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Near You Always 3

The bright summer sun was shining down on Angel Square Park. It was alive with laughing, playing children and adoring mothers. But Todd Manning didn't see them. All he sees is a stunning brown haired woman and a precious little blond haired girl. From his carefully concealed position behind some bushes, he watches them play...his family. He misses Starr desperately, worrying about her constantly. Especially, since he had found out about Kevin Buchanan dating Blair. On the one hand, in his opinion, it couldn't happen to two nicer people. He smirks at the thought. But...on the other hand...he hated the idea of Kevin anywhere near his daughter. He was relieved to find out that Blair at least allowed Tea some time with Starr, although he wished it was more. He hates having to hide and watch them. It takes all of his self control not to run over to both of them and hold them close. Todd smiles slightly as he watches Tea laughing and playing with Starr. Gone was the power suit and tough as nails attorney. In its place were a pair of denim shorts and a sleeveless top, with her hair hanging loosely around her face. He feels his heart twist as he watches them walk further away from him.
Someday soon, he thinks, we're gonna be a real family.

About fifteen minutes pass. Todd still hasn't moved in the hope that Téa and Starr will be back. He smiles as he gets his wish and Téa and Starr walk back into his view. Téa has a blanket under her arm and they are both carrying cups of ice cream. Todd feels his heart beat faster as he notices they are walking closer and closer towards him. They finally settle only a few yards away from his hiding place. Todd smiles, thrilled that he now gets to hear the voices of the two most precious people in his life.
"So, how's summer camp?" Tea asks her stepdaughter.
"Okay, I like it," Starr answers, not too convincingly.
"Uh oh, that doesn't sound to good. Is something wrong?"
"Well...there's this boy, Robby, and he's always teasin me."
Tea smiles. "Really? You know Starr, when a boy teases you, it really means he likes you a whole lot."
Starr's little face lights up in a smile. "Really?" she pauses, "Did Daddy tease you a lot Tee?"
Her innocent question brought tears to Téa's eyes. "Yeah, Starr, your daddy used to tease me all the time."
Starr smiles, "I knew it! Cuz Daddy likes you a whole lot!"
Tea doesn't respond, just smiles at Starr, who is busily eating her chocolate ice cream. Meanwhile, in his hiding place, Todd grins....his Shorty had always been a bright kid.
"Guess what Tee? Mommy and Kevin are taking me to the zoo this weekend!"
"That sounds like fun. You're going to have a great time. Do you like Kevin, Starr?"
"Well, he's nice to Mommy, so that's good."
Tea smiles. "Yeah, it is."
"And he's real nice to me."
"But I don't think he likes Daddy very much."
Tea freezes. "What makes you say that Starr?"
"I heard him talking to Mommy about Daddy."
"Did he know you were there, sweetie?"
"No, I was in the kitchen."
Tea reaches over and gently strokes Starr's hair. "You know Starr, it doesn't matter what other people think. You love your Daddy, and he loves you more than anything in the world. What other people say doesn't matter. Okay?"
Starr smiles at her. "Okay, Tee."
After a few minutes, Kevin Buchanan walks up to them. Todd fights the urge to jump out of his hiding place and deck him.
"Hello, ladies."
Tea glares up at him.
"Hi, Kevin!" says Starr.
"Where's Blair?" asks Tea.
"She's running late at The Banner, so I offered to come pick up Starr."
Tea turns to Starr and smiles. "Sweetie, why don't you run over to the swings and show Kevin how high you can go."
"Okay, watch me!"
Starr runs off towards the swings. As soon as she is out of earshot, Tea turns to Kevin. Keeping one eye on Starr, she lays into him.
"Now you listen to me Kevin, I know you hate Todd, but as long as you are anywhere near that little girl, you do not say one bad thing about him!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Starr overheard you talking to Blair about Todd. So when you are in her house or anywhere in earshot of Starr, you keep your comments about Todd to yourself. She adores her father and I won't have anyone, especially you, ruining that."
"Tee?" Tea hears a voice and feels Starr tugging at her hand.
"Hey sweetie, great swinging!" She turns back to Kevin. "Do we understand each other?"
"Yeah," he says gruffly. "Say goodbye to Téa, Starr."
Téa kneels down and hugs her stepdaughter.
"Okay, Tee, what's your message for Fred?"
Tea smiles. Starr never forgets their weekly ritual. "Tell Fred to tell your Daddy I miss him."
"Okay. Love you Tee."
"Love you too angelita."
One last hug and wave, and Starr walks away with Kevin.

Téa kneels back on the blanket, biting her lip to hold back the tears. She loves spending time with Starr..but saying goodbye to her was so hard. The time she spends with her reminds her of what could have been.
In his hiding place, Todd watches her. He had loved watching her get in Kevin's face....that was his girl. He sees a tear slip down her cheek, and desperately wants to go to her....but not yet.
Téa shakes her head slightly and brings her hand up to wipe the tear from her cheek. Suddenly, a strange feeling washes over her. Like she's being watched. She looks around her...her eyes darting from place to place. She's had this feeling before....
Come on Téa, get a grip, she thinks.
Todd watches her look around, and has a feeling she senses him. But he doesn't move.
Téa decides she's probably imagining things. She looks at her watch, she's supposed to meet R.J. at Club Indigo for a drink. He wants to introduce her to the new woman he's interested in. She quickly gathers up the blanket and walks away.
Todd watches her go. With purpose, he takes out his cell phone and makes a call.
"Yeah, I need a dozen peach roses delivered to ADA Téa Delgado....tomorrow....yeah her office....she's the ADA figure it card...."
He hangs up the phone and puts it back in his pocket.
"Tomorrow, Delgado....tomorrow I start winning you back."

To be continued.....

Fan Fiction by Kelly