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Never Tear Us Apart 3

Tea stands outside the large, old building, her heart filled with anxiety.
Well, at least if doesn't look institutional, she thinks.
Northlands Hospital is a beautiful building, looking like an old mansion. It is in a residential area of Buffalo, and gives off a feeling of calm and serenity. Unfortunately, that calm and serenity does not rub off on Tea.
"Ok, here we go," she says to herself anxiously.

Tea walks into Northlands, and into the office of the receptionist.
"May I help you?" the receptionist asks politely.
"Yes, I'm here about a patient that is currently under your care, Todd Manning." Tea hopes that she is masking the emotion in her voice.
"Do you have an appointment?"
"Uhh...No, I don't."
The receptionist flips through some papers, and looks back up at Tea.
"I'm sorry, but Mr. Manning has requested that he not have any visitors."
Tea's face crumbles. "Please. I'm his wife. I just found out he was here, and I have come a long way. I need to see him. Please," Tea pleads, her eyes shiny with tears.
The receptionist seems to be affected by her words. "Well, I ...I guess I can see if I can find his doctor."
The receptionist leaves, and Tea waits, hoping with all of her heart that her trip here will not be wasted.

"Mrs. Manning, I'm Dr. Jay Michaels." He extends his hand to Tea, who accepts it.
"Dr. Michaels, it's nice to meet you, and please call me Tea," she replies with a smile.
"And you call me Jay. I have to say I'm surprised to see you. Glad, though. I'm glad Todd decided to let you know what's going on with him."
Tea looks confused, "Excuse me?"
"Well, I assume since you're here that Todd called you. Am I wrong?"
"Yes, I haven't heard from Todd since..." her voice trails off as she looks down at her wedding ring, remembering the day she received it in the mail, "...well, it's been awhile," Tea says sadly.
Jay looks at Tea with interest. She looks so sad, worried. After everything Todd had told him about what had transpired between them, he is somewhat surprised that she is here on her own.
Tea looks at Jay with a small smile. He looks kind, easy to talk to. Certainly not like a typical psychiatrist. Perfect for Todd.
"Look, Jay, I know Todd does not want to have visitors, but it is very important that I see him. I need to know he's ok, I need to hear his voice...Please, can you help me?" Tea's voice breaks as she finishes.
"Tea, Todd has been through a lot, he's still very fragile."
"I'm not here to fight with him, or upset him. I just want to see him," Tea replies softly.
Jay knows that seeing Tea could be very good for Todd. After talking with Todd so much, it is obvious he is deeply in love with Tea and desperately wants to have a future with her.
"Well, Tea, I'll talk to Todd and see what I can do."

"What? Did I miss a session?" Todd asks, obviously not in the best of moods.
Jay looks at Todd, who is lying on his bed, trying to gauge what Todd's reaction will be to the news.
"No. Todd you have a visitor."
Todd shoots Jay a disbelieving look. "C'mon Jay, no one knows I'm here."
Jay smiles, "Well, evidently this person tracked you down," Jay walks over to Todd's night table and picks up the picture of Tea, "You know what, Todd, she is even prettier in person."
Todd looks up at Jay, the words sinking in. "Delgado's here?" he asks slowly.
"Yes, she is, and she wants to see you."
"Did you call her?" Todd asks in an accusing tone.
"No Todd, I didn't, she found you all on her own. I know you're probably nervous about seeing Tea, but she really wants to see you. She is very worried."
"She probably hates me, everything I put her through," Todd's voice is sad, remembering the hurt and pain in Tea's beautiful brown eyes.
"Todd , the woman that I just spoke with does not hate you. If she hated you, she wouldn't be here. Someone who would go to the trouble of tracking you down and taking a chance on coming to see you is someone who cares very deeply about you. So, what should I tell her, will you see her?"
Todd picks up Tea's picture. It would be good to see her, living, breathing, right in front of him. To hear her voice, which he only heard in his mind now. He runs his fingers gently over the picture.
"Yeah, I'll see her."

Tea walks down the long hallway, following the directions Jay gave her. She sees his room, room 112. She stands in front of the door, the full realization of what is about to happen finally hitting her.
Todd sits on his bed, anxiously running his hands through his hair. He is nervous. He realizes that this is the first step, the first chance he has really had to start to rebuild things with Tea and he doesn't want to blow it. He hears a knock, and takes a deep breath as he walks towards the door.
He opens the door, and their eyes immediately lock, like they have so many times before. The concern, nervousness, and love in Tea's eyes is mirrored in Todd's. They stare at each other for what seems like an eternity, neither one wanting to break the moment. Todd finally speaks, giving Tea his adorable grin.
"Hey Delgado."

To be continued.......

Fan Fiction by Kelly