the jail cell scratched Todd's skin through the thin cotton of his prison issue t-shirt. The pit in his stomach had only grown the last 48 hours. For the life of him, no matter how hard he concentrated, he couldn't piece together the events that took place during one of his routine benders. Taking a deep breath, he closes his eyes, trying for the millionth time to mentally re-trace his steps.

It had started out like any other day. He woke up, went to the local diner and had breakfast. Went back to his small, lonely apartment and watched TV, aimlessly flipping through the channels. Not even paying attention to what was actually on, just wanting the background noise to break up the interminable silence. The silence that was an endless reminder of everything he had lost.

Around five, he had made himself a box of macaroni and cheese. Bachelor food, he had thought grimly, thinking longingly about his wife, or ex-wife now, back in Llanview. Grinning as he had thought about how Shorty would insist on the macaroni and cheese made with the twists and not the elbows.

After dinner, he had pulled out a medium sized cardboard box he kept under his bed. It was his "future" box, at least that's how he thought of it. He collected things and kept them there for when he finally ventured back to Llanview. He sifts through and pulls out a small book with a floral fabric color, and a gold lock on it's edge. He had seen this in a little store and picked it up for Starr. For all that girl stuff she loved so much.

He had reached in again, blindly, and grabbed onto a small velvet box. Nestled inside was a beautiful gold bangle bracelet, with sparkling diamond chips sprinkled throughout the delicate piece of jewerly. Closing his eyes, he could see it hanging perfectly off of Téa's wrist, the bracelet perfectly setting off the honey color of skin.

As usual, the sight of the gifts he intended for his loved ones sent him into a tailspin of depression. And as usual, he had quickly grabbed his coat and keys and headed to Malloy's, a typical, dark roadhouse. Todd liked it. It was small, dark, grungy...pretty much a mirror of himself. No one bothered him, and he could drink himself into an absolute stupor. Numbness. Every now and then, glancing at the door. And as he got drunker, imagining she would walk through it and straight to his side. Looking at him with those big brown eyes, brown eyes that didn't see him as a monster. At least they hadn't before their wedding night. Who knew what he would see in her eyes when he saw her again. But in his drunken fantasy, Téa still believed in him.

He remembered chasing about three shots of Jack with a couple beers...and that's when things became fuzzy. He doesn't remember leaving the bar...but he does remember the alley. He can still smell it, damp and dank with the smell of stale beer and early morning dew. And then...his mind shuts down. Like a thick black curtain...and then next thing he remembers is waking up in this god forsaken cell.

"GOD DAMN IT!" he screams, frustrated. He slams his fist back against the wall. He had to remember. God, he had to remember.


Téa glances around the small police department. Light years smaller than the LPD. She had told everyone that she had to leave town suddenly to help an old friend. Not a complete lie. Hank hadn't been thrilled about her lack of notice, but she had managed to hand off most of her cases before she left. Truth be told, she was excited to be back on this side of the law again. She hadn't realized how much she had missed it. She just hoped she hadn't lost her touch, because although she didn't have all the facts of the case yet, she had a gut feeling that Todd was in deep trouble.

"May I help you ma'am?"

Téa flashes her most winning smile at the young officer. "Yes, I'd like to see Commisioner Wesley please? I'm the attorney representing Todd Manning."

The officer nods, and heads toward a back office. After a short conversation through the slightly open door, he motions for Téa to come back.

Frank Wesley stands up, and is slightly taken aback as the young attorney entered the room. He wasn't sure what he had expected, but young, petite, and beautiful was definitely not it. He extends his hand to Téa.

"I'm Frank Wesley."

Téa shakes his hand. "Téa Delgado."

"I assume everything went alright with Judge Collins?"

"Yeah, great."

"Well, we've been waiting until your arrival to question Mr. Manning , so I'd really like to get started."

Téa holds up her hand. "If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with him first. I haven't had the chance to talk to him at all, and, well, truth be told, this is the first time I've heard from him in a while. Just give me a few minutes, okay?"

Frank shrugs. "Well, we've waited this long. I'll have Officer Daley take you down to his cell."

Frank motions for Officer Daley, and Téa unconsciously tightens her grip on her briefcase. The realization of what's about to happen hits her. For the first time in fifteen months, she's about to come face to face with the man who caused her her greatest pain, but also gave her her greatest joy.


Todd paces frantically around his cell. His pulse had quickened with the stress he was putting on himself trying to remember what had happened that night. And with the thought that Delgado would be here soon. Jesus, nothing like a Todd Manning crisis to bring them back together.

He's so lost in thought that he doesn't hear the clink of the cellblock door opening. He doesn't hear the click of her heels as she slowly rounds the corner.

Téa stops for a second, realizing he doesn't know she's there. A lump forms in her throat watching him, like a caged lion. His long hair flying in back of him as he paces, the familiar tenseness in his body. God, she wanted to wrap him in her arms and she wanted to smack him all at the same time. But she knew she'd have to put her hurt and anger over everything that had happened aside for the moment. They had much bigger problems.

Todd stops suddenly, feeling her eyes on him. He slowly turns, his eyes down. The first thing he sees is her black heels. His eyes, slowly, tentatively, travel up her legs, to the hem of her black skirt. To the leather briefcase she is clutching, to her ringless left hand. To her beautiful brown hair laying on her shoulders. And finally, to her face.

"Hi, Todd," she says quietly, not sure what to say. She waits for him to speak to her, stepping closer to him. He's quiet, staring at her, almost frozen.

"Todd?" she calls softly, a bit of anxiety creeping up on her.

But he barely hears her. Her face. Oh God. As he stares at her...images flash through his mind...the alley...a girl...the damp smell mixed with the sweet scent of her brown hair...

Téa quickly moves closer to the bars, frightened by Todd's stare...the look in his's almost...haunted.

"Todd, can you hear me?" she asks, her voiced laced with panic. She knew she should be skeptical, what with his faking DID in the past...but deep in her gut...she could just feel something was wrong.

Todd couldn't hear her. He could see her lips moving, he could see worry in her eyes. He clenches his fists at his side, the onslaught of memories of that night slamming into his consciousness out of a drunken haze. Stumbling through the alley...the girl..the girl...her broken body..

...and her face.

A strangled cry escapes Todd's throat as he finally tears his eyes away from Téa. He covers his face with his hands, stumbling towards the cot.

"Oh, was you was you...."

To Be Continued...