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To Get Me To You 6

She tries to slow down her breathing and figure out what happened. Why would he run off like that? She brings her hands up to her mouth, leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees. Where would he go? Not that she could go anywhere tonight anyway...with Jay upstairs....
Her head snaps up. Jay.
"Oh, no....." she whispers.


Next Morning, Llanfair

Todd glances at his watch. After a long night of driving aimlessly around the streets of Llanview, he had arrived at Llanfair to talk to his sister. He still hadn't decided what to do. He couldn't really think straight...the thought of his Téa with someone else ripped him in half.

7:00 AM.

Todd runs his hand through his hair and gets out of the car. Well, it was early, but he'd wake her up. This was important. He walks up the front steps of Llanfair, and is struck by a sudden nervousness. How would she react? Would she be angry? Clenching and unclenching his fists, he finally lifts a hand to ring the doorbell.

Viki looks up from her coffee and the morning edition of the Banner. Early for visitors. She stands up and tightens the tie on her robe, walking to the door. Nothing could have possibly prepared her for what she found on the other side.

Her eyes widen at the sight of her brother on the other side of the door.
"Oh my God," she whispers.
"No, it's me , Todd," he replies, a small grin on his face.
Viki looks at him in shock. She blinks a few times, shaking her head.
"Yeah?" he says, slightly sarcastic. He walks past her and into the foyer of Llanfair. Viki swings the door shut and turns to face him. She takes a few steps towards him, and throws her arms around him. Todd rolls his eyes at her typical female reaction, and awkwardly hugs her back...inwardly both and happy and relieved that she was happy to see him.

Finally letting him go, she looks up into his eyes.
"Where have you been?"
Todd shakes his head. "Long got any coffee?"
Viki nods, motioning for him to follow her into the kitchen.


Téa sits on the couch, fidgeting. She hadn't slept at all. She had spent the night alternating between pacing and sitting by Jason's bed. She had called Jeannie, her nanny, to see if she could come earlier. She had to find Todd. She glances over at her early riser son, playing with his trucks. She watched as his eyes, his father's eyes, followed the path of the yellow trucks, playing complete with sound effects.

Téa snaps her head up and sees Jeannie walking in the front door.
"Jeannie...thank you for coming early on such short notice."
"No problem, is everything okay?"
Téa glances at Jay. "Not sure...I hope it will be," she says quietly. She walks over and kneels down next to Jay.
"Mijo..I'll see you later okay?"
Jay smiled. Téa picks him up in her arms, hugging close.
"Te amo, mijo."
"Amo mommy," he replied. Téa smiles and sets him down. With one last wave to Jeannie, she grabs her keys and heads off to her destination.


"You mean to tell me this whole time you were in Susannah's care?"
Todd nods, staring at his coffee cup.
"Well, I wish we would have known that, that certainly would have lessened our worries."
"I didn't want anyone to know...I had to do it myself."
" how's Shorty?" Todd interrupts, trying to change the subject.
"She's great..she misses you of course. You haven't seen her?"
"I saw her...she didn't see me. I can't believe how big she got."
"She's beautiful....she's going to be so happy to see you."
"Yeah...and ticked...I mean that I left her so long."
"You'll make it up to her....she won't stay mad at her daddy for long."
Todd shrugs, hoping she's right. He knew he had a lot of explaining to do to everyone, particularly his daughter. They are silent for a moment, when Viki's head shoots up.
"Todd...have you seen Téa?"
Todd's heart lurches at the mere mention of her name. His fingers tighten around the coffee cup.
"Uh...yeah...I saw her last night," he says quietly, looking down.
Viki gives him a strange look. "Did she see you?"
Viki's brow furrows. If he had seen Téa..he must know. But this wasn't the reaction she expected.
"So, Viki," Todd says, looking up at her, " she happy?"
The look on Todd's face not only touches Viki's heart, but confuses her. He is obviously still in love with her...but if he had seen her...why did he look so sad?
"I suppose...I mean as happy as she could possibly be under the circumstances."
Todd nods slowly, looking back down at his coffee cup.
Viki is interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. Sighing, she stands up.
"I'll be right back, okay?"

Viki swings open the door.
"'re not gonna believe this...but.."
"Todd's back," Viki interrupts, smiling.
Téa does a double take. "He's here?"
Viki nods, gesturing for Téa to come in. "He said he saw you. Did you tell him?"
"I didn't get the chance...he's a long story."
"Well that explains why I didn't get the reaction I expected when I asked him about you. Look, he's in the kitchen...I'm gonna go up and get dressed okay?"
Téa nods gratefully at Viki. "Thank you."

Todd looks up from his cup as he hears footsteps.
"You got anything to eat...I'm starving."
Téa walks through the kitchen doorway, staring at his back.
"I'm sure Viki's fridge is stocked."
Todd whirls around at the sound of her voice. He stares at her, taking in the sight of her.
"I should wring your neck for leaving last night. Three show up..then you just walk out?" Téa starts, her anger getting the best of her.
"You were busy," he answers quietly, his eyes never leaving hers.
"I told you to wait."
Todd looks away and stands up. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he walks over to the counter, leaning against it. He looks down at the floor as he speaks.
"I didn't wanna bother you."
"Is that what you think..that you were bothering me?" Téa asks incredulously.
Todd continues staring at the floor, deciding to bite the bullet. He would have to deal with it sometime.
" got a kid, huh?"
Téa's eyes fill with tears...knowing exactly what is going through his mind. Typical of him to jump to the conclusion that she had had a child with another man, and not him.
"Always knew you'd be a good were great with Shorty," he continues.
"Thanks," she says quietly, tears starting to fall.
"So, uh....Jay huh? I mean that's what you said right?" he says, still not making eye contact with her, afraid to let her see the pain in his eyes.
Téa walks a few steps towards him.
"Yeah...Jay...actually it's Jason Thomas Manning."
Todd's head shoots up.
"For his father."

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Kelly