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Near You Always 6

Llanfair, next evening

Viki is in shock as she stands in the open doorway, staring at her brother.
"Nice to see you too, Sis."
"Come in," she says, recovering slightly.
They walk into the living room, where Todd promptly pours himself a drink.
"How are you?" Viki asks.
" not really...but as okay as I get," he pauses and looks at his sister, "Still ticked?"
"Well, Todd, I'm not going to pretend it doesn't still hurt, but you're my brother, you're family, and I love you no matter what."
Todd feels the guilt he has been carrying around for hurting the people he loves bubble to the surface. "Thanks Viki."
Viki smiles at him, "So, did you take my advice, and get your head together?"
"I tried."
Viki sighs. "Look Todd, you have a lot of issues you need to deal with..."
Todd cuts her off, "Don't say the word shrink, Viki, or I'm out of here."
"I just think it would help."
Todd shakes his head. "No way."
"So are you telling me you think you are okay...ready to go on and have a normal life?"
He walks over and sits down on the sofa. "Look Viki, I know I'm screwed up...but no shrink is gonna get me to talk about stuff I don't want to talk about."
"Even for Starr? You want to be able to raise your daughter without fear, without problems, don't you?"
"I would never hurt Shorty," Todd says, but Viki's words affect him. He would do anything for Starr.
Viki decides to drop the subject, she knows how difficult her brother is to talk to when he gets his mind set on something. A thought suddenly occurs to her. "Does Téa know you're back?"
"Yeah, I saw her last night, she wasn't exactly thrilled...can't say I blame her though," Todd replies, somewhat sadly.
Todd looks at Viki. "Why?"
"Nothing, are you hungry?" Viki gets up and walk toward the kitchen, obviously trying to change the subject.
"Viki, what? Did you see Delgado?"
"Uh...well...yeah...a little while ago."
Viki is silent. She knows in her heart that Todd and Tea love each other deeply, despite their problems, but she also knows Tea has to deal with this in her own time.
"Come on, sis...if you don't tell me...I'll run around this god forsaken town til I find her."
Viki sighs. "I just saw her a little while ago, at the Palace."
"I gotta go," Todd says, heading for the door.
"Todd! Wait! Look, Tea is going to need time to get used to you being back...maybe you should give it to her." "What aren't you telling me?"
Viki walks over to him, gently placing her hand on his arm. "Todd, she wasn't alone, she was there with John Sykes. They have been seeing each other...although I'm quite sure it's not serious...I know she still has feelings for you. But you have to let her come to terms with that on her two went through a lot together, and she's still healing."
Todd takes her words into account, but decides against waiting.
"Viki, I've already wasted so much time, I'm not gonna wait around anymore."

Palace, same evening

Téa is barely listening as John talks about his day. She is trying, but she just can't seem to get Todd's face out of her head....she keeps hearing his voice...

I'm not giving up....

"How's your dinner?" John's voice snaps her back into reality.
"'s fine."
"Are you okay?"
Téa sighs. "Well, I guess you'll find out soon enough. Todd's back."
John eyes her warily. "Really? Have you seen him?"
Tea gives him a strange look. He sounds awfully jealous to her...maybe it's just her imagination.
"Uh, yeah, I have."
"Tea, I won't let him hurt you."
Tea is somewhat taken aback by his words. He sounds pretty serious for someone she has only been to dinner with a couple of times. She suddenly feels guilty for leading him on. But she also knows she needs to do this. "You don't have to worry. Todd and I are through," she says, although her voice is less than convincing.

Todd is standing at the entrance to the dining room, out of Tea's vision. God, he hates that loser Sykes. He has to talk to her. He walks over to the front desk.
"Can I help you?" the attendant asks.
"Yeah, listen...I need you to go in there and tell John Sykes he has a phone call."
"But he doesn't sir."
Todd rolls his eyes, and takes out a roll of bills. "No kidding, listen....this is for you if you can get him out here and keep him out here for a few minutes....there's something I need to do."

Tea and John are quietly enjoying their dinner when an attendant arrives at their table.
"Excuse me, Mr. Sykes, you have a phone call at the front desk."
John looks at Tea, "I'm sorry."
Tea smiles, "No problem."
He walks out, leaving Tea to her thoughts. John's behavior sure is confusing her. He's acting awfully possessive. That is something she would have to put a stop to.
"How's dinner?"
Tea looks up in shock, seeing Todd sitting down across from her.
"What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?"
"Lucky guess," he says, reaching over and taking some food off of her plate. "Not bad," he says, putting the food in his mouth.
Tea glares at him, "If you don't mind, I happen to be on a date."
Todd grins, "I know, with that Sykes guy...loser. And while we're on the subject, call me old fashioned but I don't really like the idea of my wife dating other guys."
Tea looks at him in surprise. It had never occured to her that he would find out they were still married.
"I mean, I'm reasonably sure you're still my wife. As far as I can tell, no papers have been filed or anything," Todd continues, enjoying the look of surprise on that beautiful face.
"Well, I have them, I'll sign them tomorrow."
"Why haven't you signed them yet?"
Tea stumbles over her words, "Uh....look....I just haven't gotten around to it...but I will."
"Maybe you don't really want to sign them."
Tea feels her anger rise. She hates that he knows her so well.
"And to tell you the truth, Delgado, I don't want you to sign them either."
"Why, haven't manipulated me enough?"
"Because I love you."
Tea feels tears spring to her eyes. "You don't get to say that to me anymore," she says softly, but bitterly.
Todd hears the bitterness, but her eyes, he knows, are where the truth is...and what he sees is sadness, and even love. He begins to reach over to cover her hand with his own when he hears Sykes' angry voice.
"Get away from her Manning."
Todd stands up, and looks Sykes straight in the eye. "Don't you tell me to get away from MY wife."
"John, it's okay," Tea says.
Todd looks at her, and their eyes lock. In those seconds, no words are needed.
"I'll see ya Delgado." With that, Todd walks out.
Tea struggles to get control of her emotions. She hates that he has this effect on her. She hates that she still loves him, and she hates that despite everything, she still wants to be with him.
Come have to get over have matter how hard it is...
Her thoughts are interrupted by John's voice.
"I thought your marriage was annulled," he says, somewhat angrily.
Tea looks up. "I have the papers, there just not signed yet."
"Maybe you should do that."
Tea looks at him resentfully. "Look, my marriage to Todd is really none of your concern."
"I'd say it is...since we're dating."
"John, look, we've had dinner a few times, okay? I'm not ready for a relationship...and if you want more than you're going after the wrong woman."
John quickly realizes what he said. His jealousy got the best of him....but he wants Tea so badly....he would never let her go back to Manning.
He decides to change his tactic. "Hey, Tea, look I'm sorry. I just hate the guy. I'm in no rush, okay? Take all the time you need."
Tea sighs. He hadn't exactly gotten the point, but she was too emotionally exhausted to explain it.

Later that evening Todd is laying on the couch in "their" house...and it would be "theirs" someday if he had anything to say about it. He holds the pictures of Tea and Starr...suddenly lonely. He pictures Starr all snuggled into bed, holding her frog, dreaming of princes and princesses. He was going to see Blair tomorrow to set up a visit with Shorty, and was preparing himself for a battle.
His eyes shift to Tea's picture. He thinks back to the sadness and love he saw in her eyes. He was going to have to work to win her back, he knows that....but he would...
"You better get ready, Delgado, cause you of all people know how I am when I want something," he says, running his fingers slowly over her picture.

Tea lays in her bed, thinking about the turns her life has taken over the last two days. In all the madness, she had forgotten to ask Todd what the key was for.
Oh, well, I'm sure there will be plenty of time, Todd, you're nothing if not persistent.
The thought is both comforting and frightening...she desperately wants to see be with him....but she also is terrified of getting hurt, again. She thinks about the annulment papers, now in her briefcase, knowing she would have to take the final step tomorrow and sign them....
At that thought, her heart twists, and tears begin streaming down her cheeks....

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Kelly