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Near You Always 5

Tea looks up at the sound of his voice, her face a picture of complete shock. It was a good thing she was sitting down....because her legs surely would have given out at the sight of the love of her life standing with that sexy grin in the doorway of her office. He looked the same, dressed in his characteristic black. Tea struggled to keep the raging emotions inside her from appearing on her face. He just stands there, silently looking at her, grinning, waiting for a response. Tea's mind is completely numb....nothing coming to mind to say to him....words and sentences seem like a foreign concept....

"It's not our anniversary," she finally says, the tone in her voice one of shock. What on earth made me say that? she thinks.
Todd walks in and promptly flops himself down in a chair, still with that irresistable grin. "Well, know I was thinking...people sometimes celebrate the anniversary of their first date....I sort of think of our first wedding as our first a way...I guess."
Tea just stares at him, still seated behind her desk. Out of his sight, she is furiously clenching and unclenching her hands, desperately trying to keep the tears away....she can't let him see that he still gets to her. He's just sitting there, so relaxed!!! He's acting like nothing happened!
Tea thinking that Todd was "relaxed" couldn't be further from the truth. Inside, he was a mass of jumbled, fear, confusion, relief that she hadn't thrown anything directly at him....but this was how he dealt with it. was his defense. He searched her face for any sign of a reaction...but there was none...other than surprise.
Tea's mind cleared somewhat. "When did you get back?" she asked, her cold voice masking the opposite feelings of pain and relief at seeing him she was feeling.
"Couple of weeks ago."
Tea grins wryly. "You know, I thought I felt someone watching me in the park the other day...I should have known," she says sarcastically.
" was me...I wanted to see you."
"I guess it never occured to you that I don't appreciate being stalked," she shoots back.
"I ....wanted to know....look, I'm sorry," he says, starting to feel a little nervous.
"An apology, wow....I'm speechless."
Todd stares at her, her eyes cold as ice. Really, he knows he should expect this, after everything that happened.
Good thing I'm as stubborn as she is, he thinks.
Tea is now digging her nails into her palms, tryng to kill the urge to run to him, either to hug him or strangle him.
"So, how long are you staying?"
"For good."
Tea swallows hard. "Well, Starr will be happy to see you."
"Yeah, I missed her....and you," he says quietly, looking at her intently.
Tea can feel her resolve melting at the longing look in those beautiful hazel eyes. No, she thinks, not this time...come on girl...stay strong.
"Todd , why are you here?" she asks, a hint of frustration in her voice.
"Why do you think , Delgado? I want to make things right with us," he says with a hint of sadness.
"It's over," she says quietly, "You should go."
Todd senses her shutting down, they are so much alike it's scary to him. He realizes he's probably not going to get any further tonight, so he gets up and walks to the door. Before he leaves, he turns around and meets her eyes with his.
"It'll never be over, I'm not giving up Delgado. Ever," he says with quiet determination, and then leaves.
Tea stares after him, a feeling of panic washing over her. She wasn't a fool enough to think that she was over him, she knew damn well that she still loved him, that she would always love him. But she couldn't go back again....she just wouldn't do it. But Todd is nothing if not persistent, she knows that better than anyone.
I have to make him think I'm over him, I have to make myself think I'm over him...she thinks.
Impulsively she reaches for the phone and dials John Sykes.
"Hello, John? It's Tea....fine....listen...I was wondering if maybe you wanted to have dinner with me tomorrow night....great....7:00 sounds good, at the Palace...see you then...Bye.."
As she hangs up the phone, she feels her heart break in two. I have to do this, she thinks, no matter how much it hurts.

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly