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To Get Me To You 9

Previously..."Mommy...who dat?" he asks, tugging on Téa's pants and pointing to Todd. Todd swallows the lump that has formed in his throat. Téa grins, leaning down and scooping Jay up into her arms.

"Jay," she says, her voice cracking with emotion, "this is your Daddy."


Jay gives Todd a curious glance at hearing his mother's words. Todd runs his hand through his hair nervously, glancing from the floor back to Jay.

"Uh..hi Jay," he says, meeting his son's eyes. Like looking in a mirror.

Jay looks from Todd back to Téa and starts fidgeting around in Téa's arms.

"Down," he demands. Téa sets him down, and her eyes widen as Jay runs towards the stairs, half crawling and half walking up the short flight.

"Jason, where are you going?" she calls, confused and worried. Jason doesn't respond, his small legs continuing to climb the stairs. Todd's heart twists painfully as he watches his son run from him.

"Well, that didn't take long," he mutters, looking down so Téa couldn't see how hurt he was. But she hadn't missed his face. She knew he was crushed.

"Oh, know he's probably just confused! Yeah, I mean all his life, I've told him about his daddy and showed him pictures, so seeing you is probably kinda ...jarring for him. Don't worry okay?" she finishes gently.

Todd looks at her but doesn't say anything. He walks over and sits down on the sofa. Couldn't blame the kid really, who wouldn't run screaming from the room at the sight of him? He grins morbidly. Oh yeah, therapy had helped him a whole lot.

Téa watches him, worried. "I'm gonna go talk to him," she says. Todd doesn't acknowledge her, busily staring at a spot on the floor.

But no sooner does she turn toward the stairs than she hears slow, careful footsteps on the stairs. Todd hears them too, and looks up. Jay holds onto the side of the stairs with one hand, and is holding something in the other. Téa goes to the stairs, just to make sure he makes it down okay. When he gets to the bottom, he gives Téa a huge grin. He then walks over to Todd and climbs up on the couch next to him. He places the picture frame he is holding in Todd's lap. Todd looks down and sees it's a picture of him and Téa from their second wedding. He grins slightly. He hated getting his picture taken, but after much insisting on Téa's part, he had given in. He feels a rush of memories coming back from that day, even though there were parts that were a major blur. She had the most beautiful smile on her face, and believe it or not, he was smiling too. He shifts his glance to Jay, who is looking up at him. When he sees he has Todd's attention, Jay points to Téa in the picture.

"Mommy," he says, matter of factly, then points to Téa, who is still standing by the stairs watching, "Mommy."

He looks at Todd, who looks confused, but nods anyway. Then Jay points to Todd in the picture.

"Daddy," he says, then gets up on his knees next to Todd. He reaches up and touches Todd's face.

"Daddy?" he asks, shifting his glance to Téa. Tears slip down Téa's cheeks as she watches them, noticing Todd's eyes shiny with tears as he stares in awe at their young son.

"That's right, mijo. That's your Daddy," Téa replies, moving closer to them. Jay considers this, then turns back to Todd. His face lights up with a big smile.

Todd exhales, feeling a sense of relief. Jay hops off the couch, grasping Todd's hand.

"Wan' see twucks?"

Todd glances up at Téa, then back at Jay. "Uh...yeah, let's see 'em."

He stands up, gently grasping his son's hand. Jay leads him over to where he had been playing and sits down. Todd sits down next to him, never taking his eyes off of him, it still being completely incomprehensible to him that this bit of perfection in front of him was part of him. He grins as Jay hands him a truck, chattering on and on about all his different toys. Todd didn't care what he was talking about, he could watch and listen to his son for hours.

Téa walks over and sits on the sofa, sinking slowly down onto it. Silent tears slide down her cheeks as she watches them.

Father and son, finally they belonged.

To Be Continued...

Fan Fiction by Kelly