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Near You Always 10

Téa walks blindly through the trees and bushes surrounding the country club. Her mind is swirling...why does he have this effect on her? She can't deny to herself that she is still and always will be deeply in love with him....but she is so terrified of letting him in again...of getting sucked back into his life...especially after the lies...
He never really loved me, she thinks sadly, how could he have?
But that thought pains her deeply, for she loves him like she has no other....and despite all that had happened between is her deepest wish that he would return her love. She walks into a clearing and looks up. The sight that greets her eyes is almost ironic.
Here, she thinks, how fitting that I find myself here...
She slowly sinks to the ground...her eyes fixed on the cabana...


Todd follows behind Téa, trying to figure out which way she had gone. He had seen the turmoil in her eyes...he could tell she was struggling with her feelings. He also knew that what happened next would be critical. He had seen her "armor" drop momentarily before when she had tied his tie and she had let him put her necklace on her. It was a opening he had to take advantage of if he wanted to start rebuilding their relationship...and that was exactly what he wanted. It was his strong, intense feelings for both Shorty and her that had brought him back to Llanview. He had thought leaving was the best thing...he felt too screwed up to stick around. But for someone who had thought he always wanted to be alone...he discovered just how lonely and empty his life was without his Shorty and his Delgado.
Finally, he came upon a clearing. He walks slowly...sensing she is there. He sees her....the sight pulling at his heart. She is sitting on the ground, hugging her knees to her chest...staring straight ahead at the cabana...silent tears streaming down her cheeks.
Téa knows he is there...but doesn't turn to acknowledge him. Todd slowly walks over to her and sits down next to her...his eyes following hers to the cabana. They sit in silence for a few minutes, both lost in the memories of both the good and the bad things that had taken place there.
Still staring straight ahead, Téa finally speaks. "You know, when you carried me into that cabana on our wedding night, I thought this is it...we are finally going to be together...we are going to finally have the marriage we both want. But it was all a lie," she says softly, "it was all just one big lie."
Todd looks at her, the pain evident on her face. It tears at him that he has caused her so much heartache...and he wants to make it right...he's just not really sure how.
"I have to admit," she continues, "you were good....really good. I mean, you really had me going there for a while. I believed in the alters, I did. And I actually believed you were in love with me," she says, her voice trailing off into a choked whisper.
Todd is shocked by her words. "I did...I do love you," he replies, his voice not hiding his surprise at her thought.
Téa laughs bitterly. She turns to look at him for the first time since he's joined her.
"Are you sure?" she asks, angrily.
Todd and Téa, in their own minds, think back to their wedding day....

Do you love me you really love me? Do you even know what that means?

I think I know what that means....and I'm not sure.'re're not sure?

No, I'm not sure....

Todd remembers those words and the pained look it had brought to her face. He hadn't meant to hurt her with those words....he was just so messed up....
Finally, after what seems an eternity, he looks directly into her eyes.
"I'm sure....I love you, Téa. I loved you then, too. I've loved you long before I knew it myself.'s just that...that day was so know? These feelings....oh god I'm not good at this....okay...these feelings I have for you....I've never felt like this about any other woman...and it scares the hell out of when you asked me that...I could have said that I loved you...and it would have been true....but...I don't know...those words....they just don't seem to cover it....the words I love you....they just don't seem to cover all the stuff I feel...all this feelings's all so confusing for me."
Now it is Téa's turn to be shocked. Todd so rarely talks like this...she wants to believe him so believe that he loves her just as much as she loves him...but after all the lies....all the hurt they have caused each's so hard...but those eyes...they tell the truth....but can she trust that?...even now?...she's been tricked before.
"Okay, Todd," she says softly, dropping her eyes from his. They fall on his left hand, and she notices that he is still wearing his wedding ring. "Why should I believe you?"

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly