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Near You Always


PREVIOUSLY...After one last call to the house with no luck, Téa decided she needed to clear her head. She loved going to the docks to think....they held such memories for her...the night Todd had saved her necklace...the night she truly realized the incredible depths of her love for him. She smiles as she remembers him dripping wet over her. As she walks onto the docks, she notices a figure sitting in the distance. As she walks closer, she makes out familiar long brown hair. She stops, staring at him.
Somehow, she thinks, I knew you'd be here.


Téa wraps her light jacket tightly around herself, and begins walking slowly towards him. Todd is sitting on the edge of the docks, staring out into space. He doesn't even hear her walk up. Without a word, Téa sits down next to him. Todd looks over, a shocked look on his face at suddenly seeing her there. She doesn't look at him, just stares off into the water.
"I've been looking for you all day," she says quietly, still not looking at him.
"Really? I kinda thought you'd wanna stay as far away from me as possible."
Finally she looks at him, a wry grin on her face. "Come on Manning, when I have ever been able to stay away from you?"
Todd looks down. "You should, you'd be better for you."
"That's what you think....I've tried it you know....and as much as you infuriate me...I like it much better with you."
Todd shakes his head. "And people think I'm nuts."
Téa slightly smiles. "People don't exactly of high opinions of me either...I used to care...but you taught me not to. Now only a few people's opinions matter to me...yours included."
They both sit silently for a minute, lost in their own thoughts. Todd finally speaks, his voice low.
"I'm know...about Viki's cabin."
Téa closes her eyes, mentally bracing herself for this conversation. She lowers her head, intently staring at her hands. Todd glances at her, taking a deep breath before continuing.
"That night...after we left Kevin and Cassie's wedding...I knew we were gonna be I figured I'd use Rodd. You seemed to like him. I thought with Rodd...I was giving you everything you ever wanted. I was so scared Téa....scared that I was gonna lose you. I guess I thought Rodd would help me get you to stay. But ...when we were at the cabin...and you told me you wanted me...Todd...that really threw me. I I was giving you everything I thought you wanted...and there you were telling me that what you wanted the whole time...was me. At that point...I started to question your sanity," he grins wryly.
"Is that why you pulled that fake integration?" she says softly, head still bowed.
Todd sighs. "Yeah...I said you wanted me...I was shocked...but if that's what you wanted...that's what you were gonna get."
"Okay, fine...but that doesn't mean I like what you did...and it certainly doesn't explain you threatening me with the fire poker," she says, finally lifting her head. Todd notices the old spark back in her eyes....he had missed that about her.
"I doesn't."
Téa waits for him to continue. But he doesn't.
"So?" she says, somewhat impatiently.
Todd nervously rakes his hand through his hair. "Okay....look Téa....I didn't have DID last summer...but I was pretty screwed up...still am," he says quietly, then continues. "The whole faking thing....once I started ....I was ....I don't know...out of control. It was body was doing stuff before I could stop it. I was guilty....scared....I just wanted it to end. Every time I looked at you, Sam, Viki...even Shorty....I felt like a complete jerk. was like I couldn't stop know? Like I had been faking it so long....I was getting used to it. And I hated that. Cause I never wanted to hurt you guys. That the cabin...I was so glad to finally be able to's like a all happened so fast. I was pretending to be Pete...the only thing I could think of is that the sooner I got it over with..the sooner I...Todd...could be with you again. The next thing I know..the fire poker is in my hand." Todd looks down, continuing. "There's no excuse Téa...none. I was a jerk...I'm sorry."
Téa looks up at him, her angry eyes softened somewhat by tears.
"Okay," she says quietly.
"That's it?"
Téa sighs. "Todd...I'm still mad...hurt. But we can't change what happened...any of it..not what you did to me or what I did to you. But we can deal with it...and try to move on."
Todd gently lifts her chin, for the first time that night staring directly into her eyes. "You still want to move on with me?"
"I wanna try," she answers.
Todd drops his hand, and looks away. "Why Téa? You could have any guy you want...why do you want this? You should....should try and find someone...someone easier."
This time, Téa reaches out and turns his head to her. "What fun would easy be?" she says, a grin on her face.
"Good point."
They both sit in silence again, staring out at the water. Téa glances at her watch.
"'s kinda late."
Todd looks up. "I'll take you home."
"You don't have too."
" never know what kind of lowlifes are crawling around this time of night," he says, grinning wickedly.


Tea's suite at the Palace

Todd and Téa walk into her room.
" mind if I order some food...I'm starving."
Téa grins as Todd flops down on the sofa and checks out the room service menu.
"Whaddaya in the mood for?"
"Anything...just let me check my voicemail before you call."
Téa dials her voicemail and listens. Suddenly her eyes widen in shock. Todd looks up and catches her expression. After a few minutes, she hangs up the phone.
"Everything okay?"
Téa sits down on the couch. "I had 73 messages!"
Todd throws her a strange look. "From who?"
"They were hangups....except one from Carlotta and one from Del."
Suddenly, the phone rings again. Téa answers.
"Hello?" Silence.
"Hello? Who is this?"
Silence. Click.
"Hung up?" Todd asks.
Téa nods....and puts down the phone.


"Hello?" Her sweet voice was music to his ears.
"Hello? Who is this?"
John Sykes quickly put down the phone. Finally, she was home....



Téa's suite ...later that evening

Todd paces around the living room of Téa's suite. She had gone to bed a few hours ago...he however was still wide awake. After the last phone call, he had decided to stay with her for the night. She had protested, claiming he was overreacting...but to no avail....he had made up his mind.

He runs his hand through his hair. All those hangups, and they had stopped after the last one. Someone was obviously checking to see if she was home, and when she answered, they had stopped calling. Todd's mind drifts back to the conversation he had with RJ about Sykes. It could be him, there was no doubt in Todd's mind of that. But, he also didn't know if Téa had ticked anyone off as ADA. It could be anyone.

He sighs, and sits down on the sofa. Like they didn't have enough to deal with. His therapy, their relationship...and now some apparent wackjob was targeting Téa. He felt a fierce protectiveness well up inside him as he thought about Téa possibly being in danger. He certainly wasn't gonna let anything happen to her.

Todd gets up and begins pacing again, again thinking about Sykes. He wondered about his relationship with Téa while he had been gone. He had seen them together, but it had been fairly obvious to him that it wasn't more than a few dates. Sykes had certainly wanted it to be more though. Had it been? He and Téa hadn't really talked about it. An image flashed through his head of Sykes holding Téa, kissing her....Todd snapped his eyes shut, trying to push the image out of his mind. No...she hadn't....had she? He shakes his head. What if she had? Would he be able to deal with get past it?

Raking his hands through his hair, pushing it off his face, he continues pacing. He thinks about all the things they've done to each other...that they're trying to deal with. He didn't know if she had slept with Sykes, but if she did ....he knew he had two choices. He could try and deal with it.....or he would have to learn to live his life without her. Sighing, he flops himself down on the sofa. It was at this moment, that Todd decided, when he found out the answer to that dreaded question, that he would deal with whatever her answer was. If she could try and trust him again, take a chance on him again, after everything that happened, then maybe he owed her the same thing. Not that he wouldn't be angry, the mere thought caused a surge of jealousy to run through his body....but he would have to deal with it.

Shaking his head, he shifts his mind back to the matter at hand. Who was bothering her? Slowly, Todd gets up and walks over to her closed bedroom door. He reaches for the doorknob, turning it slowly. He carefully, quietly opens the door, doing his best not to wake her. He walks in, walking to the side of the bed, and sitting down on the floor. She's lying on her back, her face turned towards him. In the darkness, he can make out her beautiful brown hair spread across the pillow. He smiles slightly at her face, so relaxed. If only he could sleep like that. His mind drifts back to a night he had...with her....grasping her hand. Taking a risk, he quietly moves himself closer to her, his gaze never leaving her face.

It brought back memories, sitting here watching her. He had done this many times during their first marriage. It had been an opportunity for him to just look at her, with her not knowing. He had been so afraid she would find out of his feelings for her.....and he had been afraid of admitting those feelings to himself. Watching took all the self control he could muster not to reach out and touch her. Her sleeping face fascinated him...the way her lips pouted...the way her long eyelashes gently grazed her cheek. He would do anything to keep her safe....anything. Sighing quietly, he stands up and turns to leave the room.

"Todd?" he hears her sleepy voice call. He freezes. Man, is she gonna be ticked. Slowly, he turns to face her. He sees her staring up at him.
"Yeah?" he says quietly.
Téa reaches out her left hand towards him. "Don't go."
Todd blinks, staring at her hand, not sure he had heard her correctly.
" want me to stay?"
Téa smiles drowsily. "Yeah. I think those hang ups unnerved me a little more than I thought. Besides, I bet you could use some sleep."
Todd nods slowly. He walks over to the other side of the bed, sits down, and kicks off his shoes. He swings himself up onto the bed next to her, and reaches out and takes her hand. Feeling Todd's hand in hers causes tears to spring to Téa's eyes. She remembers the last time they slept like had been her first clue into just how deeply she loved him. She turns her face to look at him, only to find him gazing back at her. She stares in wonder as he lifts their joined hands, and softly kisses hers. Then, he rests them on his chest.
"Good night Delgado."
Téa smiles, and closes her eyes. "Good night Manning."
Todd grins as he watches her sleeping face. "And no snoring."
She laughs, her eyes still closed. "I do NOT snore."
"Yeah...whatever Delgado," he says, grinning wickedly. He watches in fascination as sleep overtakes her, and soon, he feels his own eyes becoming heavier.....and soon drifts off to sleep.

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly