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Never Tear Us Apart Part 2

Viki looks worried. "Tea, is everything okay?"
Tea wonders what to tell Viki. She knows she can absolutely trust Viki, but she feels in her heart that Todd should be the first to know about their baby.
"Yeah, Viki, I don't know, I'm just worried. I need to know he is okay."
Viki looks with amazement at her sister in law. Amazement that Tea could still love her infuriating brother after everything that has happened. Viki remembers Tea's anger and pain after Todd left, and her worry and anxiety after Viki had convinced her Todd was really sick. She knew that Tea was not completely over Todd's betrayal, but she also knew that Tea's love for him was greater than her anger and that her love would always win out.
"Tea, I wish I knew where he is, I'm just as worried as you are," Viki says sympathetically.
"There's got to be a way to find him," Tea says, her mind working furiously to come up with a way.

"So, what's up today Todd?"
Todd's piercing eyes look at his psychiatrist, Dr. Jay Michaels. He was in his early 50's, had long blond hair, and made Todd think he should be in some commune somewhere instead of being a doctor in a psychiatric facility. But Todd liked him, as much as he could like any shrink.
"Not much, just another day in the bin, Jay."
Jay smiled. Todd Manning had been a challenge, but they had built up a pretty good relationship.
"Have you thought anymore about what we talked about?"
"I don't know, you know. I'm not sure I want anyone to know I'm here."
"Todd, I'm not saying you have to broadcast it. Maybe just let the people closest to you know; like your sister, your wife." Jay looks at him hopefully.
"Viki would understand, you know, she's had her own problems. But Tea...she probably would think I'm up to something," Todd says sadly.
"I don't think you give Tea enough credit. I'm sure she is worried and would want to help you."
"Jay, you didn't see her face, her eyes. She was so hurt, and I can't blame her. All she ever did was love me and all I ever did was hurt her."
"Todd, if that were true, she would never have married you."
"Look, when I get out of here, I'm going to do everything in my power to win Delgado back, to show her that yeah, I lied about some things, but I never lied about my feelings for her. She's gonna know that she and Shorty are the most important things in my life. I just think I need to give her more time, you know? I don't want to blow it by pushing her too soon."
Jay doesn't want to push. "Just think some more about it, okay? Your sister and your wife could be a great source of love and support for you."

Tea is sitting in her suite at the Palace poring over Todd's financial records. It had been Viki's idea, that since as Todd's wife, she has access to all his records, maybe she could find a clue. Tea hadn't really paid attention to Todd's affairs, with the large exceptions of Starr and the Sun. She wasn't even really sure what to look for. After what seems like hours, something catches her eye. A cashed check dated December 5, 1998 for a very large sum of money, and another one for the same amount on January 5,1999. Both during Todd's absence from Llanview.
"Where are these from?" she asks, frantically searching for an answer.

Tired of her fruitless search for the receiver of those large checks, Tea decides to look for answers at the bank. After all, the bank would have to know who was the recepient of those checks. She meets with the bank manager, who after confirming that she was indeed Mrs. Todd Manning, went in search of the information. Tea waits anxiously, knowing she is close. She looks at her wedding ring, which she has not taken off since the docks. She comes to the realization that she wants to keep it on.
Maybe, just maybe....
Her hand wanders to her stomach, as she imagines the life she and Todd created growing inside of her. Her thoughts of are interrupted by the bank manager.
"Mrs. Manning, it seems those checks were payment to a Northlands Hospital in Buffalo, New York."

To be continued.....

Fan Fiction by Kelly