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Near You Always


Tea's suite at the Palace...later that night

Todd's eyes flutter open, and he nervously looks around, trying to remember where he is. He looks down, and notices he's holding Téa's hand. He smiles, remembering the events of the evening. He turns his head and sees Téa still sitting next to him, sleeping soundly against the arm rest of the sofa. His mind wrestles with what to do. Should he bring her to her room? She certainly would be more comfortable. But he doesn't want her to go...he wants her to stay with him. Slowly he sits up, and gently extracts his hand from hers. He reaches down, and picks her up, gently placing her on the couch next to him. Téa stirs slightly, but instead of waking up, snuggles closer to Todd in her sleep. Todd places the blanket over them both, and attempts to settle in beside her. He was definitely not used to this type of closeness, but he dearly wanted her to stay with him while he slept. He stiffly places his arms around her, one of his hands grasping hers.
This is okay...he's Delgado....this is okay.
He repeats this mantra over and over in his head, and feels himself begin to relax. The tension begins to leave his body, and he pulls Téa closer. He lowers his head into her sweet smelling hair, and drifted back off to sleep....


Tea's suite morning

Téa drowsily opens her eyes, feeling refreshed. It's the best night of sleep she's had in a while. Suddenly, she's aware that she's not alone. She turns her head and she sees Todd's sleeping face next to hers. She feels their hands intertwined, and his arms wrapped around her. Unconsciously, her eyes mist up, thinking of all the times she had dreamed of waking up in Todd's arms. Confusion muddles her brain. She remembers holding his hand, sitting next to did she wind up on the couch with him? She feels a stab of anxiety, did she just climb up there with him..half asleep...unaware of her actions? Would he be angry? She knew how Todd felt about closeness and intimacy. It wasn't that he didn't want that, he was just terrified of it. She gazes at his face, noticing the far too rare peaceful look. She reaches up and tenderly strokes his hair. At her touch, Todd stirs. His eyes open, and notices Téa staring at him. Their eyes lock, both immediately struck by a certain awkwardness. They both sit up and begin adjusting their clothes.
"Hey," Todd says, not looking at her.
"Hey, did you sleep well?" Téa asks, avoiding his eyes as well.
"Yeah....for a change," he pauses, then glances at her. "You mad?"
"Look, I ..I woke up and you were sleeping on the floor, I just brought you up to the couch with you you'd be comfortable," he finishes, his eyes looking around the room.
Téa slightly smiles. It was his idea...he wanted that, she thinks.
"That was sweet," she says softly, "Thanks."
"'re not mad?"
"No, of course fact, I slept pretty good myself."
Todd runs his hand through his hair, and finally meets her eyes. "Good."
Still a bit awkward, Téa gathers up the blankets and carries them to her room.
" hungry?"
"Starved," she says from the bedroom, "Why don't you order some room service? Get anything...I'm not picky."
Todd walks over to the phone and orders them some breakfast. Téa walks back out, still in her robe.
"Don't you have to go to work?"
"Oh,'s okay if I'm a little late. So what time's your appointment?"
"1:00. So looking forward to it," he rolls his eyes, which causes Téa to smirk and lightly punch him in the shoulder. "You're gonna come by later, right?"
"Yeah....try and clean up that mess before I get there," Téa responds, a twinkle in her eye.
"Whatever," Todd responds, grinning at her.
Téa gets up and walks to the bedroom. "I'll be right back," she says. Todd watches her go, admiring her natural beauty. Even having just woken up, she is stunning. There is a knock on the door.
"Can you get that?" she yells.
Todd stands up, surprised at the speed of room service. However, when he opens the door, he doesn't find their breakfast waiting.
He grins at the man standing there. "Well, well. If it isn't Llanview's answer to Barney Fife."



The mixture of anger and jealousy on Sykes' face causes the grin on Todd's face to widen.
"What the hell are you doing here Manning?" Sykes snarls.
Todd just stands there grinning. "Well, considering this hotel room belongs to my wife, I think that's a question I should be asking you."
Sykes ignores him and attempts to look around Todd in hopes of catching a glimpse of Téa. Todd blocks him.
"Todd?" Téa calls as she walks out of her room, still in her robe.
"Téa, are you okay?" Sykes asks, pushing past Todd. Todd reaches out and grabs his arm.
"My wife," he says coldly, "is fine."
Sykes tenses at Todd's icy stare.
"Uh....guys, relax, huh?" Téa says, attempting to lighten the mood. Todd releases Sykes' arm and walks over to stand next to Téa, protectively.
"What's up, John?" Téa asks, thinking his visit is work related.
"Nothing, I wanted to see if you wanted to have breakfast," he pauses, stepping closer to her, "but I see you've already got a breakfast date, and," he snorts, "by the looks of it, the loser was your dinner date as well," he finishes, looking suggestively at Téa. In a flash, Todd has him by the collar and shoves him against the wall.
"Her life is none of your business," Todd says, his tone menacing.
"Scared of a little competition Manning?" Sykes sneers.
"Okay, enough!" Téa says, walking over to them. "John, how many times do I have to tell you that my relationship with Todd is none of your business? You have absolutely no reason to be questioning my life. Now, I really think you should leave," Téa finishes coldly.
Todd lets go of Sykes and gives him shove. "You heard her, get lost."
Sykes stares at Todd, then Téa. "You're gonna be sorry," he says to Téa, "he's just gonna hurt you." With that, he turns and storms out the door.
As soon as the door is closed behind Sykes, Todd immediately begins to pace. "Who the hell does he think he is? I thought you broke up with him," he turns and looks accusingly at Téa.
"I did! Look, I can't help it if he didn't seem to take it to well, all I can do is keep telling him to get lost!"
"He keeps hanging around you, I'll make sure he gets lost for good," Todd says.
"Todd, look, he's harmless, alright? I know this is gonna be hard for you, but you're gonna have to trust me....I am not interested in John Sykes."
"Delgado, I can trust you ...but that doesn't change the fact that I don't trust him," Todd says, running his hand through his hair.


Dr. Henry Billings office, later that afternoon

Dr. Henry Billings sits behind his desk looking intently at the young man sitting across from him. Since the intial greetings, they had been sitting in silence for almost a half an hour. Scowling, eyes darting around, obviously wanting to be anywhere on the planet but here. But...he also wasn't leaving, which to Henry was a good sign. The young man ran his hand through his hair somewhat anxiously and looked at his watch.
"Todd...can I call you Todd?"
"Okay....Todd....what brings you here?"
Todd looked quizzically at the doctor sitting across from him. Not exactly what he had pictured. Henry Billings looked more like he belonged at a Grateful Dead concert than behind a psychiatrist's desk. His long blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail and he was dressed very casually in a t-shirt, jeans, and sandals. He looked to be somewhere in his fifties, and had a very calming demeanor about him.
"You're the shrink, you tell me," Todd mumbles.
Henry smiles. Yes, this was going to be a challenge. Todd sat back in his chair in silence. His eyes wander to the gold wedding ring on his finger. He runs his hand through his hair as he thinks of Téa and Viki, and how proud they were of him for taking this step. And he wants this to work, he just doesn't know if he's prepared to relive his past...a past he tried so hard to forget.
Henry sees Todd glance at his left hand and notices his wedding band. He attempts to open up a dialogue with his seemingly reluctant patient.
"So, you're married?"
Todd looks up sharply, and then his face softens as Téa's face once again enters his mind. "Yeah...I guess."
"You guess?"
Todd sighs. "Yeah, well we're married, but we're kinda working some stuff out...we're not living together at the moment....but we will be soon if I have anything to say about it."
"Does your wife know you're here?"
"Uh..yeah....she thinks it's a good idea."
"Do you?"
Todd shoots Henry a look at his direct question. "Look Doc, I'm not into this touchy feely sharing crap....but....I also know that I have to get my head straightened out....I got a wife and kid and I want a life with my family...and I want the spinning to stop," he finishes, almost mumbling the last phrase. He looks down, and notices his time is up. He quickly gets up.
Henry watches him with a wry smile. "Same time next week, Todd?"
Todd turns around. "Whatever," he mumbles as he walks out the door.
Henry leans back. A challenge indeed.


Carlotta's diner, same afternoon

Carlotta places a large bag of food on the counter and grins at Téa.
"An awful lot of food for just you, you have a date?" Carlotta asks.
Téa looks away. She knew Carlotta's feelings for Todd...and she knew what Carlotta would say when she told her exactly who she was having dinner with.
" of....I'm having dinner with Todd."
"Carlotta, please. I know how you feel about him...but it's just dinner. Look, we're ....we're trying to work things out."
"Is that really what you want?"
Téa smiles. "Yeah....yeah it is. Carlotta, I don't know what's gonna happen....we may end up back together...we may not...but either way...I want some peace between us."
"Oh, Téa, he hurt you so badly. I saw how badly and I just don't want you to have to go through that again."
"Todd and I hurt each other badly. That's a fact. But....I was also the happiest I ever was in my life when I was with him. Nobody understands that, I know. But, Carlotta, he understands me. He reaches a part of me that for a long time I didn't even know existed. And...sometimes I even think I do the same for him. I know you're only trying to look out for me, and I do appreciate it. But this is something I have to's something I want to do, okay?"
Carlotta nods, not really understanding, but willing to give Téa the benefit of the doubt. With one last smile, Téa picks up her bag of food and leaves, leaving a worried Carlotta behind.


John Sykes' Apartment, that night

A very drunk John Sykes takes another hearty swig of whiskey straight from the bottle. Sitting on his bed, his eyes are fixed on one woman. He picks up the picture of Téa, staring at it intently.
"I don't understand," he slurs, "He's a loser....not for you. How could you want him over me? He's just gonna hurt you......" he continues repeating the mantra that he has been saying all night in his drunken state. Suddenly, as he stares at Téa's beautiful face, a thought crosses his now alcohol muddled mind.
"That's it!" he says, a grin spreading across his face. "You're afraid he'll hurt you if you leave him! I knew it...I knew you loved me Téa. That's was just an act...cause you're scared of him...but I'll save you, princess......we're gonna be together just like we always wanted....," he looks at her picture, his eyes taking on a crazed look, "I'm gonna save you from that monster, princess...I promise."

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly