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Never Tear Us Apart 8

It's been about three weeks since Todd has come back to Llanview. He is still living down the hall from Tea at the Palace, but they seem to spend much more time together than they do apart. He is continuing his therapy with his new doctor, Dr. Barry Spencer. He seems okay to Todd, different than Jay, but okay.

Todd is sitting in his office at the Sun. It feels good to be back at work. Tea had more than willingly let him take over the paper again. Todd made her promise to stay on at the Sun as head of the legal department, though. He liked having her there, and besides she is a terrific lawyer. Not to mention, with Blair, Max, and Kelly still running around, it was important for Todd to have an ally at the paper he can trust. Todd smiles, remembering the look on Briggs' face when he saw Todd. And although Briggs complained a little about Todd ordering him around, Todd could tell Briggs wasn't all that upset about having him back.

Todd sifts through some papers on his desk, but his heart isn't really in his work. He had just come from seeing Starr. Blair had been reluctant at first, but now Todd was able to see Starr once a week. He misses her so much. Blair has full custody at the moment, but as soon as he is better, Todd is going to try and get joint custody.

"And I got the best lawyer in town," he thinks.

His thoughts shift to Tea. Things have been going really well. He had even started to tell her about his therapy and the re-integration of his alters. And she listened, so attentively, not judging him. This living in separate rooms thing was starting to get to him though. He knows he has to take it slow, but he is getting impatient. Impatient enough to make the very bold move he had finalized earlier today. He gets up and walks to the door of his office.

"Hey Delgado!" he yells down the hall.
A few seconds later, Tea peeks out from her office, a couple of doors down from Todd's.
"You bellowed?"
"Yeah, listen, I got a surprise for you. I'll pick you up at 7:00."
Tea just stares at him. "Did it ever occur to you that I might be busy?" she asks, with a hint of laughter in her voice.
Todd grins, he loves when she gets defiant like this. "Yeah, but this is important. 7:00, be ready.", and he walks into the office and shuts the door.
Tea stands, staring at the door, her glare slowly turning into a smile.

Todd stands anxiously outside Tea's suite.
Don't screw this up, he thinks.
"Yeah," Pete laughs, "This is our chance, Delgado all to ourselves!"
Todd freezes, terror coursing through his body. "No, no, I didn't just here that, you're not here..." he breathes deeply, "I'm just nervous, that's all, you're not here, Pete. I won't let you be here."
Todd relaxes. There's no voice now. Just my imagination, he thinks.
Todd collects himself for a few more seconds, and knocks on the door. There's no response so Todd knocks again, this time calling Tea's name. He still gets no response, so he tries the door. It's open, and he walks in. He is completely baffled by the sight that greets him. Tea's suite is covered with clothes, strewn over every piece of furniture and all over the floor. Todd begins to worry, until Tea comes into the room, wearing her bath robe and looking distraught.
"Oh, great, you're here already? Well, you can go because I'm not going!"
Todd stares at her, not comprehending what's going on. "What's the matter?"
"What's the matter, he asks! Look at me, I'm a beach ball, I have nothing to wear...just go Todd! Forget tonight, it's not going to happen!" She turns and goes into her bedroom and slams the door.
Todd watches her, both surprised and amused. He walks to her door.
"Delgado, c'mon, you look great."
"You're hardly objective!" comes her very loud reply.
Todd grins. "Looks like I'm gonna need some help on this one," he says to himself as he walks to the phone. He dials Viki's number.
"Hey Sis."
"Todd, hi. Is everything okay?"
He chuckles. "Well, I'm fine. Delgado's another story."
Viki sounds alarmed. "Is it the baby?"
"No, I mean she's not sick or anything. She's just acting really weird."
"Yeah, I mean I came to pick her know and she flipped out, saying that she looks like a beach ball....I don't know."
Viki laughs. "Todd, she's pregnant. Pregnant women tend to act pretty strange sometimes. Blame it on raging hormones."
Todd is about to respond when he hears Tea's bedroom door open. He looks up and sees her standing there, looking adorable in a pretty, short flowered dress.
He smiles and says into the phone, "Viki, I think the raging stopped....Thanks. I'll talk to you later, " and hangs up.
Tea walks toward him, gingerly stepping around the mess she made. "Sorry. I guess I kind of freaked out on you," she smiles.
Todd grins, " That's ok. Viki explained that you pregnant women get wacky sometimes." Tea rolls her eyes.
Todd leans down and gently kisses her cheek.
"You look beautiful."
Tea finds it hard to speak with Todd's lips so close to hers. "Thank you," she whispers.
"Ready for your surprise?"
"Todd, what are you up to?"
"You'll see, Delgado, you'll see."

To be continued......

Fan Fiction by Kelly