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Near You Always 30

Previously...Then, like another time before...he raises her hand to his lips and gently kisses her ring...his eyes never leaving hers.
Slowly dropping her hand, he grins at her. "You've done it now Delgado...there ain't no way you're getting out of this."
She grins back, reaching up her hands to frame his face. "You either Manning."


Dr. Billings' Office, The Following Week

Todd slumps in the chair across from Dr. Billings' desk. They had built a better working relationship, and Todd felt okay talking to him....although they hadn't really hit on any of his childhood issues yet.

"So," Todd starts haltingly, "Delgado's moving in."
Henry looks up at him. "Really? And whose idea was this?"
Todd sighs. "Mine."
Henry looks at him quizzically. "Do you want this?"
"Hello? I just said it was my idea."
"I just don't seem all that overjoyed."
Todd shakes his head. "Hey....don't tell me what I 'seem' like. I want Delgado to move in..or I wouldn't have asked her. It's what I always's why I bought the damn house in the first place."
"Okay...are you nervous?"
Todd glances up at him, and hops up from his chair. He begins pacing his usual route of the doctor's office.
"I don't know....look when I came back to town...I had a couple of things I wanted to accomplish. Spend more time with my kid...try and make things up to my sister...and get Delgado to give me another chance. So far...things have been going pretty well."
"That's good, right?"
"Yeah...I's just that when things start to go well for me's usually a sure sign that something is gonna screw it up..usually me by the way."
"'re nervous things are going too well."
"Yeah...I mean...look Delgado has not made it all that easy...but I knew that would happen. And now...I got her to move in with me...." his voice trails off. Dr. Billings just watches him...waiting.
"I don't wanna let her down again."
"What makes you think you will?"
Todd shakes his head, laughing sardonically. "I haven't been the world's best husband...and that goes for all my marriages."
"Have either Tea or Blair been a perfect wife?"
" that doesn't mean they deserved the garbage I put them through." "True."
Todd is silent as he continues pacing. He runs his left hand through his hair. When he brings it down, his eye catches his wedding ring.
"Hey Doc...what if...what if I can't?" he asks softly.
"Can't what?"
"What if I can't be a good husband to Delgado?"
"Do you think you can't be?"
"I didn't exactly have the best role model," he says darkly.
"Well, from what you've told me, your father wasn't exactly a great father either, but you seem to your daughter."
"Shorty? I just do everything opposite of what he did to me," he says quietly.
"You saw how not to treat a child...did you see how not to treat a wife?" Henry asks, knowing he's getting into some unchartered territory.
Todd is silent, as he stops pacing. He stares off into space...his mind filled with images...a man...a woman...brutal...a little boy...watching in horror. Henry patiently waits.
Todd snaps out of his reverie, a change in his demeanor. He is shaken as he walks over to the chair, and flops down.
"I don't wanna talk about it," he says defiantly...and again lapses into silence.


Meanwhile at Club Indigo

Téa collapses onto a bar stool, grinning at RJ.
"Something cold please...I don't care what," she says, wiping her brow. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and she was dressed in jeans and an old NYU t-shirt.
"And what have you been up to?"
She sighs. "Packing."
"Right...the big move."
She nods. "Yeah...Todd is gonna help me bring some stuff to the house later."
RJ leans down on the bar. "Hey Té sure about this?"
Téa takes a sip of the beer that RJ has placed on the bar, a small grin crossing her face.
"No...I'm not sure...where Todd is concerned I'm not sure of anything...except that I really want to give this another try...the rest we'll have to work out as we go along I guess. think I'm making a mistake?"
"I think you're a smart lady...I trust your instincts."
Téa smiles. "Thanks. Nice to hear since mostly I've been hearing what a collossal mistake I'm making."
"Long as you're happy."
"What would I do without you?" she asks, smiling.
RJ is about to quip back, when he notices John Sykes walking into the pretty empty club. Sykes notices them and makes a beeline for the bar.
"Hello, John."
He turns to Téa. "So,'s the new job?"
"What have you been up to?"
RJ watches closely as Sykes questions Téa.
"Nothing much...packing mostly," Téa says, in a polite tone.
A strange look passes over Sykes' face. "Going somewhere?"
"Oh...well I guess it's no big secret...I'm moving in with Todd."
Sykes grip on the counter tightens. "You think that's a good idea?"
RJ watches silently as Téa slowly turns to him.
"I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't," she says, her voice controlled.
"I'm just saying Téa, I know how brutal he was to you."
This time, Téa made no effort to hide her anger.
"YOU don't know ANYTHING John! How dare you presume to talk to ME about MY relationship with Todd! For the last time, you have NO right to make any presumptions about MY marriage!" she yells.
Taking a deep breath, she turns to RJ.
"I gotta go...thanks for the drink...I'll talk to you, okay?" she says with a little smile. With one last glare at Sykes, she storms out.
RJ laughs. "Guess she told you." He turns and walks away.
Sykes angrily pounds his fist on the bar. Things were starting to get out of his control....he may have to move things along a little quicker...

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly