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Near You Always


PREVIOUSLY....Todd watches Asa squirm. Then he glances at Téa, and sees the life in her eyes. He can tell she's missed this.
Asa stares at the both of them, and then back at the papers. "This isn't over you two...I'm gonna get a lawyer to look at're not going to get away with this Manning!" he shouts, and storms out of the office.
Todd grins at Téa. "Well, Delgado...I think that went well."


Dr. Billings Office, Next afternoon

Todd sits across from his therapist, looking down and fidgeting. He glances at his wedding ring several times, and runs his hand through his hair. Henry grins at his very reluctant patient, waiting him out. Todd looks up to see Henry looking at him, and feels very disconcerted. His eyes dart around the room, checking it out. It's decorated sparsely but comfortably, walls lined with books and various awards and certificates. Todd's eyes fall on what looks to be a trophy. He looks back at Henry.
"So,...uh Doc....what'd you win that for?"
Henry sees Todd's opening and jumps in. "That?" he says, pointing to the trophy, and Todd nods. "Oh...that's an old football trophy."
Todd raises and eyebrow, slightly interested. "You....played football?" Todd asks.
"Oh yeah...pretty good too."
Todd cracks up.
"What?" Henry asks, grinning.
"Well, no offense Doc....but you look like you belong in a big love in or something...not on a football field," he says, still laughing.
Henry nods. "Yeah...well looks can be deceiving."
Todd's laughter quiets down, and he just nods slowly. They lapse back into silence for a few minutes, until Todd breaks the silence again.
"What position?"
"What football?"
Todd runs his hand through his hair. "Me, too," he says quietly.
"Really? Any good?"
"I guess."
"Did you play in college?" Henry asks, trying to keep the dialogue going between them.
Todd snorts. "Yeah...before ....." Todd's voice trails off, and he fidgets uncomfortably in his chair.
"Before...what? If you don't mind my asking?"
Todd looks incredulously at Henry. "You must be new in town Doc."
"Sort of...I've been here about a year and a half."
"Oh, well give it time...I'm sure you will hear all about the infamous Todd Manning," he says, almost sadly.
"Why don't you tell me yourself?"
Todd runs his hand through his hair again, feeling panicked...not wanting to go where the Doc was leading.
"Uh...well it's been fun and all...but I gotta go....meeting Delgado for dinner," he mutters, and bolts from the office.
Henry sighs and leans forward on his desk. At least they had talked a little today....but this Todd Manning was going to be tough.


Todd's House, Later that evening

Todd throws open the front door as Téa gets out of her car, carrying a bag containing their dinner.
"So?" he yells from the doorway.
Téa laughs. "So....what?"
Todd rolls his eyes impatiently as she walks towards him. " told me you were gonna give me an answer about my offer what is it?"
Téa stares at him incredulously as she walks up the steps. "You think I can actually get in the door first?" she replies grinning.
Todd shrugs and steps aside to let her in. He takes the bag from her and shuts the door. Then, turning back to her, grinning, he asks again. "So?"
This time Téa is the one to roll her eyes as she walks into the living room.
Todd follows. " you gotta tell me now cause I gotta make sure I have the whole night to change your know..if your answer is no."
Téa laughs and flops herself down on the couch. "I'm about unpacking dinner?"
Todd is silent, just staring at her. She shakes her head. " we don't eat until you hear my answer?"
Todd shrugs. "Hadn't thought of that...but it's a hell of an idea Delgado," he says, grinning wickedly.
Téa sighs and looks at him. "Okay...I accept your offer....but there are some conditions."
Todd looks immensely relieved, then apprehensive...wondering what she will ask for. "Okay," he says slowly.
"First of you said have no say in who I defend....even if you don't like them."
Todd nods slowly. "Okay....I mean....I hate everyone pretty much so I guess I'll have to deal with you defending people I don't like."
"Nothing...and I mean nothing about any of my cases gets printed in The Sun...without talking to me first...and then only if it's beneficial to my case," she says, grinning.
Todd grins back. "You got it....but only cause it's you will I have any sort of journalistic morals."
"Yeah right," she says.
"No...seriously....this can be very good for both of us....I mean I got no problem running headlines that are sleazy...and hell if that means pumping up some client of yours and helping you win...I'm all for it."
Téa smiles. "It will be kind of nice to have a newspaper with circulation like the Sun on my side."
"See? Good for both of us," he says. As he stares at her, he notices the sparkle in her eyes as she contemplates her career move. Similar to what he saw when they confronted Asa.
"This is good for you'll be good for both of us," he says softly.


A few hours later

Todd and Téa, after finishing up their take out dinner of hamburgers and french fries, sit chatting in the living room drinking beer. Todd sits on the couch, and Téa is crashing on the floor, leaning up against an armchair.
" was therapy?"
Todd shrugs. "Okay...I guess," he pauses, taking a drink. "The Doc...he was a quarterback too," he says.
"Yeah? You guys have something in common...that's good."
"Yeah...we didnt' really talk about much. He seems okay though."
Téa nods, and decides not to push further. She wants him to know she cares and is interested....but she also knows he will tell her things when he is ready to.
Todd clears his throat. "So, Delgado...wanna play a game?" he asks, grinning.
Téa smiles. "And just what did you have in mind?"
He reaches under the couch and pulls out a couple of games. He starts reading out the names of what he is.
Todd continues talking...but Téa doesn't hear him. The mere mention of the game Scrabble causes her mind to shut down...wander a night at Viki's cabin....the "integration"....his kiss....the fire poker.
Suddenly, Téa jumps up.
"Uh...look Todd...actually I have to go," she says, her voice suddenly distant.
"Huh?" Todd looks up at her, confused.
"I have a lot to do....write my letter of resignation and everything," she says, beginning to gather her things. Todd walks over to her and puts his hand on her arm gently, trying to figure out this sudden mood swing. Téa abruptly pulls away from his touch.
"Delgado...what the hell's wrong?"
Her mind is still swirling...remembering that evening at the cabin...feeling like a fool....making her more angry as the minutes pass. Finally, she turns to him.
"Okay, Todd...let's play Scrabble....yeah...we can flirt a little...oh and make sure to use that Italian accent...and we can kiss....and then you can integrate before my very eyes...oh...and don't forget...while you're can threaten me...the woman you claim to love...with a fire poker!! Let's not forget that," she says bitterly.
Todd listens to her bitter, hurt words, and realizes what she is talking about.
"Don't...okay? " she says, her eyes misting up despite her anger. She continues, her voice a little softer. "Look...I just need to go now...I'll be back...but now...I need to go."
He sees the look on her face...and all the guilt he had been carrying for his lies and the tremendous love he feels for her come bubbling to the surface. He also feels himself for doing this to her. Would she believe him when she gave him the chance to explain?
"Téa...don't go."
Téa shakes her head. "Todd...I will be back....I ...I just need to sort some things out," she says quietly, the anger and pain still evident in her voice. She picks up her things and leaves.
Todd stands motionless in the middle of the room, still trying to comprehend what had happened here. Things had been going so well...and then BAM! the lies come back to haunt them again. He feels the frustration and anxiety begin to well up in him and clenches his fist.
"Damn," he whispers. He turns around, picks up the Scrabble game, and throws it across the room.


****Author's note....For those who have been reading the know that I have paired Kevin and Blair ....and I thought I should point out that the Kevin in this particular story is KS's Kevin...I always liked him...and he and Blair I think would look good together...just some clarification!****



Téa took one last deep breath before knocking on Hank's door. Although she was still happy with her decision, this wasn't a conversation she was looking forward to having. Not to mention she was still confused about what had happened last night with Todd. She shakes her head, trying to clear it, and knocks on Hank's door.
"Come in."
Téa walks in. "Hey Hank, gotta minute?"
"Sure, what's up?"
Téa walks over and sits down across from Hank's desk. She slowly hands over the letter she had been carrying.
"What's this?"
"My letter of resignation."
"What? I don't understand!"
"Look, Hank....I'm a defense's always been my first love...and I've been thinking about this for a while now. And just seems like it's time for me to stop thinking about it and just go ahead and do it."
Hank eyes her warily. "Is this about Manning?"
Téa sighs. "No...well..he did make me a job offer...but the truth is I had been thinking about this even before he came back. Look, I'll be more than happy to stay on until you can replace me... I don't want to leave you hanging."
Hank shakes his head. "I hate to lose're good."
Téa smiles. "You know...I have to thank you."
"For what?"
"For believing in me. When you offered me this job last fall....after everything that happened....I didn't believe in myself...I didn't trust myself. offering me this helped me to start gaining my confidence back...and for that I'll be forever grateful," she says, then grins wickedly, "but don't think I'm gonna go any easier on you in court."
Hank smiles. "Téa, you're very talented...I look forward to seeing you in court. Hey, who's gonna break it to RJ? His favorite ADA calling it quits?" They both laugh.
"I'll handle fact, he probably won't be too surprised," Téa replies.
They both stand, and shake hands. Téa turns and walks towards the door.
"Téa? Listen...I know it's none of my business...but I like you....just be careful, okay?"
Téa nods. "You don't need to worry Hank, I'll be fine." She opens the door, and walks out of his office, and walking smack into ...John Sykes.
"Hey Counselor," he says. Téa notices the strained look on his face.
"John," Téa says, and keeps walking. When she is out of sight...his eyes go dark and he bangs his fist against the wall. His fortunate eavesdropping had caused him to hear Téa's conversation with Hank. How would he see her so much if she wasn't ADA? He shakes his head...thinking about how Manning had sucked her back in danger she was....his mission becoming clearer and clearer....


Llanfair, same day

Todd and Starr were playing on the living room floor. Kevin walked in and noticed them. Swallowing his hatred, he greets Todd civilly.
"Kevin," Todd replies, attempting to maintain his composure in front of his daughter.
"Hi, Kevin!" Starr says excitedly.
"Hey Starr."
"Daddy....Mommy and Kevin and I are gonna go to the park on Saturday!"
Todd grins at his daughter, hiding his contempt for his nephew. "That's great Shorty."
"'re Mommy had to work I'm came to pick you up and we're gonna meet her for some dinner...why don't you get your stuff?"
Todd watches her gather her things....counting the minutes until he could spend more time with her....when he and Téa could spend more time with her.
Starr runs over to him, and he bends down and hugs her. "Bye you."
"Love you too Shorty."
"Give Tee kisses for me!" she says grinning, and walks out the door with Kevin.
Todd's heart aches at her innocent comment. After their argument last night...he wasn't sure Téa would be too fired up about seeing him again. He sighs, and sits down on the couch. Viki walks in.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing....Kevvie just picked up Starr."
Viki nods. "How's therapy?"
Viki just smiles. "It's called loving concern."
"Whatever...and it's fine."
"How's Téa?"
Todd is silent.
"Did you two have a fight?"
Todd runs his hand through his hair. "You could say that....just can't seem to get away from all the crap I pulled last year," he says quietly.
Viki nods. " and Téa are going to need time to work this've both been through a lot...and it's not going to be easy....but I know you can....I know you love each other."
Todd looks down at his wedding ring. "I hope you're right, Sis."



The beautiful late summer day had turned into a cool evening. Todd sits on the docks, wordlessly looking out at the water. He didn't want to go back to that lonely house....he wanted to see Téa. But....he also wanted to give her some time. He couldn't even count the amount of times he had started for the Palace to see her, but stopped himself...trying to do the right thing. It was easier for him to think here. If he closed his eyes...he could still see the look on her face after he had retrieved her necklace from these same murky waters. He rakes his hands through his hair...staring out into the night.

Téa, after her meeting with Hank, had spent the better part of her day thinking about Todd. The memories that had come back about his "integration" were painful....but if this was going to work between them...she knew they had to deal with it. After debating for several hours...she had called him...only to find he wasn't home. She had called all over Llanview for him...but no luck. Finally, she had talked to Viki, who said he had been somewhat upset earlier in the afternoon. After one last call to the house with no luck, Téa decided she needed to clear her head. She loved going to the docks to think....they held such memories for her...the night Todd had saved her necklace...the night she truly realized the incredible depths of her love for him. She smiles as she remembers him dripping wet over her. As she walks onto the docks, she notices a figure sitting in the distance. As she walks closer, she makes out familiar long brown hair. She stops, staring at him.

Somehow, she thinks, I knew you'd be here.

To be continued.....

Fan Fiction by Kelly