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Near You Always 39

Previously..."WHO THE HELL IS THIS?" he yells.

"T..Todd?" he hears a broken, soft voice. His eyes widen. Bo's mouth opens in shock.

"Delgado?" he says, softly.

"Todd....I killed him...I killed him...I killed him...I killed him..."


Todd draws in a sharp breath at her words. He lifts his eyes and sees Bo staring at him, shocked. And then he noticed the recording devices. Recording her words.

"Delgado," he says, trying to interrupt her panicked mantra, "Delgado, calm down okay?" His eyes move to Bo again. He had to be careful what he said.

Téa grabs onto his voice, averting her eyes from the blood creeping closer on the floor of the warehouse.

Bo walks over to Todd.

"Let me talk to her."

"No way Buchanan," Todd shoots back, grasping at the phone. Glaring at Bo, he turns his attention back to Téa.

"Delgado, who's with you?"

Téa squeezes her arms around her drawn up knees. Closing her eyes, trying to escape the reality of what was happening to her.

"Téa?" Todd pushes softly.

"Sykes," she whispers.

Todd's hand tightens around the phone. His eyes turn to Bo, who sinks in disbelief onto the sofa. A white hot rage begins to invade Todd, at Sykes, at himself. The guy had been stalking her for months. He should have caught on when Sykes was so smug when he had reported Téa missing. Sykes' face swims in front of his eyes. Whirling around, Todd slams his fist into the wall. Needing something, anything to release this. Picturing Sykes' face on the wall as he slammed it repeatedly.

"Manning!" he hears Bo yell, "This isn't helping! You gotta keep her talking. I'll put out an APB on Sykes' car. Just try to keep her calm, and yourself."

Todd clenches his fist, giving Bo and icy stare. Trying to control himself, his anger. He hears Téa's soft sobs on the other end, helping to bring him back, to focus. Talk to her. Just talk to her. And maybe soon this whole nightmare will be over.


Todd holds his cell phone to his ear as he clenches the steering wheel of his car. It had taken about an hour and a half, but the cops had finally located Sykes' car outside an old warehouse on the outskirts of Llanview. He had fought with Bo, who had wanted him to stay behind, but there was no way they were keeping him from Téa.

He had been on the phone with her throughout. Hiding his pain and anger inside, trying to keep her calm. It wasn't the easiest thing he'd ever had to do. He wanted to lash out, to hurt someone or something badly. But he tried to remember that if the situation were reversed, she would do this for him. She had, when he had his nightmare, her soothing voice calming him to sleep.

So he talked to her. About nothing really. The Sun, Starr, just making sure he didn't stop. She didn't talk much the occasional whimper, a soft sob. But her breathing, that's what scared him. He could hear how fast she was breathing, panicked, hysterical.

But when he had gotten in the car, away from Bo, he knew he had to get some answers out of her about what happened. He needed to talk to her before Bo did, especially now that Bo had what could be considered a confession on tape.

"Delgado," he says softly, "listen to me, you gotta tell me what happened."

Téa had gotten up from the floor and crawled onto the bed, curling herself up into a ball, trying to wrap herself up in Todd's voice. She closed her eyes at his words. Everything was becoming a blur now, almost surreal.

"Okay...okay listen. I'll ask the questions, you answer. Did that bastard hurt you?" he asks, his voice becoming strained at the thought.


Todd swallows hard. "Téa?"

"He...he hit me," she says, almost in a whisper. Todd slams his fist against the steering wheel. The slimeball was lucky he was dead. His heart constricts as another thought pops into his head. He's terrified to hear her answer, but he has to know.

"Did he...did he rape you?"


Todd relaxes somewhat at her answer. He sees Bo in front of him making a turn and slowing down. They were almost there.

"Delgado...I'll be there in a minute. Just listen. Don't say anything to them okay? I'm gonna call Sam and get him to meet us at the hospital. Téa, okay, you understand?"

No response.

"Téa, listen, not a word alright? I need to know you heard me."

"Okay," he hears her whisper.


Bo stands back as some of his men work on the door. Todd is talking to Téa still, pacing near him. He had men going over Sykes' car looking for some kind of clue, to what he wasn't sure yet.

"Jesus Bo, how many cops does it take to open a goddamn door?" Todd says, aggravated.

Bo turns slowly and looks at him. "I'm gonna ignore that because I know you're worried about her," he says, his voice strangely calm. Finally, the cops pop the lock, and swing the heavy door open.

They walk in. The first thing Todd sees is Sykes' bloody body on the floor.

She went easy on you... you are so lucky you're not alive.

His eyes scan the room, and they finally fall on Téa. Curled up on the futon. Seemingly oblivious to the commotion that has started around her. That scares reaction at all. He begins to walk over to her, when Bo stops him.

"Don't touch anything," Bo warns.

"The only thing I'm gonna touch is her," Todd shoots back. He rushes over to her on the bed.,p> Bo, meanwhile, looks around. Strange. The whole setup is strange. Looks like a love nest. He eyes Téa, curled up on the bed, wearing a short, sexy nightgown. Very strange.

Todd kneels down next to the bed, facing Téa. He watches, terrified as her vacant eyes stare right through him. Like he's not even there. She's still clutching the cell phone to her ear, even though he had hung up minutes ago.

"Téa?" he says softly.

She blinks, his voice so close, interrupting the nightmare playing in her head. She blinks again, and sees Todd in front of her. She slowly reaches out her hand, to touch him, make sure he's real. Todd takes her hand in his, his protective eyes never leaving her. At his touch, her whole body begins to shake with sobs...of relief, of panic, of fear.

At that moment, Todd has the overwhelming desire to take her in his arms. And for once, his body moved before his brain kicked in, before it started screaming about all the demons from his past. He stood up and sat on the bed, reaching out and pulling her onto his lap. Cradling her like he would Starr when she got hurt. Protecting her.

To Be Continued...