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To Get Me To You 4

Llanview, Two Days Later

His dark green rental sits well hidden by the trees. Todd Manning peers out from under the baseball hat he is wearing, gazing at the house. Their house. It was on the outskirts of Llanview, big and beautiful, but comfortable at the same time. When he had seen it before their wedding, he knew it was perfect for them.

He had landed last night. Susannah had arranged for him to continue therapy here, and she would fly in next week to meet with his new doctor and him. After settling himself in a hotel outside of town, he had come here. Not knowing what he would find.

Todd wasn't even sure she was still in Llanview. But this was the first place he had looked. And he wasn't disappointed. The first thing he saw when he drove up this morning was her car, the car he had given her so long ago now.

But still no sign of her. He could barely wait to see her. He wasn't gonna reveal himself to her now...he needed to see her first. Another car drove up, an older woman gets out and walks towards the house. Todd furrows his brow. Cleaning lady? Yeah..probably.

He sees the door open again, and his heart races as he lays eyes on her...for the first time in three years. She was dressed casually, in a cream colored short sleeveless dress. Her long brown hair hung around her shoulders. He could barely breathe, looking at her. The early morning sun shining off her hair. Her smooth, honey colored skin. Suddenly, he wished he had picked a house with a longer driveway so she wouldn't disappear into the car so quickly. Even from a distance, she is incredible to him.

Téa gets in her car and drives off. Todd sighs. Tonight...tonight he would see her. But right now, there was another girl he needed to check on.


Later that evening

Todd again finds himself parked by their house. He had spent the day running all over Llanview checking out summer camps, searching for his daughter. He finally found her, at the third one he looked at. Again, he didn't make himself known to her. He just watched her. His heart nearly broke as he noticed how big she had gotten. He had missed so much, but he had to remind himself it was for a good cause. He grins to himself as he remembers her long blond hair flying wildly as she played kickball with a bunch of friends. Tomorrow, he would find Blair and make arrangements to see Starr.

He looks toward the house, taking a deep breath. She had already arrived home when he had gotten there. He had been sitting there for a couple of hours now, just watching the house....trying to get up the nerve to go see her. He had discarded the "disguise"from earlier and was now wearing jeans and a black pullover. He runs his hand through his hair, and opens the car door. Very slowly, he begins walking toward the house.

Téa looks at the clock. 11:00 already? Sighing, she walks toward the kitchen. She had put Jay down a few hours ago. She grabs a cold beer out of the fridge and walks back into the living room. There is a stack of papers on her coffee table. Financial records. She collected these from Todd's accountant every month with the hope she would find some unusual activity on them, a clue perhaps to his whereabouts. Usually though, it was just the normal activity of his accountant. She pops open the beer and sits down on the couch, preparing to weed through the records.

Todd ascends the steps of the front porch. As quietly as possible. Slowly, he lifts his hand and knocks on the door.

Téa looks up at the sound. A curious look crosses her face.
Who could that be at this hour?
She sets down her beer and walks over to the door. She swings it open....

And freezes, with shock. Both of their faces register shock as they realize they are standing in front of each other again. Téa tightens her grip on the door handle, sure that if she lets go, she'll collapse. Todd searches her face for any sign of anger. But all he sees is shock, disbelief, and maybe even a little relief. Attempting to hide the anxiety he feels at seeing her again, he leans against the doorjam, a sexy grin crossing his face.

"You're doing that thing with the bug eyes again, Delgado."

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly