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Lost 2

Chicago 1999

His hand tightens around the gun as he waits for another sign, another sound to confirm his paranoid suspicion that he is not alone.

He's coming for you....

He shuts his eyes against the all too familiar sinister voice. He waits. No sounds. He's alone. His grip on the gun lessens, and he slowly pulls his hand away.

You'll never be alone Todd...never...." Pete's cackling laugh runs like sharp needles throughout Todd's mind.

He closes his eyes and viciously bangs his head against the wall, hoping the dull pain will mask Pete's ominous words. He leans forward, his head down, wrapping his arms around his knees. He slowly begins to rock, an attempt to calm the confusion running rampant inside of him.

"Quiet," Todd whispers, "quiet...quiet...quiet...."


Penthouse, Later that evening

Téa lays on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Actually, it was Todd's bed. She slept in his room, although her things were in Starr's old room. For some reason, she just couldn't bring herself to move his things out. Her trance-like stare at the ceiling is broken by the slamming of the front door. No doubt her niece off to see Cristian. Things with her and Roseanne had been almost unbearably tense, more so than usual. An image of Anna Rosa popped into her mind. It was uncanny the resemblance Roseanne had to her mother. She felt a massive guilt wash over her. She wasn't exactly sure how to handle Roseanne, especially since she wasn't sure what Roseanne knew. She had pondered tracking down her brother Enrique, Roseanne's father, for reinforcements...but had decided against it. Roseanne's grudge against her father seemed almost as big as the one she held against Téa.

She blinks, trying to chase away the memories. She slowly turns her head towards the nightstand, where the re-discovered key lay. She rolls over slowly and reaches over for it. Grasping it in her fist, she rolls back over onto her back. Slowly, she runs her thumb along the cool metal. Frustration, anger, and pain had lead her to throw away the key. She had been so angry when she discovered the first key had led to nothing but another key. More games. But she stares at the key...a sobering thought runs through her mind...

"What if, with this key, in his own way...he's asking for help?"

It wasn't all that far fetched an idea. Todd was not big on coming right out and admitting when he needed help. But why now? Why after all this time, had this key found it's way back to her?

She shakes her head, ignoring her own question. Why try to make sense of it? Ignoring the answer that was as clear as day. She stands up and walks to Starr's room. Opening the top drawer of the dresser, she takes out a small wooden box. She walks back to Todd's room and lies on the bed. Slowly she lifts the lid.

Reaching in, she grabs the first item her fingers touch. Her wedding ring. Her eyes cloud with pain, remembering all that they had promised each other that day. Closing her eyes, she tries to push the pain away. She opens her eyes, and slips the ring on her finger. She forces herself to think back to the good parts of that day. How handsome he had looked. The feeling of dancing in his arms. A small smile crosses her face. She reaches back into the box, this time pulling out a dried peach rose. She had saved one from the bouquet he had brought her while in the hospital after Blair had pushed her out the window. Her eyes mist up as she remembers how caring and attentive he had been, taking care of her.

Her eyes are drawn to the last remaining item in the box. A folded piece of paper, still bearing old crease marks from when it had been crumpled up, slightly yellowed. She carefully picks it up, opening it. Todd's handwriting scrawled across the page. Words that expressed the depth of his caring for her. In her darkest moments, she would pull this out, remembering that there had been a time when he truly cared for and even loved her.

Téa shakes her head sadly. What had changed? What had gone wrong to turn it into one big lie? Or had it been? She sighs, turning back over onto her back. Something had always nagged at her about everything that had happened. And for some reason, lately it had been growing. But she had ignored it...pushed it away. It was inconvenient...she couldn't get on with her life if he was a constant presence, even in her thoughts. Not too mention, she couldn't really place what exactly was bothering her.

And suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, it hit her. Jessica. It had affected her memories, but subconciously it affected her thoughts of Todd as well, stirring up old suspicions....suspicions that had bothered her for months....that she doubted because her gut feeling had failed her last summer...or had it?

She jumps off the bed and grabs the phone. Dialing a number, she holds the phone to her ear, silently praying that she is doing the right thing.

"Viki?'s Téa Delgado...Fine, thanks. How's Jessica?....oh..well I'm glad to hear she is doing better. Listen, I know it's short notice...but do you think I could see you tomorrow? Oh, Llanfair...Okay...Thanks...See you then."

Téa puts down the phone. She turns back to the bed and picks up the key.

"So Todd," she whispers, "It begins again."

To be continued....