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Never Tear Us Apart

Never Tear Us Apart 18

Previously...Until they arrived, she would have to play along. She strips off her clothes and throws on the nightie. She walks toward the phone..listening for any signs that Pete was returning. Silence. She picks up the cordless and presses 'power'. No dial tone. Tea's body fills with panic. She tries again, but no luck. With a sinking feeling, she looks behind the nightstand. Before she even looks, she has the sick realization that she knows the problem...
The phone line was cut....


Pete walks into the kitchen. He starts aimlessly searching for two glasses and a bottle of wine. He hadn't really paid much attention to this stuff...watching Tea had always been more interesting. As he is opening various cabinets he is startled by a sudden flash of pain in his head.
"What the..."
"Stay away from her Pete!" Todd says, his tone still weak, but insistent. He has managed to fight his way up again, and he is determined not to lose this chance to stop Pete.
Pete laughs wickedly. "Funny! You actually believe you can fight me Todd? Haven't you learned yet? You have lost everytime you've tried, and you'll lose tonight. Give it up, Todd. Delgado's mine."
"Never! I'll never let you have her," Todd shoots back.
The pain is starting to increase. Pete frantically rubs his forehead. "Why, Todd? Because you love her...because she loves you?" Pete says mockingly.
"Shut up Pete, You don't know anything about it." Todd's voice is becoming stronger, but Pete is strong, too. Todd can't seem to break the final barrier and take over, Pete is fighting him with everything he has. "Come on, Todd. You're an idiot. You really think she loves you? She wants your money...just like all the rest. Trust me. We can have some fun with her...and then she'll be gone....we don't need her anyway."
Todd replies, his voice slow and demanding. "I won't let you hurt Tea."
Pete laughs. "Like you can stop me! You loser...I've had you fooled for thought I had 'integrated'. Well, Todd my boy, I never was and I NEVER WILL BE."
Todd doesn't reply. Pete's words sink into his spinning brain.
He did fool me, Todd thinks. Maybe I can beat him at his own game.
And with that thought, Todd remains silent...formulating his plan.


Tea is pacing furiously in the bedroom. She now had no idea what to do...and no way to contact anyone. The cut phone wire had panicked her to no end. She momentarily thought of just running out the front door...escaping before Pete came back. But that thought exited her mind quickly as she looks down at her wedding band. Her mind drifts back...

With this ring I do wed thee, Thomas Todd Rodd Pete Perkins Manning, and with it I pledge to you my laughter, my understanding, and my love...for now and forevermore."

The words echo in her mind. The look on Todd's, hope, and surprise that she was actually still marrying him after he had walked out earlier. She couldn't leave him now...and she wouldn't. Todd needs her now, more than he ever has. And she has to stay and help him...their family's future depending on it. She hugs herself, feeling a little chilled in the nightgown Pete wanted her to wear. Her eyes frantically search the room, trying to find anything to help her and Todd out of this....and in the corner she spots her briefcase. She rushes over to it, praying that by some small miracle Pete hadn't found her cell phone in there and hidden it. She opens the briefcase and with a sigh of immense relief...pulls out her phone. She smiles, and begins dialing Viki's number. She is so filled with relief...she doesn't hear Pete coming up the stairs.

Pete walks into the bedroom, holding two glasses and a bottle of wine. He had gotten rid of he was ready to let the games begin. Tea's back is to him. He is momentarily distracted by the vision of the satin nightgown clinging to her body...his fantasy had been so accurate. But then...he sees her put the phone to her ear. He drops the glasses and wine on the bed and rushes over to her. Pete roughly grabs her arm, using his free hand to grab the phone away. Tea's head jerks around, her eyes wide with shock. She hadn't even managed to get one phone call made. Todd's, Pete's filled with anger. Pete makes sure the phone is off before leaning close to Tea...his grasp painful on her arm.
"I thought I told you, no phone calls," he says menacingly.
Tea doesn't know what to say. How does she play this? She looks directly into those angry eyes. "You're hurting me," she says, somewhat defiantly.
Pete grins, "This is nothing, Delgado. I knew can't be trusted. All that I love you Todd don't love me Tea."
Tea looks at him.
He wants me to think he is Todd.
She jerks her arm from Pete's rough grasp.
"You're wrong."
"Really?" Pete sneers.
"I do love Todd...maybe you could tell him for me...Pete."
Pete quickly fills with rage. How the hell did she figure it out? He moves fast, like lightning, pushing Tea against the wall, pinning her wrists. He is so close to her...their faces mere inches apart.
"I'm Todd."
Tea is expressionless, except for the defiance burning in her brown eyes.
"No, you're not."
"Maybe you just don't want to accept the real me."
Tea replies in a steady voice, her eyes never leaving his. "Give it up, Pete. I know. I know you're part of Todd, but you're NOT Todd."
Pete is furious...she has to pay. He moves his face even closer to hers, his grip on her wrists tightening, his body pressed forcefully to hers.
"I am Todd" he says again, in an angry, sinister voice.
Tea's heart is pounding with fear, but she doesn't let it show. She continues to show him nothing but her toughness, her defiance. She's not going down without a fight. She notices, suddenly, that Pete relaxes against her. His eyes blink rapidly for a few seconds. Then, Tea hears a weak voice.
"Don't believe him, Delgado."



Tea is startled. "Todd," she whispers hopefully.
His head snaps back up...the fire and anger in his eyes returning with a vengeance. Tea's heart sinks...if Todd had been there...he was certainly gone now.
"Yeah?" Pete says obnoxiously.
Tea shakes her head and looks straight into those hazel eyes, at the moment so twisted with evil.
"Nice're not Todd."
Pete can see she has figured him out. He is furious...but he would destroy her...he has to protect Todd.
"Okay, Delgado, you're right....Todd pales in comparison to me," he grins, "I hope you're ready to play with me," he says, his voice laced with evil. He runs his finger along the top of her nightgown...his eyes locked with hers.


Todd is exhausted. He had fought his way back to the front for a second...long enough to get out and speak to Tea. He was watching Pete, so close to her. He saw the defiance in Tea's eyes.
"That's my girl," he thinks ,"I'm coming Delgado...just hang on."


"So Pete," Tea spits out his name angrily, "What did you have in mind?"
Pete grins...she was a spitfire for sure....this was going to be fun.
"What do you think, Delgado?"
With all the strength she can muster, she manages to push him far enough away that she can get away from the wall.
She glares at Pete, who is looking at her with an amused look on his face.
"Todd won't let you."
Pete throws his head back and laughs. "Delgado...I thought you were smarter than really think Todd is going to save you? He doesn't love you...he wants you gone...I'm just doing all the work."
Tea's eyes temporarily cloud with pain. Is that true...NO..NO..he loves me ...I know he does!
"I don't believe you," she says, continuing to glare at him.
Pete walks toward her. Tea backs away. She is not looking where she is going...and falls on the bed. Pete grins.
"I guess you are ready to play!"
Tea tries to get up...but Pete is too quick. He climbs on top of her...the weight of his body making it nearly impossible for Tea to move. He quickly grabs Tea's wrists in his large hands and pins them against the bed above her head. His other hand is slowly moving up her thigh....
Tea feels sick...this can't be happening!


Todd is becoming more and more aware of his surroundings. He is still not in control...but he is starting to regain some of his senses. With a sickening feeling he realizes that Pete has Tea pinned to the bed. He can see her face...her eyes...filled with anger...but there is fear creeping in. He had heard what Pete said to her....that he didn't really love her and he was using Pete to get rid of her.
If I don't win this one...she's gonna think that's true...that I didn't fight for her...
He pushes against the invisible wall that is Pete...trying to force him back.
Tea is glaring into those hateful eyes.
Todd ...where are you? I need you...I can't do this alone...

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly