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Near You Always 33

Previously...She reaches over and takes his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. Todd gazes at their hands, then back up at her face. He watches as her breathing becomes more regular, as she drifts off to sleep. Tentatively, he shifts closer to her.

He reaches out with his free hand and brushes a stray lock of hair away from her face.

"I love you, "he whispers.


Dr. Billings' office, the following week

"So, how is the new living arrangement going?"
Todd leans back in his chair. "Okay I guess. I mean, the first night was a little know sleeping arrangements and everything."
"Sleeping arrangements?"
Todd looks up. "Oh, yeah. Well me and Delgado..we're not exactly....conventional. See...when we got married the first was for money. So we had separate bedrooms. And even when we got together for real...for whatever reasons we didn't live together most of the time."
"So, it was an issue?"
" know we worked it out."
Dr. Billings nods, waiting to see if Todd will offer more. Todd uneasily begins glancing around the room. Seeing that no new information is coming, he ventures another question.
"And your daughter, is she living with you and Téa?" Todd chuckles sardonically. "Yeah right. My ex-wife and I don't get along all that well anymore. She's afraid I'll skip town with Starr. And she hates Téa. Blair's got full custody and she's not about to give that up."
"Why would she think that...that you would take Starr out of town?"
Todd fidgets in his chair. "Well..I sorta have before. A couple times. Most recently last summer...I was being framed for murder so I took Shorty and Delgado and skipped town."
"But you came back..and you brought your daughter back."
"Stuff happened....yeah I brought her back...and I came back. I had to clear my name you know? The Buchanans were framing me for the murder of some loony chick!" he says, becoming defensive.
"Why would they do that?" Billings continues calmly.
Todd grins wryly. "I'm Todd Manning....a chick gets breathed on wrong in this town I get blamed."
Billings nods. "Is that wrong?"
"Hell yeah it's wrong," Todd stands up, yelling now. He takes both of his hands and pushes his hair back. He breathes deeply a couple of times.
"Look Doc...I'm no saint. I've hurt women in the past," he swallows hard, "some in the recent past," he closes his eyes briefly, thinking of Téa, "but that doesn't mean I should get blamed for anything that happens to a woman."
Todd walks over to the chair and sits back down.
"These women...did they forgive you?"
Todd rakes his hand through his hair. "Marty did," his face softens momentarily, then hardens again,"But the last time I saw her she blamed for ruining her life once again so who knows where that stands."
Billings notices the change in Todd's facial expressions. "Her forgiveness meant a lot to you," he says.
Todd looks at him warily, then slowly nods his head.
"But I even ended up screwing that up," he says quietly.
"You said you hurt"
Todd bows his head down. "I raped her." His voice is so low, Billings has to strain to hear him. Todd doesn't lift his head, his eyes fixed on the floor. He couldn't think of a more horrible word in the English language to him than the one he had just uttered. Visions of Marty's face float through his mind.....the terror he had seen in her eyes that night...flash forward to the hatred he had seen when she had looked up at him from the floor of the Penthouse, next to Patrick's bleeding body. He closes his eyes against the images. But his closed eyes invite only a worse one...Peter's face...sneering at him...his voice ripping through his head...telling him how he'll "make a man out of him".
Todd shakes his head, trying to make it stop. He raises his head, and looks at Dr. Billings with frightened, dark eyes.
"I don't want to talk about this anymore," he says shakily, then quickly gets up and leaves the office.
Billings leans back in his chair. They had hit on something today. A breakthrough.


The Sun, later that day

After leaving Dr. Billings office, Todd drove around Llanview for a couple of hours, trying to regain his bearings. That had rattled him. This therapy stuff...he wasn't sure he wanted to go there....
But then he thought about Starr. He'd be damned before Starr ever closed her eyes and saw hateful visions of him like he did with Peter. He wouldn't let that happen. So back to therapy he would go....however reluctantly.
He leans back in his chair and stares at the mock up of the headline Briggs had come up with. He would never admit it, but he was impressed. For once, Briggs had actually been appropriately scandalous.
Téa walks in the door of his office. "Hey."
Todd looks up. "Hey."
"I drew up a preliminary custody agreement. I'll get it over to Blair's lawyers."
"You think she'll go for it?"
Téa shrugs. "Who knows? But at least we'll get an idea of where we stand."
Todd nods. Téa walks over and shuts the door to his office, then comes to stand next to him, leaning against his desk.
Todd looks at her questioningly. "What's up?"
"Well..I'm gonna be home a little late. Carlotta has a friend that needs some legal advice down in Angel Square...and I have to get going soon."
"Okay..." Todd says, not really understanding where she's going.
"So...I was kinda hoping ..maybe...I could get a good bye kiss? And knowing how you feel about that mushy stuff in public...I figured I'd have a better shot if I closed your door," she finishes, grinning.
Todd takes a deep breath and stands up.
"Good thinking."
He stands in front of her and puts his hands on her hips. Leaning in, he covers his lips with hers. After a moment, the kiss grows a little more passionate as Téa slides her arms around his neck. He breaks the kiss and touches his forehead to hers.
Téa keeps her eyes closed, and before she even realizes it...she whispers..
"I love you."
Todd's eyes widen in shock, wondering if he had heard her correctly. Téa opens her eyes, suddenly realizing the words that just left her mouth. She slowly raises her eyes to meet Todd's.
"That's the first time you've said that since I've been back," Todd says softly.
Téa just nods.
"You mean it?" he asks nervously.
Téa smiles shyly. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't."
Todd takes his hand and gently lifts her chin. Their eyes are locked and their faces are inches apart.
"Say it again."
Téa's eyes light up. "I love you, Todd."
He searches her eyes as the words leave her lips. Searching for any sign of doubt...of a trick. But all he sees is love.
"I love you," he says, leaning in to kiss her again. Téa pulls him tightly to her. Finally, she reluctantly pulls away.
"I've really gotta go." Todd nods. "What time are you gonna be home?"
Téa shrugs. "Not too late." She reaches up and gently kisses him one last time. "Adios Querido," she says softly.
Todd grins. "What you said."
Téa laughs. With one last smile, she turns and leaves the office.
Todd sits down at his desk. She loved him. For a day that had started out pretty had certainly taken a turn for the better.


Angel Square, 9:30PM

Téa walks down the small pathway of the Martinez household. It hadn't been a difficult job, the family had really just needed some legal advice. She smiles, the head of the family, Juan, reminded her of her father.

She turns the corner onto the sidewalk. She hadn't been able to find a spot on their street, so she had parked the street over. She hears soft footsteps behind her...and turns.

No one.

Shaking her head, she turns and continues walking. She hears the footsteps again...this time a little louder. Her heart begins to beat faster. Almost there.

She picks up her speed as the footsteps grow even closer. Blindly she fumbles in her purse for her pepper spray. Where the hell is it?

But it's too late. A strong arm restrains her shoulders. She tries to scream...but a chloroform soaked rag covers her mouth. The last thing she remembers before she goes under is Todd's voice.

What time are you gonna be home?

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly