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Near You Always 29

Previously...Todd grins as he watches her sleeping face. "And no snoring."
She laughs, her eyes still closed. "I do NOT snore."
"Yeah...whatever Delgado," he says, grinning wickedly. He watches in fascination as sleep overtakes her, and soon, he feels his own eyes becoming heavier.....and soon drifts off to sleep.


The Sun, Three Weeks Later

Téa collapses into her chair, exhausted. Her eyes do a quick survey of her new office. Todd had pretty much given her carte blanche to do what she wanted with it, and it suited her. She smiles. This was good. She felt more back to her normal self in her much more familiar role as defense attorney. And things with Todd were....okay. Slowly, they had been becoming closer again. It was a struggle, both of them still so wary of trust...but they were trying.

Her eyes drift to the framed picture of Starr on her desk. Blair had relented and was going to let Todd have Starr for the night, and Todd had suggested that she come over and join them for dinner. She couldn't believe how much she was looking forward to it. More and more the past few weeks, she had been spending time at the house with Todd. It was so much homier than her suite at the Palace. A small chord of panic rises in her heart as she realizes just how much she enjoys being comfortable she is there. Téa shakes her day at a time...she tells herself.

Téa's head snaps up at the sound of Todd yelling for her. She shakes her head, a slight grin appearing on her face.
Some things never change, she thinks.
She gets up and heads towards his office.

John Sykes peers around the corner, watching Téa head for Todd's office. He grins at the opportunity. Clutching a bouquet of flowers, he heads for Téa's open office.

He walks in and looks around appraisingly.
Not bad.
He cruises over to her desk, his eyes falling on the picture of Starr.
That's it..isn't it love the kid...that's why you're with him....but I can give you that...and don't have to be afraid of that monster anymore.
Slowly, he reaches his free hand into his pocket, and pulls out a picture...a picture of him. He opens the top drawer of Téa's desk. He lifts up all the notepads and office stuff in it...and places his picture underneath.
Now...I'm never far away from you.....


Téa walks into Todd's office, grinning sarcastically.
"You screamed?"
Todd looks up from his usual pacing. "We got a problem."
"What's up?"
"The old man is gonna fight me for the paper."
Téa walks over and leans against the edge of his desk, watching him pace.
"He says that since I was in the custody of a legal guardian...and that legal guardian didn't sign the paper that gave the Sun to's still his."
Téa laughs. "Sometimes I wonder about old Asa."
Todd stops pacing and looks up at her. "Oh...this is funny? I'm gonna lose my paper and this is funny?" he says, his voice rising.
"'re not gonna lose the paper. Asa's logic...if that's what it can be called...can only help you."
Todd gives her a funny look, but stops pacing to listen.
"Look, you said Viki, your guardian, didn't sign the paper. Fine. Did she sign the one that gave the paper to Max, Blair and Kelly?"
"Well, then technically, the paper never really left your've got nothing to worry about...Asa has no claim, and either does anyone else."
Todd eyes her warily. "You're sure?"
Téa rolls her eyes. "You doubt my brilliant legal mind?"
Todd grins. "Never."
"Hey Counselor."
Todd and Tea whirl around to see John Sykes standing in the doorway. Immediately, Todd feels anger engulf him. Glancing at her husband, Téa can already sense the tenseness in his face.
"Hi, John...what brings you by?"
Sykes pulls the bouquet of flowers from behind his back. "Just wanted to congratulate Llanview's most beautiful lawyer on her new job...although the PD will miss you."
Todd clenches his fist. "Yeah..I bet you will," he mutters.
Téa glances at Todd, then walks over to Sykes, taking the flowers from him. "Thanks John, they're beautiful, but you really shouldn't have," she says politely.
John shakes his head, trying to play the good guy. "Oh come on's just a friendly gesture."
" drooling over MY wife right in front of me?" Todd spits out angrily.
Téa whirls to look at him. John inwardly grins...just what he wanted......
"No Delgado...this guy has been after you for months....even before I left...excuse me if I don't happen to enjoy some loser sniffing around my wife!"
"Hey Todd...I'm just being a friend," John says, a little too goody goody for Todd's taste.
"'ve done your "friend" get the hell out of here!"
Téa glares at Todd, then turns around to John.
"They're beautiful...thanks again," she says, still that somewhat cold politeness in her voice.
"Anytime," Sykes says, smiling. He turns and walks out.
Taking a deep breath, Téa whirls around. "Well that was hardly necessary!"
"Oh come on Delgado...the guy comes into my office....hits on my wife right in front of my nose...and I'm just supposed to stand here!"
Outside the door, Sykes grins hearing this little exchange...he couldn't have planned it better. With a self satisfied smile, he walks off.
Inside, Téa runs her hand through her hair, frustrated. "Todd...look I'm not 100% sure on his motives either...but I really don't think he was trying to start anything," she pauses, and slowly walks over to Todd. "And even if he wouldn't matter."
Todd gazes at her, warily.
Téa rolls her eyes. "You don't believe me....after the past few don't think I'm trying to make this work with us?"
Todd doesn't say anything, just continues to stare at her.
"Fine," she says, and walks out of his office. Todd is glued to his spot...wanting to go after her...but he can't seem to move. Finally, the spell is broken and he heads to her office. When he gets there...he sees her rummaging through her purse.
"Whatcha doin?"
She looks up at him, and slowly walks towards him. Taking his hand, she opens his palm and places something in it. Todd looks down, and sees her wedding ring.
A stab of fear rips through him.
Téa cuts him off. "You told me that you wanted to see me wear my ring again. No pressure...but when I put it would know what that meant. So ...what would it mean to you?"
Todd looks into her eyes. "That you want to give us a chance...that you wanna be with me."
Téa nods. She raises her left hand and holds it out toward him. Todd looks at her questioningly.
She smiles gently. " gonna put it on me or not?"
His face registers disbelief at her words. "You sure...cause let me tell you...once this goes on your's never coming off."
Téa reaches up and tenderly strokes his goatee. "I'm sure."
Slowly, Todd steps closer to her. He reaches for her hand and slips the ring on her finger.
Then, like another time before...he raises her hand to his lips and gently kisses her ring...his eyes never leaving hers.
Slowly dropping her hand, he grins at her. "You've done it now Delgado...there ain't no way you're getting out of this."
She grins back, reaching up her hands to frame his face. "You either Manning."

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly