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Near You Always


PREVIOUSLY....Todd never takes his eyes off her. Seeing her standing there, so beautiful....causes the jealousy and insecurity that had been temporarily quieted to come to the surface again. He takes a swig of the beer he is holding and leans against the wall, his cold, angry stare meeting her concerned one.
"So Delgado, what the hell do you want?"


Téa is taken aback by Todd's angry tone. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"'re obviously ticked about something...oh my God. is Starr okay?" she asks, and edge of panic entering her voice.
"Shorty's fine," he replies coldly, his harsh stare never leaving her face.
"Then what is it, Todd?" she asks, beginning to feel frustrated rather than concerned.
Todd doesn't answer and walks over to the bag of groceries. "What's this?"
"I was going to make us dinner."
Todd laughs sardonically. "Really, you expect me to believe I'm the only guy on your little dinner route?" he asks sarcastically. He sees a pained look cross her face, and a sense of guilt begins to over come him....unfortunately as usual, his jealousy and insecurity reigned supreme.
"Okay," Téa replies angrily, "You have about 30 seconds to explain that comment!"
Todd walks over and stands in front of her, his angry eyes meeting her furious ones. "I saw you today," he says, his tone icy.
"You saw me today? Oh you've been spying on me again?" Téa retorts, not backing down from his imposing stare.
"No...I was in Angel Square and I saw you with RJ!" he yells.
" saw me with RJ? So what...we're friends, you knew that!" she yells back, frustrated.
"I don't know Delgado, you looked pretty tight to me," he says, sneering.
Téa shakes her head. "You want to explain to me exactly what you're talking about?"
"You kissed him," he says coldly, stepping closer to her.
Téa holds her ground. "What?" she pauses, thinking back to that afternoon, "I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him good bye! Is that what you're referring to?" she asks, returning his icy tone.
"Yeah...that's what I saw...but who knows what I missed," he replies sarcastically. He feels the guilt creep up again, but the thought of his Téa with anyone else quickly caused his jealousy to bubble up yet again. He felt powerless to stop the anger.
Téa stares at him disbelievingly. Finally, she shakes her head and laughs wryly. "You know something Todd, you are the only person on this planet who could interpret an innocent kiss on the cheek as a sign that I'm sleeping with him."
"Are you?" he challenges.
Téa steps closer to him. "I can't believe you!" she yells, "You talked to RJ yourself, I told you we were friends...yet you still assume the worst about me. But you know what's funny....if anyone in this relationship should have an issue with trust, it should be me!!!!!!!" she pauses, and laughs sadly to herself, "But the most laughable thing is that I'm actually standing here and listening to this crap. Well, I don't have to...see ya," and with that, she turns and storms out the door.
Todd watches her go...the anger on his face changing to a look of paralyzing fear. What had he done? This couldn't happen...he couldn't lose her. He takes the beer bottle in his hand and flings it angrily across the room. Slowly, he walks over to the wall, and slides down, putting his head in his hands.
"Delgado," he whispers.


Téa's suite at the Palace, that night

Téa turns restlessly in her bed. She looks at the clock...2:30 AM.
Why do I let him do this to me?
She had returned from Todd's so angry, she had stormed around the suite for what seemed like hours. After she had calmed down, she had had the urge several times to go back and hash this out with him...but she had resisted. They both needed time to cool down, she knew that....and she didn't want to say anything she would regret. A scalding hot shower had helped to clear her head somewhat...but she was still furious. How could he think that she was secretly seeing RJ? She knew RJ and Todd had talked...she didn't understand this sudden bout of jealousy. She turns again and slams her fist into the pillow next to her. Was she kidding herself...would it ever work between her and Todd? She sighs. The realization of just how badly she wants it to work frightens her. It hits her that regardless of the fight they had had had only been since he's been back that she had felt alive again. Sure, maybe it was anger, but she no longer felt like her everyday existence was just going through the she had the months he was gone. He had become a part of her soul...a thought that both excited her and terrified her.

Todd slowly walks down the hall towards Téa's room. After hours of sitting and calming down, the overwhelming urge to see her and make things right drove him to seek her out, even in the early hours of the morning. He could not shake the feeling of dread that had lodged itself in his heart since she had walked out earlier. He hated that she left...but in a way he also respected her for it. All his life people had "given in" to his angry whims, let him get the best of them...but not Delgado. She stood up to him...and she certainly didn't take his garbage. When his rational thought had kicked back in...he realized he knew in his heart that there was nothing going on between Tea and RJ...but unfortunately his rational thoughts didn't always win when it came to Téa. He was so terrified of losing once and for all the one woman who had scaled the wall he had built around himself and moved herself into his heart and soul....before he even knew it happened. He realized he loved her long before he ever admitted to himself...and the thought of living without that love now scared him deeply. He finally stops in front of Téa's door, and taking a deep breath...lifts his hand to knock....



Tea's suite at the Palace

A sudden knock on the door startles Téa. She looks in the direction of the door and sighs. A small smile plays on her lips as it occurs to her who it is. She gets out of bed, almost grateful for the interruption to her restless night. She pulls on her robe and runs her hand through her hair. Taking a deep breath, she walks towards the door.
"Who is it?" she calls, knowing full well who it is.
"Delgado, it's up," Todd answers.
She unlocks the door and opens it slowly. Almost immediately, their eyes lock. Both mirroring abated anger, confusion, hope, and love. Todd stands completely still, not making a move to come if waiting to see if she would still have him.
Téa grins slightly and rolls her eyes at him. She reaches out and grabs his sleeve. "Come on," she says.
He grins back, relief evident on his face. He walks in and turns to face her.
" maybe I overreacted."
Téa looks at him. "Maybe? Maybe?" she shakes her head, and sighs, "Okay...maybe I shouldn't have left."
"Still mad?"
"Yeah, but not as much. I just don't understand Todd. I mean, I was up front with you about why would I then go behind your back with RJ?"
"Look Delgado, all my life people have played me for the fool...and after a while you get used to it...and start to think that everyone is looking to screw with your head."
"You think that's what I'm trying to do?"
He sits down on the couch and leans back, looking up at her. "No...when I actually think about it...I know you're not....but the problem is I don't always think straight right away...especially when it comes to you," he finishes softly, and looks down. Téa walks over and sits down next to him.
" know I know how you feel..I do. Remember last year, when you hired Blair to work at the Sun again?" she looks to him for confirmation, and he nods. "Well, you could tell me until you were blue in the face about how there was no reason other than the fact that she was a good reporter....but it didn't mean that in my irrational moments..I didn't think the worst. I did! Even though I knew you loved me and not still scared I know how it feels. But Todd...I don't want to go back there...I can't. I'm tired of the games and the lies."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that I'm not making any promises here...but just the same," she pauses, "I'm not closing any doors. But here's the more games...just the truth. If you see me with someone and you're suspicious...trash whatever you want...but ASK me before you jump to any conclusions...and I'll do the same for"
Todd nervously runs his hand through his hair. Trust had always been such an issue for him...but he also knew what a leap of faith she was taking. Considering what he had done...her even attempting to trust him was a huge step.
"Deal," he says, turning to her. Téa is suddenly struck by his proximity, his closeness intoxicating to her. Todd's eyes move to her lips, and the length of time since the last time he kissed her and now seems like an absolute eternity. Téa notices his eyes drop, and feels the familiar butterflies rise in her stomach as she thinks about those luscious lips touching hers. Todd looks back into her eyes, and moves closer.
"Hey Delgado," he says, his voice rough, "Nothing but the truth right?"
"Right," she whispers, hardly able to control her emotions.
"Okay," he says, leaning closer to her, "Did you get new annulment papers drawn up?"
Téa swallows hard. "Yeah," she whispers.
A pained look flashes in Todd's hazel eyes. "Are they here?" he asks, inching closer, his eyes locked with hers.
"Yeah," she replies.
"Are they signed?"
She inches closer this time, "No," she whispers, "I tore them up," she grins.
Todd slightly smiles, and leans in so his lips are millimeters away from hers.
"Good," he whispers roughly, and moves into claim her mouth. As Todd's lips touch hers, Téa reaches up and traces the scar along his cheek. It is a sweet, gentle kiss...almost as if it were their first kiss all over again. They both pull away slowly, and stare into the other's eyes.
"You look like hell," Téa says, breaking the silence.
"When was the last time you slept?"
"Who knows?" Todd replies, his eyes never leaving her face.
"You have a big day tomorrow...your first appointment...not too mention you have to make up for ruining our dinner tonight," she says, a twinkle in her eye, "It's really late...and it's a long drive back to the could stay here if you want, maybe actually get a few hours of sleep." she says, not looking at him.
Todd grins. "With you?"
"On the couch, Manning," Téa looks at him and smiles. As much as she wanted to have him in her bed...she felt like they needed to take things slow...there was still so much to work through.
Todd bounces up and down on the couch. "Yeah..this'll work,"he says.
"Okay," she says, and gets up to go into her bedroom to collect some blankets. Todd stands up and takes off his button down, leaving only t-shirt and jeans.
"Here you go," she says, handing him a bunch of blankets. "Umm...try and get some sleep okay?"
"uh..Hey Delgado," he says, as she turns to go into her room, trying to think of a way to get her to stay, just for a while, "so how's work?"
Téa turns and gives him a quizzical look. As she looks at him, getting comfortable on the couch, she realizes what he is doing. He wants her to stay and talk to him...until he falls asleep...just like they had done a night long ago. She smiles and sits down on the floor next to the couch. He notices that she has sat down, and feels a tremendous sense of relief. Just hearing her was so calming to him.
"It's okay," she replies.
"You like being an ADA?"
"I don't know...I mean I wouldn't be adverse to going back to the defense side of the law..should the opportunity present itself."
"I'll see what I can do, " Todd says, grinning wryly, and Téa laughs. Todd asks her to tell him about some of her cases...not really wanting to hear about the cases, just wanting to hear her voice..know she is there. Téa understands, and continues talking about boring case after case. As she notices him drifting off to sleep, she reaches out her hand and entwines it with his, which is laying on his chest. He eagerly grasps it, and Téa smiles. She leans her head against the arm rest of the sofa and watches him sleep....

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly