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Never Tear Us Apart Part 6

MARCH 1999

It's almost two months since Tea has found Todd. They talk a couple of times a week, and their relationship is seems to be slowly building back to where it was before the lodge incident. Tea is sitting in Todd's office at the Sun. He had been thrilled to hear that she had taken it back from Blair, Max, and Kelly. Tea wasn't really sure why she had done it at first. It seemed like a good way to channel her anger at Todd, and a way to get back at Max and Blair for keeping Todd's secret. It hadn't been all that difficult, after all the court had already declared Todd mentally incompetent, so it was easy to get the contracts declared void. She had kept the three of them on, after all Tea didn't know anything about running a paper. She had put Briggs in charge, which turns out had been a good move because all Blair, Max, and Kelly seemed to do was argue. Tea became head of the Sun's legal department. At first, she was unsure as to whether taking over the Sun had been the right move. But, then, after she found out Todd was really sick, she was glad she had done it. Now he had the Sun to come home to. She knew how much it meant to him. And now, he wouldn't have to sell his soul to Max, Kelly and Blair to get it back.

Tea sighs and shifts uncomfortably in her chair. "If this is four months pregnant, I can't imagine what I'll feel like at nine!"

The town's reaction to Tea's pregnancy had been pretty much what Tea expected. Most were surprised and shocked, not believing that Tea would actually be happy about having Todd Manning's baby. Tea didn't particularly care what people thought about it. Viki was thrilled, as was Sam. Blair had been less than thrilled, but Tea sort of expected that reaction. Starr, on the other hand, was ecstatic. Tea smiles at the memory of Starr's eyes lighting up about having a little brother or sister. Still, no one knew where Todd was. No one knew, except Viki, that Tea was in contact with him. That's what Todd wanted, and she would abide by his wishes.

Tea glances down at the picture in her hand. She had had a sonogram this morning, and this was a picture of their baby. She picks up the phone and dials Todd's number. He had managed to get a private phone in his room. "Benefits of being a millionaire," he had told her.
"Hey Delgado."
Tea smiles into the phone. "How did you know it was me?"
"Who else calls me?"
"Good point," she replies,"How are you?"
"Okay...... stir crazy......bad choice of words, I guess."
Tea laughs, he could always make her laugh.
"How are you and Junior?"
"Great, actually, that's why I'm calling. Is there a fax machine there?"
"Hold on, I'll check."
Tea waits on the line as Todd runs to find out. He comes back and gives Tea the fax information.
"Ok, " Tea says, "Go to the fax, I'll hang on."
Todd goes to the machine, and soon sees a picture coming through. He picks it up and goes back to the phone.
"What is this?"
"It's our baby. I had a sonogram this morning and that's the picture. I thought you might like to see it."
Todd holds the picture in his hand, tears forming in his eyes. Their baby.
"Thanks," he whispers.
Tea smiles, wishing she could see the look on his face. Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Max and Blair's bickering coming towards her.
"Oh, Todd. I have to go, I 'll call you later, ok?"
"Ok.....hey again."
Tea hangs up and braces herself for another round with Max and Blair.

Todd hangs up the phone, and sits down on the bed, still staring at the picture of their baby. A feeling of loneliness washes over him. All of the sudden, he jumps up and makes his way quickly to Jay's office. He knocks on the door.
"Come in."
Todd walks in. "Jay, I want to go home."

Todd is packing up his things. Tomorrow... he was going home tomorrow. Jay had been reluctant at first, but eventually he agreed that Todd was ready to deal with his problems on an outpatient basis. Jay would find a doctor in Llanview for Todd to continue his therapy with. Todd is excited. He feels better than he has in a long time. He looks at the pictures of Starr, Tea, and their new baby. He knows he is getting another chance, and he is not going to blow it this time.
In the deep recesses of Todd's mind, Pete sneers.
"That's right, time to go home and have some fun. That town won't know what hit them. And Delgado, I hope you're ready for me baby."
Todd doesn't hear the voice. All he can think of is that tomorrow, he is going to see his wife and daughter again.

To be continued.........

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