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Never Tear Us Apart Part 1

"I, I was standing, you were there,
two worlds collided,
and they can never tear us apart."

"Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS

Tea Delgado Manning sits quietly on the Llanview docks. She cannot understand or even begin to navigate the twists and turns her life has taken in the past year. She remembers a time before, when she had been on these same docks. She can almost feel the terror she had felt when Todd didn't resurface right away. She remembers the relief and love when she had felt when she looked up and saw him standing there with that adorable grin, holding out her necklace. Todd's proposal, the lodge, his DID, or fake DID as it were, their wedding, their wedding night.... Tea's eyes fill with tears. That night, the night they had finally connected physically and emotionally. She remembers lying in his arms after, thinking she had never been so happy. And then, all hell had broken loose. That stupid tape had played, and in one second their relationship had exploded. Todd had lied to her, made a fool out of her.

Or at least she thought. She had spoken to Viki after Todd left, and over the course of the two months he had been gone, Viki had managed to convince her that Todd really was sick. Tea was worried now, more than angry. Since she had talked to Viki, the thought of going to him, trying to find him had crossed her mind more than once. She loves him, still, after everything.

And now....she takes her wedding ring out of her purse, where she has kept it since Todd sent it to her. She slips it on her finger, allowing the tears that fill her eyes to run down her cheeks. She looks at it, wishing things had been different. She still is Todd's wife, never having the heart to get an annullment. She closes her eyes, mulling over the latest turn her life has taken. She has just come from the doctor, who gave her the surprise of her life....Tea is pregnant.

She looks at the ring again, and speaks softly to herself, "Well, Todd, I always wanted to have your baby, I just never thought it would be like this."

A psychiatric facility in Northern New York

Todd Manning lays on his bed in his private room. One good thing about being a millionaire, a big private room. Todd can't wait to get out of Northlands, he has so much unfinished business. That thought causes him to glance at the pictures of the two people who are the center of his world: Starr and Tea. He misses them both so much he can hardly bear it. But they are the reason he is here.

After he had left Llanview, he had checked himself into this place. That episode on the plane had freaked him out. Now, he wants help. He wants to go home a better man, at least in some respects. He wants to be a good father and always keep Starr safe. And he wants a life with Tea. Todd wants to make up for everything he ever did to hurt her. He has to win her back. She is his soulmate, and he knows in his heart that he cannot live without her. He holds both pictures close to his heart.

"I'm coming home," he whispers, "someday. When I'm okay. And we'll be a family. Me, Shorty, and Tea."

Viki greets Tea with a big hug.
"I'm surprised to see you!" Viki says warmly.
"Viki, I need your help. I need to find Todd."


Fan Fiction by Kelly