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Never Tear Us Apart 9

Pete watches the goings on between Todd and Tea with interest. He would have to be more careful, Todd had sensed him this last time. Pete didn't want Todd to know yet. He had to make sure Todd thought he was safe...he had to be completely unsuspecting....
"Then, Todd, then Delgado will be mine....and then she will be gone."

"Okay, no peeking Delgado," Todd says as he helps Tea, who has her eyes closed, out of the car.
"C'mon Todd, this is torture!"
Todd smiles, "Okay, okay, you can open your eyes."
Tea opens her eyes and stares in disbelief at what is in front of her. It is a big, beautiful house, illuminated by the front porch lights and the lights from Todd's car. It makes the appearance of the house almost surreal. It's perfect, complete with a front porch and a picket fence. It reminds Tea of an old country home, a home she saw only in her dreams.
Todd glances at Tea anxiously, trying to figure out her feelings. He notices her eyes fill with shiny tears, and takes this as a good sign.
"It doesn't have the two car garage," he says nervously, "but we can always add that later."
Tea turns to look at him, complete wonder and surprise on her face. "It's ours?"
"Yeah, it's ours," he answers, praying that she will be happy.
Tea turns back and stares wordlessly at the house, the tears starting to fall down her cheeks.
"Tea..." he whispers, wanting her to say something, anything.
"Oh, Todd, it's so beautiful," she says softly.
Todd smiles with relief. "Wanna go inside?"
Tea's face breaks into a huge smile, "Yes!", and she practically runs for the door.
If Tea was impressed with the outside, she was even more impressed with the inside. A wide foyer lead straight to a spiral staircase that went up to the second floor. There was a large room on either side of the foyer. Tea looks into the room on her left and walks into it. There is a large picture window facing the front of the house, looking out onto the large front yard. A fireplace gives the room a warm, homey feeling. Tea notices some blankets and a bunch of pillows on the floor, next to a large picnic basket. Tea turns to Todd, who has been watching her explorations with an amused grin.
A beautiful smile lights up her face, "What's this?"
"Dinner," he says.
A shocked look crosses Tea's face, "You cooked!"
"Delgado, I would never subject you to my cooking in your condition," he says wryly, "No, I had Viki's cook at Llanfair make it."
Tea laughs, "Well, both our unborn child and I thank you, " she giggles.
Todd continues,"And since we have no furniture yet, I brought the pillows and stuff, you know, ...cause you're pregnant," he says, all of the sudden a little nervous.
"Good thinking," she replies.
Todd sets up their dinner, and they eat. They make small talk, chatting about the Sun, Starr..but they both know they have some very important things to discuss. After the dishes are cleared away, Tea leans back against a pillow that is propped up against the wall.
"Well, Todd, I have to say your surprise certainly surprised me!"
"Are you mad?"
Tea gives him a funny look. "Do I look mad?"
"No, but with those raging hormones..."his voice trails off as he smiles wickedly.
Tea smiles, "I'm not mad."
Todd feels a sudden need to explain, "I know we know taking it slow. But...we're married. We should live together...not in separate hotel rooms. And I tried to be patient but...well patience isn't my strong suit. I'm tired of having to say goodbye to you at night. Besides," he pauses and places his hand on Tea's stomach, "Junior's gonna be here in a few months, and I don't want our kid being raised in a hotel."
As he finishes, he looks into Tea's eyes, trying to see her reaction.
"Okay," she says tentatively, "But I guess I just have one question."

To be continued.....

Fan Fiction by Kelly