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To Get Me To You 8

Previously...Todd closes his eyes at her touch, and grins. "Whether you like it or not."

"I like it."

He opens his eyes and reaches up to grab her hand. Gently, he lifts it to his lips, kissing it softly.

Téa smiles. "So, how would you like to meet your son?"


Todd sits in the passenger seat of Téa's car, slumped down so he isn't visible to anyone. Téa had gone in the house to tell the nanny she could leave. Todd hadn't wanted to deal with anyone.

He was still having difficulty wrapping his mind around what Téa had told him. A son. Their son. He was still in a state of shock. It seemed almost incomprehensible to him that for the past two years, Téa and his son had been living quietly in Llanview, waiting for him.

His eyes move to the front door as he sees a woman walk out. He waits until she's in her car and a safe distance down the road before moving. He clenches and unclenches his fists, a nervous habit. What would he say to him? Would his son be afraid of him?

Todd takes a deep breath and gets out of the car. In the light of day, his eyes roam the house had had bought with the idea that he and Téa would raise Starr and their own children there. After their disastrous wedding night, he had thought that dream was an impossibility. But now, maybe it wasn't impossible as he had thought. Was that hope? He wasn't sure, his life had taught him not to hope for much because more often than not he wound up disappointed.

He walks up the steps of the front porch, stopping outside the screen door. The sight he sees overwhelms him. Téa, on the floor, holding their son on her lap. God, he was beautiful. He watches in fascination, taking in ever expression that crosses his son's face.

Téa looks up from the floor, and sees Todd standing outside the door. She smiles gently at him, motioning for him to come inside. Todd suddenly feels himself paralyzed. He can't move as his eyes watch his precious son. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve his two beautiful children, his incredible wife. He had walked out on them. Sure, he had good reasons, but he had still left. Cut himself off from them, caused them pain and worry.

And here Téa was, waving him in, wanting him to meet his son. How could he do this? Look at all Téa had been through, all Starr had been through. But Jason...he could still be saved the pain of knowing and loving Todd Manning. He could turn and walk away right now, and Jason would grow up with nothing but a few pictures and the recollections of others.

Standing outside the door, looking in on his wife and son through the screen, he felt almost like he was watching a movie. A movie he wanted more than anything to be a part of. Just add his daughter to that picture and it would be perfect.

And it was there for him, all he had to do ws open the door. He could step into that picture. He wanted to, so much. But he was frightened his mere presence would ruin its perfection. And Téa, Jason, and Starr, they deserved that perfection. What Todd didn't know or couldn't seem to understand was that to his wife and son and daughter, his presence was the only thing that would make the picture perfect.

Téa watches him from the floor with concern. She knew him well, she could see the fear. She recalls a conversation they had once about Starr, about the first time he had met Starr. How he had been terrified of going anywhere near Starr, but Viki had made him. She glances at Jay, whose busy with his fire truck. They needed each other, Todd and Jay. She knew that. So maybe she would have to do what Viki did, and make Todd come inside.

She gets up and walks towards the door. Her eyes roam Todd's face, his tear filled eyes. Watching their son with a mixture of amazement, confusion, fear, sadness, and love.

"Todd?" she whispers, "Todd, it's okay, come inside."

Todd swallows hard. He looks at Téa. In her eyes, he could see how badly she wanted this. Family had always been important to her. Him, too, not that he would ever admit it. And it astounded him that she would want this so badly after everything that had happened. But here she was, coaxing him inside with her soft voice. That, combined with his own desire to be part of that picture, outweighed the fear. His fingers found the doorknob, and he opened the door slowly, listening to it creek noisily.

The sound of the door causes Jason to lift his head. His inquisitive eyes, hazel like his father's, look back and forth between Téa and Todd. He bolts up and quickly runs over to Téa, standing behind her leg. Peeking out, looking up at Todd. His little face screwed up in a questioning way.

"Mommy...who dat?" he asks, tugging on Téa's pants and pointing to Todd. Todd swallows the lump that has formed in his throat. Téa grins, leaning down and scooping Jay up into her arms.

"Jay," she says, her voice cracking with emotion, "this is your Daddy."

To Be Continued...

Fan Fiction by Kelly