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Near You Always 1

And when you look in my eyes, please know my heart is in your hands. It's nothing that I understand, but when in your arms you have complete power over me, So be gentle if you please cause your hands are in my hair, but my heart is in your teeth And it makes me want to make you near me always I want to be near you always.

Song credit..."Near You Always" by Jewel.

Tea Delgado to Todd Manning, 1998: "I'll be in your story forever."

Todd Manning to Tea Delgado Manning, November 1998: "I'll go,but there's something you've got to know Tea. I'll never be out of your life. Never"

Early July, 1999 Tea's suite at the Palace

Tea looks over her reflection in the mirror.
Not bad, she thinks.
She is wearing a simple off white sleeveless sheath, the color accentuating the honey tone of her skin. Her hair is hanging loosely on her shoulders. Perfect, simple outfit for a dinner date. She sighs. She and John Sykes had been seeing each other for about three weeks now. He had been hounding her for months to have dinner with him, and she had finally relented. She liked him well enough, but she certainly wasn't looking at this as some big romance. They had had dinner a few times, but nothing more. She had to admit, it was nice to go out again. It was nice to have a man pay attention to her again. Too bad it was the wrong man.....

She shakes her head slightly, trying valiantly to shake away the thoughts of her infuriating love. But he inevitably found some way to enter her thoughts, time and time again. She had to admit though, this whole situation had really enhanced her acting abilities. She had managed to convince the citizens of Llanview that their new assistant district attorney was completely over town black sheep Todd Manning. It was really quite an impressive performance actually. Now, if she could only convince herself....she would be fine. Unfortunately, that was easier said than done. It didn't help that she couldn't bring herself to make a clean break. Her mind drifts to the annulment papers buried in her drawer, the still unsigned annulment papers. She wasn't sure if she would ever have the strength to sign them...but nobody had to know that.

She looks at the clock. John would be here in a few minutes. She digs a matching purse out of her closet and begins to switch the contents of her everyday purse to the new one. The usual...lipstick, small brush, wallet....she stops. She looks at the small silky pouch that has fallen onto her bed. She carries it with her everyday...but maybe she needed to start leaving it behind. She sits down on her bed and opens the pouch. Tea dumps the contents into her hand. A mysterious key...and her wedding ring.
Why can't I do this...let you go? Tonight would be the night, she would leave this precious pouch behind when she went out with John....she had to start letting go. With resolve, she puts the key and ring back in the pouch and puts it on her bed. She gets up, takes one last look in the mirror and starts to walk out of the bedroom. As she gets to the bedroom door, a panicked feeling hits her. She turns back, and looks at the pouch. With a sigh, she walks back and picks it up.
Maybe next time, she thinks.
She puts the pouch in her evening bag and heads to the living room and waits for John.

The Palace Bar is bustling with its usual activity. John had suggested they stop and have a drink before heading off to Club Indigo. They were sitting at the bar, facing the middle of the room, chatting about work. John is looking at her intently. She is so beautiful. He had been persistent, and she had finally agreed to go out with him. Things were going slowly, Tea seemed to want it that way, he hadn't even kissed her yet.
Maybe tonight...
John is talking about something from work, but Tea is only half listening. Her eyes are fixed at a spot in the middle of the room, and her mind, against her will, is wandering back....

But we're gonna get divorced so we'll get married again and will be different this time....not like a business agreement, I mean, something that we want to do...Come on, say yes before I think about how crazy and stupid this is, huh? You can have it all...the gown...the thing in front of your I love you, Tea.


Yes? You just said yes?

Yes! I said yes!

John's voice calling her name snaps her back to the present. She blinks rapidly to hold back the tears that had formed in her eyes.
"Huh?...Oh sorry, I guess...I guess I just have a lot on my mind."
John smiles. "That's okay. Come on..we'll go to Indigo and forget our problems."
Tea attempts a smile. "Okay, let's go."

A lone figure is standing outside the Palace Bar...well hidden from the patrons. If anyone had seen him...they would have undoubtedly recognized the infamous Todd Manning. He took great care to keep himself hidden. He had the perfect spot...the perfect spot to watch her. She was stunning. He hated like anything to see her with Sykes...but he knew Tea well. He could read her better than anyone...and the look on her face and her body language sent him a clear message...she may be with Sykes...but she isn't really with him...not in her heart.
He sighs as he watches them leave. He had a lot of work to do...but he wasn't ever going to give up on her.
"Just a matter of time, Delgado," he whispers, and heads off to his car to follow the couple to their next destination.

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly