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Never Tear Us Apart


Todd is anxious as he listens to her words. "Okay."
Tea looks at him, taking a deep breath. "Will it be like last time?"
"What do you mean?"
Tea speaks, her eyes never leaving his, "Well, we were married and lived together before, Todd. Is it gonna be like in one bedroom, me in another?"
Todd's eyes continue to lock with hers, "Is that what you want?"
Tea grins slightly, " I asked you first."
Todd begins to run his hands through his hair. He loves her, wants to be with her, but is unsure about what she expects....
Tea senses his anxiety. "Todd, I'm not talking about least not yet. I know you're still working through a lot. To be honest, I'm not ready to take that step again yet, you know? A lot has happened...," her voice trails off, "but sleeping in the same to bed with you...that I do want and that I am ready for .....are you?"
Todd relaxes with her words. He wants to make love to her, badly, but he is terrified of hurting her. Even though they had made love on their wedding night...well so much had changed. He had realized the alters were real, and Todd had to make sure they, specifically Pete, were under control before they took that step again. He would die before he let himself hurt Tea. But what she was asking, that was okay, in fact, it was more than okay.
Without a word, Todd stands up and holds out his hand to Tea. She looks up at him with questoning eyes, but takes his hand. He silently leads her upstairs, and finally stops at a large room. He is still holding her hand, and uses his other hand to gently raise her chin so he can look into her beautiful brown eyes.
"This one," he says softly, "I thought this one could be ours."
Tea smiles, "Ours?"
Todd grins at her, "Yeah, Delgado, ours."
Tea walks into the very large room and turns on the light. She sees a mattress on the floor covered with blankets.
Todd sees her looking at the mattress and says, "I thought...well in case we wanted to stay here tonight.."
Tea smiles, and sits down on the mattress, "Todd Manning, you think of everything, don't you?"
Todd walks over and sits down next to her, "Yeah, you know me, Mr. Boy Scout, always prepared."
Tea laughs, "Yeah, right Todd, you...a boy scout...that'll be the day!"
Todd watches her, enjoying the smile that lights up her face and the sound of her laughter that fills the empty room.
Tea turns to him, and reaches up to touch his cheek. "Thank you," she whispers.
"For what?"
Tea smiles, "For this, for everything. This is the sweetest, most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me."
Todd savors the feel of her fingers on his cheek. Impulsively, he leans in and gently kisses her lips. Tea is slightly surprised, but responds, moving her hand from his cheek to his silky brown hair.
They pull apart, keeping their foreheads pressed together, staring into each other's eyes. There is a silence, as they are both unsure what to do.
Finally, Tea breaks the silence. "You know, you've been back for three weeks and this is the first time we've kissed," she says softly, smiling.
Todd grins, "Well, considering we were married for like 8 months before I even kissed you the for the first time, I'd say 3 weeks is downright rushing things."
Tea laughs, her heart melting at that adorable grin. They both haven't moved, neither one wanting to break the spell that has come over them.
Todd's eyes wander over Tea's beautiful face, the feelings running through him so strong. For her, only for her had he ever felt like this.
"I could tell her," he thinks, "I could tell her and she'd stay."
His eyes lock with Tea's as he takes her hand. "I love you," he says quietly, earnestly.
Tears spring to Tea's eyes as she hears those words from Todd. Her mind flashes back to the months he was gone...the anger, the pain, the worry....but the one thing that overrode all of those emotions was her love for him. It was the most powerful emotion she felt...and her love for him was the strongest bond she held with anyone.
"I love you, Todd," she whispers shakily.
Todd can't believe he is actually hearing her say those words, after everything that happened. He pulls her close, holding onto her for dear life, and realizing again what he has always known, even way back during their "business deal"....Tea is the one.
They pull apart slowly, and are both struck by a sudden awkwardness. They glance at each other and smile nervously, the magnitude of what just happened hitting them both.
"Well," Tea says, after what seems like an eternity, "I'm wiped out...being pregnant is exhausting!" She lays back on the mattress and rests her head on a pillow.
"You think that's exhausting, try being married to a pregnant woman," he says with a sly grin. Tea playfully punches his arm, laughing. Todd turns off the light and lays down next to Tea. He turns on his side, propping his head up on his elbow. His eyes adust to the darkness, allowing him to make out Tea's soft features.
"Ok, the first thing we need is some furniture," he says.
"Did you hire someone?"
"No, I thought you would want to....I mean hire someone or I don't know..girls like to decorate stuff, I thought you might want to." Even in the dark, he can see Tea's eyes light up. "Just one condition," he says, "not a flowery chick stuff."
Tea giggles, "Don't worry, I never figured you for a lace and flowers guy."
"There's a room right next to this one, that could be for Junior here," Todd says, as he gently strokes Tea's stomach.
"Good idea. And I saw one right across the hall from that one...that could be Starr's room."
Todd smiles at the thought of his daughter, "Yeah, she'll like this place."
They talk for a while, about their plans, their future. Both of them unaware that a monster is lurking close....biding his time....waiting to destroy them.



Late July, 1999

Todd enters the house quietly. He had been working late at the Sun, and he didn't want to wake Tea. Things had been going well. He continued to tick the town off with his headlines, something he takes great pride in. Therapy was ok, as good as it could get in Todd's mind. He had managed to convince Blair to let Starr spend one night a week with him and Tea. And Tea...they were getting along great. Sure, they had their arguments, but what else was new? In fact, their arguments were kind of funny when he looked back on them. They always managed to work things out, even as stubborn as they both are. They had even become more intimate with each other, though they had yet to make love. There was sort of an unspoken agreement between them that they would wait until after the baby was born. Todd had to admit to himself that waiting to be with her was difficult...even eight and a half months pregnant she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. And he was feeling more confident that he was integrated, that he wouldn't hurt her.
"Not much longer," he thinks. The baby would be here soon, and then he and Tea would be together, again.
He walks into their bedroom and changes into a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. He still doesn't sleep all that much, usually a couple of hours a night at the most. But he likes just lying there with her, watching her sleep. He glances at Tea, her sleeping form illuminated by the moonlight coming through the window. He gets into bed next to her and puts his arms around her. He smiles as she instinctively snuggles closer to him. It never ceases to amaze him how she can just sleep for hours on end like that. He strokes her long hair lightly as he looks at her...thinking how beautiful she is, how sweet and peaceful she looks.....

"And helpless, " Pete says,"ver y helpless...we could take her right now Todd. C'mon, I know you want her would be so easy."

Todd's hand freezes in Tea's hair, a wave of nausea sweeping over his body at the thought that just ran through his mind. He can't move. His rational mind kicks in, and he hears his own voice in his head screaming, "Get away from her, don't hurt her!"
Todd wills himself up and out of bed as quickly as his shocked and terrified body can manage. He leaves the bedroom and walks downstairs, as if in a daze. He pours himself a glass of scotch, and takes a long drink, feeling it burn his throat.
He takes a couple of deep breaths. "NO, NO....that didn't just happen, you're not here...I know you're gone."
Todd takes another drink. "Are you here Pete? If you are, answer me...don't hide...come on out," Todd is talking out loud, daring Pete to show himself.
Pete sneers silently,"Not yet Todd, I'm not ready to play just yet."
The silence that follows Todd's voice relaxes Todd somewhat. He tries to make sense of what happened.
"Just my imagination," he says quietly,"yeah, you know, the Sun, therapy, new baby's just stress. Pete's gone....he can't hurt Tea or anyone else."
Todd repeats this thought silently over and over in his head. The scotch is beginning to take the edge off his nerves. The nausea and panic pass, and Todd relaxes as he convinces himself that it was nothing more than his imagination.
"I would never hurt you Tea," he whispers.


Tea reaches out in her sleep to Todd's side of the bed. The empty space there causes her to awaken. She looks around sleepily.
"Todd?" she whispers.
She notices a dim light coming through in their bedroom door, and gets out of bed to see what is going on. She walks slowly down the spiral staircase, and looks into the living room. She sees Todd, sitting on the couch, staring off into space. Worry takes over as she looks at him, so silent, so distant. She slowly walks toward him.
"Todd?" she calls softly.
The sound of her voice snaps Todd back to reality. "Hey Delgado," he says, trying to cover his anxiety. Seeing her standing there in front of him, so sweet, is calming to him.
"What's wrong?"
"Todd, you're sitting here in the middle of the night, drinking, and staring off into space. But nothing's wrong, " she gives him a disbelieving look.
Todd looks at her, thinking about whether or not he should tell her. "Why," he thinks,"No big deal, just my imagination, nothing to worry need to worry her."
He grins, "Oh, you know, the Sun. Blair is whining about needing a new contract, Briggs is wimping out on headlines...usual stuff."
Tea sighs,"Well, I'll stop by tomorrow and draw up a new contract for Blair. As for Briggs, can't help you there."
"Delgado, don't worry about it, Blair can wait. You need to rest."
Tea laughs, "Todd , I'm me I won't break if I do a little work. Besides it won't take me too long."
"Okay, whatever."
Tea takes his hand, "Why don't you come to bed? You look exhausted," she says in an affectionate, but worried tone.
Todd hesitates for a second, remembering what happened. "You're fine," he thinks, "go with her."
"Yeah, I'm beat," he says.
They go upstairs and get into bed. Todd holds Tea close, watching her drift back to sleep.
"I promise I will never hurt you," he thinks.
He closes his eyes, willing sleep to come....hoping it will make him forget......


Never Tear Us Apart 12

Todd is sitting in the office of his therapist, Dr. Barry Spencer. He was tired, he didn’t get much sleep after what had happened last night. He had his appointment first thing this morning, and then was meeting Tea at the Sun to go over Blair’s new contract. He looked at his doctor. They had talked about several things this morning. Todd hadn’t brought up what happened the night before. He was afraid to, afraid to hear the doctor tell him Pete was back. But he had to know…for Tea…for Starr…and their baby.

"Hey Doc," he says, "Can I ask you something?"

The kindly looking older gentleman smiles at Todd, "That’s why I’m here."

Todd shifts uncomfortably in his chair. "Is it possible that the alters could come back?"

Dr. Spencer looks questioningly at Todd, "Is there something you need to tell me?"

Todd glances at him nervously, "No…I was just wondering, you know, cause I got a wife, kid, one on the way…I just want to make sure they’re safe."

"Well, Todd, the alters are always going to be there, they don’t go away, they’re a part of you…but you are in control now…not them."

"That’s what you think, you quack," Pete sneers.

Todd grins with relief, "Yeah, I know… I just want to make sure I don’t go screwy in front of my family."

Dr. Spencer smiles, he has to admit he gets a kick out of Todd. The session is interrupted by the ringing of Todd’s cell phone.

"Yeah?" Todd says.

"What! Now…ok, I’m on my way," he stands up and heads for the door.

"Todd, what’s the matter?"

"I gotta go, Doc…I’m about to meet my new kid."


Tea lays in the hospital bed, waiting patiently for Todd to arrive. She had been at the Sun when her water broke, and Kelly had driven her here. She had called Todd from her cell phone. Blair had called Viki and arranged for Viki to pick up Starr and bring her to the hospital. Blair would stay with Max and handle the Sun. A contraction seizes Tea, and she clutches the sheet on the bed to try and fend off the pain.

Tea’s doctor, Dr. Langley, enters her room, smiling.

"Well, Tea, I guess our little friend decided to come out early," she says.

Tea smiles, "Impatient, I guess. Takes after Todd."

"He’s here, I just saw him arguing with some people who were making him put on scrubs."

Tea laughs, "I’m not surprised."

All of the sudden , Todd charges into the room.

"Why do I gotta wear this thing?"

Dr. Langley smiles, "Hospital rules."

Tea glances at him, "By the way, I’m fine Todd," she says jokingly.

His eyes turn to Tea, and he smiles. He walks over to her and takes her hand. "So this is it?"

"Yeah, this is it."

He uses his free hand to stroke her hair. A stab of panic rips through him as he sees a pained look across her face.

"Are you okay?" he asks worriedly.

Tea breathes deeply to try and control the pain. "It’s just a contraction Todd, don’t worry."

"But it hurts you."

Tea smiles at his concern, "Yeah, but pain seems to be part of the package," she says, "besides, it will definitely be worth it."

About two hours have passed, but to Todd it seems like two days. He hates watching Tea in pain…it may be part of the package but he doesn’t have to like it.

Dr. Langley smiles at them. "I think we are ready!"

Todd and Tea look at each other, realizing that they are finally going to see the little person that helped bring them back together.

Tea listens to her doctor, doing everything she says when she says it. She clutches Todd’s hand while she pushes, getting more strength from him. Todd watches her, love admiration, and a little fear in his eyes, as his free hand strokes her damp hair. Very soon, an indignant cry is heard.

"Congratulations!" Dr. Langley says as she holds up the baby, "You have a new son!"

Todd and Tea look at the crying bundle of energy Dr. Langley places on Tea’s lap.

"He’s so beautiful," Tea whispers, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Todd can’t speak. He looks at his son, then at Tea. The relief and love he feels is so strong inside him. The nurse picks up the baby and takes him to a nearby table to clean and examine him.

Todd’s eyes lock with Tea’s. He leans in close and gently kisses her forehead.

"I love you Delgado," he whispers.

Tea is exhausted from the labor, but she squeezes Todd’s hand, which has never left hers.

"I love you too Todd."

She closes her eyes, and feels Todd’s head next to hers. They lie there thinking…about the future…about Starr…and their son….



September 1999

Five week old Thomas Todd Manning, Jr. sleeps soundly in his crib under the watchful eyes of his mother. Tea cherishes the peace and quiet as she gazes at her beautiful baby boy. T.J., as they call him, has Todd’s full mouth, and Tea’s eyes. Well, at least, the shape, but the color was the hazel of his father’s eyes. She gently plays with his brown hair, so much like her own. She smiles as she remembers the conversation with Todd about the baby’s name….

"So I guess we gotta come up with a name…can’t keep calling him ‘the baby’," Todd said as he held his son carefully.

Tea smiled, "Well, you’ve been calling him Junior since you found out…I think we should stick with that."

"We should name him Junior? You went to subject this kid to a life of ridicule?"

"I mean, Thomas Todd Manning, Jr."

Todd glanced at her, and back to his son. "Don’t want to curse the kid, Delgado," he said softly.

"Todd, it would not be a curse. You are so strong to have fought through everything that happened to you…besides, it was this little guy who brought you back to me."

"I was coming back to you regardless."

"Yeah, but he certainly helped speed it up. I think it’s perfect. We can call him T.J."

"You’ve thought a lot about this," he grinned, and looked at his son, who is gazing up at him. "Okay, what do you think? T.J. okay?" he asks, and the baby responds by clutching some of his father’s hair.

"I’d say that’s a yes," Tea said, smiling…

Tea leaves her sleeping son and walks into their bedroom. She glances at the stack of work on the bed. She had been doing most of her work for the Sun at home, heading to the office once or twice a week. She wants to stay home with T.J. as much as possible. On some of the days she was home, Blair had agreed to let Starr come over after school. Starr loved being a "big sister", and Tea loves watching Starr and T.J. together. For the days Tea went to the office, they had hired a nanny, Janet, an older woman who had clicked with T.J. instantly.

Tea sighs and looks at their bed. She had had her check up this morning, and Dr. Langley had said she could resume all her "normal activities". Including sex. She and Todd had not really talked about it all that much since he’d been back, they both just took it for granted that they would wait until after the baby was born. And truth be told, Tea hadn’t been ready to resume a physical relationship with Todd when he had first come back to Llanview. But…over the months he had been back, their trust with each other and in each other had been built back up. And they had grown more intimate. She had to admit to herself, as she sits on their bed, that she wants Todd, badly. She wants to have the marriage they started to have before…well before everything blew up on them. But was Todd ready? She doesn’t want to push him, ultimately his therapy and state of mind was more important.

Todd walks in the front door and smiles at the picture that greets him. Tea is sitting on the sofa holding T.J. and singing to him.

Tea hears him walk in and turns. "Look T.J., Daddy’s home."

"Hey," Todd smiles and takes his son from Tea. "Hey Junior." T.J. reaches up and plays with Todd’s goatee. They sit down next to Tea.

"How’d your appointment go?"

Tea looks at him. "Okay, she gave me a clean bill of health." Tea searches his face, wondering if he understands what that means.

It takes a second, but the realization of what she means hits Todd. He is filled with desire for her, and anxiety…what if he hurts her?

"Good," he says lightly, glancing nervously at her.

"Yeah," Tea says, not sure what to say.

Todd looks at her, and notices that she seems as unsure as he does. He puts T.J. down in his seat. He turns to Tea and takes her face in his hands. He leans in to kiss her, a long slow gentle kiss. They slowly pull apart.

"I mean it Delgado. Really good."

Tea smiles at him. "Todd, you know, there’s no rush…"

He interrupts her. "It’s cool. Really. Besides… it’s been a while," he grins wickedly.

"Yes, it has," she agrees, giggling.


Tea nervously looks at herself in the bathroom mirror. She looks stunning in a short navy blue spaghetti strap nightgown. Her hair falls loosely around her face.

"You’re being silly," she thinks, "c’mon, you just had his child. It’s not like we’ve never done this before!"

She smiles slightly at her reflection. "Here goes.." she whispers.

Todd walks into their room. He has just checked on T.J., marvelling at how sweet and beautiful he is. He doesn’t want to miss a second of T.J. growing up…he had missed so much with Starr. But now, he was going to watch both of his children grow up.

He looks around and figures Tea must be in the bathroom. He flops himself down on the bed, wearing his usual pajama pants and t-shirt. He runs his hand through his hair. He’s nervous, but he wants this, with her, …tonight….

Pete watches with growing interest. He sees his golden opportunity, the opportunity to have Tea and get her away from Todd…for good. But he decides against it.

"You know what Todd, just to show you what a nice guy I am, I’m going to let you have her…once. Just once…but after tonight…Delgado’s all mine."

Todd doesn’t hear Pete…he is distracted by the sight of his beautiful wife entering the room. He looks at Tea, appreciation and desire in his eyes. Tea walks over to the bed, and sits down next to him.

She smiles nervously at him, "Is T.J. okay?"

"Huh? …. Oh yeah, he’s fine."

They both sit there, awkwardly glancing at each other.

All of the sudden, Tea laughs. "God, will you look at us? You’d think we’ve never done this before!"

Todd grins, the tension between them somewhat eased. "Yeah, and we have, I remember it well," he says, somewhat wickedly.

He moves in and gently kisses her. Tea responds, sliding her hands into his thick brown hair. His hands move over her silky nightgown slowly, savoring every inch of her.

He suddenly pulls away, "Tea, if something happens…if you get scared.." he whispers, but Tea gently places a finger over his mouth.

"I am not scared of you. I trust you, so you should trust you," she says softly, and reaches up to kiss him.

The kiss becomes more intense, more passionate, as their pent up longing for each other over the past months comes to the surface. They lose themselves in each other, rediscovering everything they thought they had lost forever in the cabana….

And in Todd’s mind, Pete has an evil grin, "Enjoy her Todd…because this is the last time…"

To be continued…..

Fan Fiction by Kelly