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Never Tear Us Apart


PREVIOUSLY...And in Todd's mind, Pete has an evil grin. "Enjoy her Todd...because this is the last time.


Tea slowly opens her eyes at the sound of T.J. crying. She looks up at the clock...5:30 AM. She is exhausted, but smiles at the memory of why she didn't get much sleep. She starts to get up, but Todd quickly pulls her closer. She gently extricates herself from his arms. He mumbles something in his sleep, and grabs her pillow and holds it close. Tea giggles softly as she puts on her robe. She walks into the nursery and picks up her crying son.
"You know something T.J.," she whispers as she gently rocks him, "I think maybe your daddy and I are gonna get happily ever after after all."


A couple of hours later, Todd enters the kitchen and picks up his son.
"Coffee?" Tea asks.
"Yeah, thanks."
They both seem to be aware of a certain awkwardness, shyness between them. Almost like they didn't know how to act around each other. After what seems like an eternal silence, Todd speaks.
"You okay, Delgado?"
Tea smiles nervously, "I'm fine, why?"
"You're quiet."
"I'm fine, really."
Todd looks at her, and a thought occurs to him.
"Sorry about last night?"
Tea gives him a surprised look. "Of course not!....Are you?"
Todd grins, relieved. "No way Delgado."
Tea attempts to explain her feelings. "Todd, it's just that...well last time we made love...I mean it was incredible...but then the tape...I didn't see you for two months."
"That's not gonna happen this time, I'm not going anywhere."
"I know Todd," she says as she moves closer to him, "it's just it finally looks like we're gonna be okay, you know? I guess I'm afraid something will happen..."
Todd interrupts her, "I promise, Delgado, it's for good this and me...nothing or no one's gonna come between us." He leans down and gently kisses her lips, as if to seal his promise.
After the kiss, Tea smiles. "Well, in that case, I sort of had an idea."
"Well, I was thinking maybe T.J. could stay with Viki or Carlotta tonight...we can have some time alone...but you know if it's too much too soon, I understand."
"No, sounds good to me. I'll call Viki and see if she can take T.J."
"Okay, I'll make dinner...that means no working late today," Tea says with a sly grin.
"Benefit of being the boss," Todd says,"I can leave whenever I want."


Later that afternoon, Tea arrives at Llanfair with T.J. Todd had arranged for Viki to take him for the night.
Viki opens the door and welcomes in her sister in law and her nephew.
"Hello," Viki says warmly.
"Hi, Viki. Thanks so much...are you sure it's not too much trouble?"
"Of course not...any time I get to spend with my adorable nephew is wonderful," she says as she takes T.J. from Tea. T.J. responds by going after Viki's necklace.
"Things are going well with you and Todd I see."
Tea smiles, "Very well, Viki. I guess maybe I'm a little nervous that we're rushing things, though. I mean he still has work to do in therapy."
"Yes, but you are a great help to him...and I know Todd would never do anything that would hurt your future together."
"'s just that Todd and I are actually happy...I guess I' m just afraid it will end."
Viki gives Tea a sincere smile. "I know, you think things might be too good. But you know what, after everything you two have been through, you deserve it."
"Thanks Viki. Now you be a good boy for Aunt Viki," she says to T.J., gently kissing his soft forehead.
"Daddy and I love you," she whispers.
"Enjoy your evening."
"Oh, we will."


Todd walks into the house. It had already been a long day at the Sun, and it was only 3:00. He decides to lay down for a little while, maybe catch a nap. After all, he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. He smiles at the memory, and in anticipation of the night to come. Just to have her to himself for the whole night....
He drifts off to sleep, with thoughts of the evening ahead floating through his mind.

Pete sneers wickedly. Boy, Delgado couldn't have planned it better...the kid was out of the house....he couldn't have done it better himself.
"That's it go to sleep, where you belong...but you'll be sleeping longer than you's my turn now...Delgado's mine."



Tea is driving home from the store. She has just picked up the makings for her romantic dinner with Todd. She smiles to herself, eagerly awaiting the night ahead.


Pete awakens from the nap, firmly in charge now that he has put Todd in the back where he belongs. He slowly walks around the house, checking everything out; he had been in the back for so long this was the first chance he had to explore. He walks up to the bedroom, and starts rummaging through Todd's clothes...God he hates them. But he would have to deal with it. Tea had to think he was Todd...that was the most important part of the plan. If she thought he, Pete, had taken over for Todd, she would try and "help" him.
Pete smiled, "No way Delgado, I won't let you help him...he doesn't need your help...I protect Todd, ...that's all the help he needs."
Pete's thoughts shift to Tea. She is so desirable to him. He had watched her for so long...waiting for his chance. He was attracted to her...Pete had to admit there was something about Delgado that was different from the others...that made Pete want her for himself. Pete hates that she loves Todd, not just because she makes Todd happy, which is bad news for Pete, but also because he feels that Todd can't handle such an exciting woman. But Pete...he could...and he would.
He walks over to the dresser and begins going through the drawers. After a few minutes, he finds exactly what he is looking for. A short, red spaghetti strap negligee. Pete could see this on Tea in his mind, the red satin clinging to her beautiful body. He would have her wear this tonight. The sensuous picture he has formed in his mind is interrupted by the opening of the door downstairs.
"Oh good, my darling sweet wife is home," Pete sneers, and walks downstairs.
He goes into the kitchen and finds Tea putting away groceries.
She turns around and sees him standing there, "'re home early."
"Yeah, I couldn't stand listening to Max, Blair, and Kelly anymore."
Tea laughs. "I know that feeling."
Pete watches her intently as she finishes putting away groceries. His eyes wander up and down her perfect body, admiring her.
"Oh, have I waited for you Delgado," Pete thinks.
"By the way, I ran into one of your favorite people today."
"Kevin Buchanan."
Pete feels a surge of jealousy and anger rip through him. His mind flashes back to when Tea and Kevin had staged their little makeout session. Pete had been so angry, watching Tea with Kevin. More proof that he had to protect Todd from her. And watching that...Pete had wanted to be where Kevin was...with Tea. The anger and jealousy overtook Pete.
"Covering your bets, Delgado?"
Tea whirls around, shocked. She remembers that tone...all too well.
"Excuse me?"
Pete composes himself quickly. He hadn't meant for that to come out. It would make her suspicious. She had to think he was Todd. He attempts to cover.
Pete smiles innocently, "Just kidding, Delgado."
Tea eyes him warily. She relaxes. "You're overreacting," she thinks.
"Okay," she says, turning back to her groceries.
Pete breathes deeply. That had been close.


Todd Manning feels a strange sensation. He feels like his whole body is asleep, almost numb. What's going on? He remembers going to sleep...and now...he feels like he is in a haze. In the distance, he hears Tea's sweet voice, chatting away. Who is she talking to? He hears his voice respond. Fear grips him. Why can't he see anything? He struggles against the haze...but he is helpless. A terrifying realization comes over him...he is not in control. Someone has taken over.
This can't be happening, he thinks.
His mind races...and he remembers the times in the past few months he had heard Pete's voice. He had chalked it up to stress...but Todd now realizes he was wrong. He struggles, trying to take over, but he is weak, tired...but he had to keep trying. As he listens to Tea's distant voice...he knows he has to fight...the monster is so close to her....

To be continued.....

Fan Fiction by Kelly