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Near You Always 2

Club Indigo...Same evening...

Tea and John are enjoying some after dinner drinks. John is talking ...something...Tea is trying valiantly to pay attention....but all she sees is a birthday cake...with goalposts...and the look in his eyes when he gazed at her before making his "wish"....
Tea snaps herself back to reality. She shakes her head slightly. Sykes' beeper goes off.
He looks at Tea and leans in close...Tea unconciously backs away slightly.
"I'll be right back," he says,with a smile.
She smiles in return and watches him go. What am I doing?
"And how is my favorite ADA doing this evening?"
Tea looks up and smiles at R.J. Gannon. "Favorite, huh? You must have done something wrong lately to butter me up like that!"
R.J. smiles. "Mind if I sit down?"
"No...of course not."
Tea looks at her friend. It was nice to have one again. She and R.J. had become pretty good friends over the last few months. She found him easy to talk to...and he didn't hold that she had been involved with Todd Manning against her..which was pretty rare in Llanview, not that she particularly cared what most of these people thought anyway.
"So, how's it going with Sykes?" R.J. rolls his eyes.
Tea grins. "C'mon R.J., don't hold back on my account...tell me how you really feel."
"Look Tea, I just don't think he is your type."
"Yeah, well my type always seems to break my maybe I should go against type and see what happens."
"Well, I'll tell you this...he must be enraptured because he apparently has not caught that incredibly bored look on your face."
Tea looks at R.J., "Is it that obvious?"
R.J. laughs. "Yeah, but I guess that is because I know the truth."
"Really," she says somewhat sarcastically.
"Yeah, I do. John Sykes can romance you all he wants...but he already has the biggest strike against him...he's not Todd Manning."
Tea grins. "I hate it when you do that."
R.J. smiles. "Don't worry, Ms.'re secret is safe with me."
"Thanks", she says, "And while we are on the subject, Mr. Gannon...any prospects for you?"
"Maybe...just maybe."
Tea perks up. "Anyone I know?"
"No, she's new in town. Met her here the other night...nothing big...but she's been back a couple of times."
Tea smiles, "Good to hear."
R.J. notices John returning. "Well...looks like the fun is about to begin again....enjoy it," he winks at Tea and leaves.
John looks curiously after R.J. "What was that all about?"
"Nothing, he just wanted to say hi."
"Oh, yeah...I forgot you two are friends," he says.
"Is everything okay?"
"Actually, I have to run...something came up at the police station...why don't I drop you at home."
"That's okay, I can catch a cab...go..really....It's no problem."
John looks at her warily. "You're sure?"
"Yeah, go ahead."
Tea notices that John has moved closer to her. He was leaning in towards her...expecting a kiss. Tea feels trapped...she doesn't really want to kiss him.
"You two need anything?"
Tea looks up and smiles gratefully at R.J.
Sykes stands up, obviously disappointed at the interruption. "No, thank you." he says, politely but slightly annoyed. With one last look at Tea, he leaves the club.
Tea laughs, "Thank you, thank you!" she exclaims to R.J.

A car...outside Club Indigo

Todd is frustrated. He can't see into the club...he has no idea what is going on. He has been back in Llanview for about 3 weeks now...but no one knows he is here. He's not sure if he is ready for everyone to know yet.
He looks at his watch. The thought of going back to that big empty house was awful to him. He was staying in the house he had had built for him and Tea on Llantano mountain. He had sent her the key...but she still hadn't found out what it was for. He knew she was looking though, he knew that for sure.
His time away from Llanview had been tough. Viki had told him to get his head together...but with his head that was a tall order. He had faked the DID...but the events of last summer and fall had managed to convince him that something was indeed wrong...even if it wasn't DID. He had a lot of issues to deal with. But he was frightened...about what he would find. So he spent time travelling, a lot of time alone. He tried to deal with his demons...but he couldn't do it alone. And he certainly wasn't going to a shrink. He knows what he needs...Delgado...she was always able to help him...even when she didn't know she was doing it. But Todd knows that it won't be easy...he had never forgotten the pain and betrayal in her eyes when she had heard the tape...but he would win her back...
"We belong together," he whispers as he envisions her face in his mind.
He sees the door to the club open and notices Sykes come out....but no Tea. He smiles...a rare occurrence...
He leans back in the seat of the car and waits....just to see her.

Tea's suite at the Palace

After a drink with R.J., Tea decided to call it a night. She checks her messages...John had called suggesting lunch the next day...
Not tomorrow, she says with a smile, tomorrow is saved for one little girl.
She thinks about the plans she has with Starr tomorrow. Blair and she weren't getting along any better, but they had managed to create some peace for Starr's sake. Blair had finally relented when Starr constantly kept asking to see her stepmother. Now, Tea spent an afternoon with her every week, and it was an afternoon she cherished.
She goes into her bedroom and gets ready for bed. She thinks about the evening...she wasn't sure how to handle John. He obviously wanted more than she wanted to give him. He had been a perfect gentleman, but Tea felt a little she was using him. She sighs, deciding to let things just play out. She wasn't looking for least not with John Sykes.
She gets into bed, and her thoughts inevitably shift to Todd. She wonders where he is ..if he's okay. Nighttime is always the hardest....there are no distractions to take her mind off him. She clutches her pillow tightly. And as she has done every night since Todd left....she lets silent tears run down her cheeks as she drifts off to sleep.

And on a side street outside the Palace Hotel...Todd Manning sits in his car and stares up at the building where Tea is. He turns the key in the ignition and takes one last look up.
"Good night Delgado."

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly