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Near You Always 36

Previously..."Stay outta my way Sykes," he says icily, glaring right back. Turning, he walks quickly out of Indigo, racking his brain on where to go from here. Sykes leans back against the wall....grinning.....


Téa turns onto her back, slowly waking up from a few hours of sleep, silently praying that she'll wake up in her own bed, the other side still slightly warm from Todd's restlessly sleeping body. Eyes still closed, she tentatively reaches out a hand....and feels nothing but chill of the satin sheets. Her heart crashes down and a knot forms in her stomach. It hadn't been a nightmare.

Reluctantly opening her eyes, she once again takes in her odd surroundings. The plush, sensual decor Sykes had used was so at odds with the appearance of the dank warehouse. She had spent the better part of the night trying frantically to find some escape, looking for any windows, any small openings she could try to make bigger. She had to give Sykes credit, he had certainly done his homework. Not one opening in the place.

She glances at her watch. 9:00. In the morning, she believed. He said he would be back at night. A sickening wave comes over her as her nightgown falls into her view. She knew what he expected. And hell would freeze over before she let it happen.

"Come on Delgado," she says to herself, comforting herself slightly by using Todd's nickname for her, "No one can scheme better than you," she chuckles softly, "Well...except Todd. Use your head girl. Figure out a way out of this."


Police Department, 9:30 AM

A bleary eyes Todd Manning busts into the police station, causing more than his usual ruckus. He had spent the night combing Angel Square for any sign of Téa. Every tree, every shrub, every bush. His eyes had inspected every inch of ground. Distraught, he had battled with himself for over an hour about going to the police. He hated the idea of having to ask Bo Buchanan for anything. The thought literally made him nauseaus. But after having no word from or about Téa for almost 12 hours, he knew he had to swallow his personal hatred for the man and put Delgado first.

He walks directly over to a uniformed officer.

"I wanna see the commish."

The officer looked him up and down. "And you are?"

"Todd Manning. Don't worry, me and Buchanan go way back. He'll see me," Todd says, an edge of sarcasm in his tired voice.

The officer eyes him warily, then turns and heads for the commissioner's office. Todd fidgets nervously, his eyes constantly darting around. He couldn't believe he was standing in the LPD on purpose. There was such a deep seated fear in his heart, one he hadn't felt since his beloved Shorty was ill. He closes his eyes, picturing Téa in his head...remembering her sweet voice telling him she loved him. And now...she was gone. Typical. Nothing good in his life, with the exception of Starr, had ever lasted.

The officer's voice breaks through his thoughts.

"Go on in."

Todd runs his hand through his hair and heads to the open door of Bo's office. A stab of hatred rips through him as he sees the other man in Bo's office. John Sykes.

"Manning, if this is about some sleazy story..."

"Shut up Buchanan," Todd cuts him off. He pauses. Bo watches him. He seems....frustrated...antsy.

"Then what the hell do you want?"

Todd's eyes move back and forth from Sykes to Bo. He takes a deep breath...deciding to just say it.

"Delgado...she's gone."

Bo does a double take. "Excuse me?"

Sykes stays silent.

"What...did you not hear me? She's gone. She's been gone since last night."

"Maybe she finally wised up and left your sorry ass," Sykes sneers.

Todd's head shoots up. With the speed of a jaguar, he lunges at Sykes, trying to wrap his hands around Sykes' scrawny neck. Bo calls for backup, and two uniformed officers come rushing in. One grabs Todd, the other Sykes...and they begin trying to pry them apart.

"Manning...this isn't helping!" Bo yells.

But Todd can barely hear him. He can only see Sykes' sneer...hear his words. The officer holding Todd finally loosens Todd's grip on Sykes. Todd jerks away and flings the officer off him.

"Get the hell off of me!" he yells, his voice rough. Todd paces around the room, trying to calm himself the best he can. For Téa. Like it or not...he needed their help.

"Okay, can we get back to the matter at hand here?" Bo asks, glaring back and forth between Todd and Sykes. "Manning...when was the last time you saw Téa?"

Todd takes a deep breath, still trying to reign in his anger. He glares at Sykes.

"I don't know....uhh...yesterday afternoon. She was going to Angel Square to help out a friend of Carlotta's...and she never came home."

Bo sighs. "Well, technically I can't do anything until she's been gone for 24 hours."

Todd slams his hand down on the desk. "You CAN and you WILL! I won't have Delgado hurt because of some God damn technicality!"

Bo clenches his fist. The mere sight of Todd Manning made him angry. But he tried to put it aside. As he looked closely into Todd's angry face, he noticed something he wasn't used to seeing from Todd. Fear.

"No one has contacted you?"

"No...nothing. Her car is in Angel Square. I figure someone grabbed her while she was walking to her car."

Sykes remains silent, standing next to Bo. Best not to say anything.

"You might hear from them today. I mean, it's no secret you're rich...could be a ransom demand."

Todd runs his hand through his hair, exasperated. He certainly just wasn't gonna sit around and wait.

"I suggest you make safe arrangements for your daughter. It's a pretty safe bet that she's not in danger...but just to be sure."

Todd nods. His mind working overtime.

"Why don't you come out here, and I'll have one of the officers take a statement...tell them everything you know," Bo says, his tone strained, but a little sympathetic. With one last glare at Sykes, Todd follows him out.

Watching them go, Sykes grins.

I'll be home soon my princess....very soon.....

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly