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Lost 5

"Relax, Téa. Now that I know, we can work this out and get past this."
But Téa is fuming. She's so angry, she barely hears his words.
"What did she tell you?" Téa asks in an icy tone.
John doesn't seem to notice. "She told me that your sister in law died and you feel somehow responsible."
Téa's eyes fill with tears as shes turns away from him. How could Carlotta do this?
"Look Téa, you don't have to be ashamed. Really. Now that I know, we can move on."
Téa just glares at him, shaking her head in disbelief.
"What I don't understand is why I had to hear it from Carlotta and not you," he says, speaking to her as if she was a little girl.
"Because it's none of your business. We broke up!" she replies.
"Come on Counselor, I want to work things out."
"Well, I don't," she mutters, turning and walking towards the window. Todd immediately leaps to mind as she stands in one of his favorite spots, overlooking Llanview.
Seeing her turn away, John immediately tries a different tact.
"Téa, you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm NOT Todd."
Téa freezes. They're words that had come from his mouth often since they had begun dating. She tried to ignore it, after all he was completely ignorant as far as her and Todd's relationship was concerned. But this time, that "Delgado" fire was raised in response. She turns slowly on her heel, and begins walking towards him, her face a mask of controlled anger. She stops in front of him and lifts her right hand.
Her hand connects with his face. With a complete look of shock, John turns back to her. "Don't you EVER presume to speak to me about MY relationship with Todd again. You were NOT have NO idea about what went on between us. NOBODY in this damn town cared enough to know! God forbid they RUIN their MONSTER IMAGE of Todd! As for you not being Todd, I'll second that one. He NEVER made me feel bad or wrong about the choices I made in my life, but you...that's all you seem to do!" she yells.
She sees anger light up John's eyes. "I cannot believe you're defending him after what he did to you!"
Téa takes a step closer, glaring at him. She speaks in a low, icy tone. "I guess I wasn't clear, you DON'T get to talk about my relationship with Todd. Or my past. Or anything. In fact, I think it's time for you to leave."
John slowly turns and walks towards the door. As he gets there, he turns to face Téa.
"You know, at first I thought that you had fairly innocent reasons for living here. But you're still in love with him aren't you? That's why you're here. You can't let that psycho go. It's too bad, cause we could have had something great."
Téa cocks an eyebrow. "I doubt that."
Sykes looks her up and down, shaking his head in a condescending way. He walks out, slamming the door behind him.
Téa walks over to the sofa and bangs her fists into the cushions. How could Carlotta do this to her? Wasn't there anyone she could turn to anymore? Renewed anger builds inside of her. She walks to the desk, grabs her keys, and heads for the diner.



Todd's eyes flutter open. He presses his lips together. Dry. His whole mouth is dry...fuzzy. He lifts his head, but the throbbing pain quickly makes him rethink his decision and he quickly rests it back on the floor. He lifts his hand, scratching his now uneven, scruffy beard. Where is he?

His eyes glance around the room, and with a sickening sense of dread, he realizes he's laying on the floor of Peter's old room. He frantically searches his mind for how he got here...but he can't remember. Damn. It happened again.

Closing his eyes, he tries to think about the last thing he remembers. The gun...thinking about the gun. Then Peter....a vision of him floating through his mind. That's it.

Despite the throbbing, he sits up. He looks next to him and sees a half empty bottle of scotch. No wonder he was hungover....all that scotch on a basically empty stomach. For the first time, he really looks at the room. Trashed. Completely.

Pete was out. The angry one. Tom wouldn't have done this. He was thinking about his father...and out came Pete.

A pit forms in Todd's stomach. What the hell was happening to him? Tears fill his eyes at his confusion, at his loneliness. He felt like the people he loved were so far away...almost part of another life. He had sent the key months ago to Téa..hoping she'd come for him. But part of him didn't really expect it. She probably hated him...and given that she thought he was faking...he couldn't really blame her.

She's not coming because the bitch doesn't give a damn about you Todd...she never was the money pal...only you were dumb enough to think it was anything more...

A sharp pain adds to the throbbing as the hateful words rip through Todd's head.

"Shut up," he whispers, holding his head in his hands. He slowly, waveringly gets to his feet, walking almost as if in a trance towards the door. He stops at a large cup on a table in the hallway and grabs a handful of change. He walks down stairs and out into the summer night. His appearance, straggly long hair, scruffy beard, clothes he hadn't changed in days, was that of someone completely strung out. He walks around the corner from the house...the usual route. Finally, he gets to the phone booth.

He picks it up and dials a number. The operator instructs him to put in more money. He reaches into his pocket and digs it out. He waits while the phone rings.


Todd is silent as he hears Viki's voice...wanting to speak...but can't.


Suddenly, he hangs up the phone. He couldn't face her yet. His sister...who he had hurt so badly.

He picks up the phone again, dialing another number. A number he had dialed many times since he had come here. The last he had heard, she had been at the ADA's office. It had become sort of a crutch for him, calling to hear her recorded message on her voicemail. He put in the right amount of change and waited.

You have reached the office of ADA Julie Thompson...

Todd tuned out....Thompson? He put down the phone. No. Where was she? Panic fills him. Did she leave town? What if he couldn't find her? He could feel the throbbing pain worsen and a wave of nausea overcome him as he slumps against the phone booth. Racking his brain, he tries to remember her cell phone number. He wasn't sure where she was living, so her cell phone was probably his best bet. His shaking hand deposits the money in the phone, and dials what he thinks is the number.

In her car, Téa hears the phone. She reaches over and fumbles around in her purse. Taking her eyes off the road for a second, she presses the "call" button.

"Hello?" she says, a vaguely annoyed tone reflecting her current state of anger.

Todd closes his eyes at the sound of her voice.

Téa rolls her eyes. Just what she needed tonight. A joker.

"Hello?" she says again, sound more annoyed. No response. She presses the "off" button and tosses the phone onto the passenger seat.

Todd hears the dial tone.

"Delgado?" he says softly. Gone.

He slowly puts the reciever back on the phone. He leaves the phone booth, his panic at not being able to find her quelled. His eyes mist up at the remembrance of her voice. And Viki's. Bringing up both hands and rubbing his eyes...he begins his walk back to his lonely exile.

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly