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Near You Always 34

Previously...But it's too late. A strong arm restrains her shoulders. She tries to scream...but a chloroform soaked rag covers her mouth. The last thing she remembers before she goes under is Todd's voice.

What time are you gonna be home?


Téa opens her eyes slowly, rolling over onto her back. She smacks her lips together, her mouth incredibly dry. She lifts her hand to her forehead, her head suffering a dull throbbing pain.

Suddenly, she sits straight up. It was coming back to her...walking to her car....the footsteps. She blinks rapidly a few times, letting her eyes adjust.

The room is dimly lit by candles. She looks down and notices she is sleeping on a futon covered with thick blankets. Shakily, she gets to her feet.

"Hello?" she calls out, her voice panicky.

No answer. Her eyes frantically begin to search the room. No windows. She spots an ice bucket and a huge box containing food. Finally, her eyes rest on a door. She rushes over, grasping the handle and turning, but to no avail. It was locked...

She hysterically begins to pound on the door.

"Help...somebody please!!" she screams over and over, tears of panic running down her cheeks. Her mind instantly flashes an image of Todd. Does he even know? What's going on? After a few minutes, exhaustion combined with the after effects of the chloroform force her to stop. She slides slowly down the door, hugging her knees to her chest.

Her mind tries to wrap around what was going on. Kidnapped....but here she a candlelit room with a bed. She had no idea where she was....had they gone far out of Llanview? From looking around, she could tell she was in some type of old warehouse, the candlelight dimming but not masking the damage to the place.

Her eyes scan the room again. Her eyes fall upon something hanging over a chair. A stab of nausea runs through her as she gets up and goes over to the chair to investigate. Her eyes widen...and with a shaking hand she reaches out and picks up....

her navy blue nightgown. She had wondered what had happened to it....she hadn't been able to find it since she had moved in with Todd..she had just figured it was still packed somewhere. Her knees give, and she falls to the floor, clutching the nightgown.

"What is going on?" she whispers.


Todd looks at his watch. 10:30. How long did this legal advice take? Frustrated, he runs his hand through his hair. He hated to admit it, but he actually looked forward to hanging out with her at night. Maybe...she didn't feel the same way.

He shakes his head.

Knock it off you idiot..she's just running late.

But the little voice it always did...making him doubt her...her love. His eyes fall to his wedding ring, remembering when he had put it back on her. And today, finally, she had told him she loved him. But he couldn't shake it...he never could. His insecurities about her never were far away, no matter what she tried to do to quell them.

He glances at his watch again. 10:45.

He had been struggling with this for about an hour, and finally decided to give in. He walks over to the table and picks up Téa's address book. Flipping to "V", he picks up the phone and dials. He had put off calling her...knowing how she hated him.

"Yeah...uh Carlotta....yeah it's Todd. Whatever...look is Delgado there? I's not home hour and a half ago? Uh...yeah...." he quickly hangs up the phone. A different feeling was overcoming him. She had left that family's house an hour and a half ago. They had called Carlotta to thank her for sending Téa over. Todd clenches his fists. Something wasn't right.

Picking up the phone, he dials Club Indigo.


"'s Todd Manning."

"Hey man, what's up?" RJ asks, a little shocked at the voice at the other hand.

"Yeah, you seen Delgado tonight?"

"No, not tonight. Everything okay?"

Todd sits slowly down on the couch. "I don't know."


"Well she's not with Carlotta and she's not with you....where else would she be?"

"You're losing me, man."

"She was doing a favor for Carlotta, down in Angel Square, giving some family some legal advice. Carlotta says she left there over an hour ago...she's still not home."

"Try her cell phone?"

Todd shakes his head and pounds his fist into the couch. " idea," he mumbles.

"Look, keep me posted," RJ says.

"Whatever," Todd mutters, hanging up the phone.

Picking it back up, he quickly dials Téa's cell phone. With every ring, his heart sinks lower. Something was definitely wrong.

He slams down the phone and grabs his keys from the table. He didn't know why, but he had the feeling he had to find her.


20 Minutes Later....

Todd cruises slowly down the darkened streets of Angel Square. He wasn't sure exactly what he was looking for, he just knew he had to start there. He grasps the steering wheel with a white knuckle grip as he turns a corner. Driving slowly down the street, he suddenly slams on the brakes when he sees...

her car. Just sitting there. He swerves over to the curb, jumping out of the car. He runs over to it, frantically looking in the windows. Nothing. Like she had never been there...except..

her cell phone..sitting on the front seat. Todd leans against the car, forcing himself to breathe. His mind races, trying to figure out what happened...what to do. He sinks slowly to the ground, his back leaning against her car.

"Delgado, where are you?" he whispers into his shaking hands.


Téa still sits on the floor, clutching her nightgown. Her head shoots up at the sound of a key in the lock. She nervously looks towards the door. At the sight of the man before her, she freezes, eyes wide open in shock.

"Hi, honey," Sykes says quietly, "I'm home."

To Be Continued...

Fan Fiction by Kelly