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To Get Me To You 2

Previously...Téa shakes her head, and focuses back on her son, who is now racing a play car across the room. "Jay...come here...come give Mommy a hug."
Jay runs over and throws his arms around her...Téa squeezes him tight.
"Love you Mommy," he says.
She pulls away, and looks into his much like his father's...
"I love you too... Jason Thomas Manning."

Tea's house, August 2001....later that same day

The small party Téa had put together for Jay's second birthday began to arrive around 4:00. Viki arrived first, immediately embracing her adorable godson. After Jay had been born, Téa made the very conscious decision to have Jay involved with as much of Todd's family as possible, since he wasn't around. Instead of having a godfather and a godmother, Téa decided on two godmothers for Jay, Viki and Carlotta. After hugging Jay, Viki came over and embraced Téa.
"And how are you today?"
Téa sighs, a slightly sad smile on her face. "Holding up," she says quietly.
Carlotta arrived next, along with Téa's niece Roseanne, Cristian, and Jessica. Sam Rappaport was also there, and the normally high powered attorney could be seen racing cars along with Jay. The last to arrive were Starr, Blair, and her husband, Dr. Tim Lange. "'Tarr!" Jay yelled, and ran over to hug his big sister. Starr beamed, and hugged him back.
"Happy Birthday little J," she said smiling. Téa walks over and gives Starr a big hug.
"Hey sweetie," she says.
"Hi, Tee," Starr says, smiling at her stepmother. Téa lifts her head and smiles at Blair and Tim.
"Hey guys...can I get you a drink?"
Blair nods. "Just one...we've got plans," she says, with a sly grin at her husband. Starr was gonna spend the night over at Téa's, giving Blair and Tim the night to themselves. As Téa got their drinks, she marvelled at how much the whole situation had changed over the last three years. She and Blair had barely been on speaking terms. They were still far from friends, but they managed to call a truce for the kids' sake, and the sake of the Sun. It had all started shortly after Jay had been born. Blair had come to her, offering her a proposition. She was still stinging from Asa firing her at the Sun, and although she still had a percentage of the ownership, it wasn't enough. The Sun meant a lot to Blair because it was going to be for Starr. So she had reluctantly asked Téa for help, knowing Téa was still legally married to Todd. After debating whether or not Blair had been on the level, the two had struck a deal. They would legally get the Sun back, Blair would run the news part, Téa would run the legal part. There was only one sticking point for Téa: when Todd returned, he would take over the Sun. Blair had bristled at that, knowing full well she could run the Sun as good as Todd...but knowing she needed Téa to pull this off, she had finally agreed. They had been running the Sun together now for over a year and a half, rarely actually working together though. Also, with Todd's absence, and Jay's birth, they had decided to try, for the kids' sake, to get along. The simple fact was that Starr and Jay were family, even if Téa and Blair didn't care for each they tried civility as much as possible. Blair had been married to Tim for over a year now. Téa grins at the thought. She never thought it would work, Tim seemed to tame for Blair...but they seemed to have a good effect on each other, and Tim was certainly good with Starr, and she clearly adored him. For Starr, Blair and Tim had agreed to stop by the party for a drink, and then they would be on their way.

Carlotta approaches Téa.
"I had so much fun shopping for him! This kid is gonna be spoiled!"
Téa smiles at her surrogate mother. "I know..I'm just as bad."
Carlotta notices the far off look in Téa's eyes as she watches her son play. "Are you okay?"
Téa shakes her head. "Huh? Oh yeah...I'm fine," she says, catching a look from Carlotta, who is not quite convinced. "Really...I'm fine."
Téa walks off. Carlotta watches her, knowing full well the person responsible for causing that far away look.


Todd flops himself into a chair in Dr. Hannon's office.
"What's up?"
"You tell me," Susannah says.
"I'm about to tell you something that may change that."
Todd looks at her with interest.
"I think you're ready to go home."
Todd sits there, staring at her in stunned silence.
"No reaction?"
Todd shakes his head, overwhelmed by her words.
"'ve been here for two and a half years. You have been to hell and're integrated. Is it over? No...but I do think you are ready to go back to your family...and continue your therapy on an outpatient basis. In fact...I'll coordinate that for you back in Llanview...if in fact...that's where you're going to go," she says, eyeing him.
Todd gets up and starts pacing. "You really think I'm ready?"
"Yes, I do. I thought this would make you happy."
"Yeah...I mean...I can't wait to see Shorty. I've thought about going back....for a long time now. It's just....I guess I'm afraid of what I'll find."
Susannah nods. "Téa."
"Yeah...I mean...I know Shorty's healthy....she's 9 now...I sort of know what to expect. But Delgado...I mean...I don't even know if she's in Llanview...and if she is....she's probably got a great life for herself now...without me."
"Maybe....and maybe this is your chance at starting over with her."
Todd just nods.
"How do you feel about this Todd?"
Todd runs his hand through his hair. "I don't know...happy....I guess to see my kid...nervous...but I guess it's time."
Susannah smiles. "Okay. Well...I'll coordinate your therapy back in Llanview...and you can leave when you're ready."
Todd nods, his mind swirling with images of Starr...and Téa.
"Thanks, Doc," he says quietly.

Tea's house, an hour later

"Tee...can I give little J his present now?"
"Sure, sweetie," Téa smiles. Viki walks up next to her, as they watch Starr give Jay his present.
"Little J...this is a very special present," Starr says, with big sister importance, "cause it's not just from's from our Daddy too."
Téa stares on...tears in her eyes, at Starr's words. Jay gazes up at his sister. He takes the present, and tears the wrapping. Opening the box, he takes out a stuffed frog.
"Foggy!" Jay says happily.
"This is Fred....just like mine. Daddy gave it to me....and Fred gives Daddy my messages while he's not here. So I told Fred to tell Daddy I needed one for you could talk to Daddy now you and Tee can talk to Daddy all the time!"
Téa looks on silently, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watches Jay and Starr play with the frog. Even though she was a self proclaimed "grown up" at the ripe old age of 9, Starr still believed in Fred the magic frog.
Viki leans in closer, and speaks softly so the kids couldn't hear her. "One day, when Jessie was watching Starr...she overheard Starr asking Fred to tell Todd to send another frog for I went out and got one and made it look like it was from know so Starr would think he got her message."
Téa nods, wiping at her tears. "Thank you Viki."

Téa's house...a few hours later

Starr and Jay were safely tucked in for the night. All the guests had left...except for Viki. The two women were cleaning up the kitchen. Téa opened the refrigerator, and poured them both glasses of iced tea.
"It was a great party," Viki says.
Téa nods, silent.
"Téa...what's wrong?"
Téa sets down her glass and wraps her arms around herself. "Another birthday he missed," she answers quietly, "another birthday for a son he may not even know he has," she finishes sadly.

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly