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One and Only 3

Previously..."When I finally realized that Cristian was mine," she answers. She gives Téa a quick hug, then walks over to meet her new husband. Téa watches them embrace, her heart envious for that kind of affection, that kind of love. For Todd to show it to her, for them to be allowed yet another chance. She glances over to where Todd is sitting, and like so many times before during the day, she finds his eyes staring straight at her. An icy look passes over his face before he quickly breaks eye contact with her and looks away.

But Téa notices. For a moment, just a moment, he was looking at her


The following day,
Todd's apartment

Todd throws his keys on the coffee table and flops himself down on the sofa. He had just come back from dropping Starr off at school. While things between him and Blair were horrible, she had for some reason relented and let Starr stay with Todd while she and Max went to visit his kids in North Carolina. Most likely, it was Starr pleading her father's case that had done the trick.

After he had returned to Llanview, he had bought an apartment on the docks. It had crossed his mind to go and throw Téa's crazy little niece out of the penthouse, but he had decided against it. She was everywhere in that penthouse, and her flings were everywhere in that penthouse. It would have driven him crazy living there, especially without her. So, he got a good size apartment on the water. Isolated from the rest of town, but as always, keeping a close eye on the happenings in Llanview.

Aside from fighting for his daughter, his latest project was wrestling his paper back from Kelly Cramer Buchanan, although he was beginning to wonder which Buchanan Kelly was actually married to. He grins to himself. Oh yeah, there definitely could be some ammunition there. Thankfully, after the reception last night, Starr had been so exhausted she hadn't wanted to talk much. Todd knew exactly what she would have wanted to talk about to. Closing his eyes, he leans his head back against his dark sofa. He could see her, standing at the reception, looking amazing. The hurt look in her eyes when she caught his cold glare. Good. He wanted her to be hurt. And he wanted to take the hurt away. Confusing, but what in his life wasn't? He hears a knock on the door, and glances annoyingly at it. Who the hell could that be? Rolling his eyes, he gets up and heads for the door. He opens it, and is immediately greeted by the perky smile of his sister.

"Good morning Todd!"

"Whatever," he grumbles, looking down.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"That depends. If you're here to talk about a certain former wife of mine who showed up for the wedding yesterday, you can turn around and leave right now."

"Oh Todd, I just came by to see how you were doing," Viki says, walking past Todd and into his apartment. As always, when she enters, she shakes her head slightly. Todd's apartment was dark. Everything was black, brown, or dark grey. She had insisted that he needed some brightness in the place, to better his foul moods, but she had been met with a typically snarky response. She walks over and sits down on the sofa. Todd eyes her suspiciously.

"Although, it was very nice to see Téa again yesterday. She's looking well, sad, but well," Viki says, eyeing him closely.

"See? I knew it! You know, if you're gonna be sneaky, I don't wanna be your brother anymore," he grumbles. Viki chuckles.

"And where exactly do you think I learned this sneaky behavior, baby brother?"

Todd crashes into an armchair. "I don't wanna talk about her," he mutters.

"Hmmm, you know, it wouldn't hurt you to talk TO her."

"I got nothing to say to Delgado. She walked out, end of story."

"And you're not at fault at all?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"What it means is that you are not the easiest person to live with. I'm not saying that Téa was right in how she handled it, but maybe she had her reasons for leaving."

"Yeah, she had her reasons, she gave up on me. She was pissed off because I wouldn't do what she wanted and she bailed."

"What exactly did she want you to do?"

Todd shifts uncomfortably. "Forget it, it's over."

Viki nods. "I know how terrified you are to open up to someone, both emotionally and physically Todd..."

"Oh here we go..." Todd mutters, getting up and pacing around the room.

"And believe me I know how you feel. But you could have something really really good with Téa. But you have to take the risk."

"I DID! I came back here and laid it all out on the line for her, knowing full well she could have turned me down. But she didn't. And then, three months in, what does she do? She bails, while I'm sleeping no less. So don't tell me I didn't take a risk Viki, I did. Maybe she's the one that didn't. Maybe she's so hung up on her idea of what a 'relationship' should be, that when I didn't measure up to her standard, she decided to hell with it and left, instead of giving me a chance. You know, Delgado is just as screwed up as I am, so don't go blaming me for this."

"Todd, I'm not blaming anyone. I just wonder if there isn't a whole lot of miscommunication between you two."

Todd rubs his hands over his face. "Well if there is, that's the way it's gonna stay. Delgado and I are through." He walks towards the kitchen, leaving Viki sitting on the sofa. Shaking her head sadly, she realizes that this isn't going to be easy.


Carlotta's diner
Same morning

Téa takes a sip from her steaming mug of coffee, needing all the caffeine she could get. It had been, predictably, a sleepless night. Todd's angry stares haunting her thoughts, the pain in his eyes tugging at her heart, even hours later. She would be fine, though. Once she got back out of Llanview she would be fine. It was hard though, she didn't have anyone to talk to about all this. Carlotta really didn't understand, she couldn't believe that Tea had left with Todd in the first place. Roseanne was involved in whatever melodrama she was currently cooking up in her life. Yeah, Rachel was back in town, but their friendship had suffered greatly through the whole Georgie mess.

Sam Rappaport walks in the diner and immediately spots Téa at the counter, staring intently into her her cup of coffee. Giving Carlotta a quick wave, he goes over to her.

"This seat taken?"

Téa looks up, a smile immediately warming her face. "It is now."

Sam sits down. "I didn't get a chance to talk to you much yesterday, how have you been?"

Téa shrugs. "Okay, I guess."

"Where'd you end up?"

"New York."

"Back home, huh?"

"Yeah," she says quietly. Funny, she didn't really think of Manhattan as home, even though she had grown up there. Home was ...well wherever Todd was.

"Let me ask you something. How attached are you to the big city?"

"Not very, why?"

"Would you consider moving back to Llanview?" he asks. Noticing her stunned look, he continues. "You know I moved my practice here, and for a while I was partners with Nora, but that didn't work out. Anyway, I'm looking to add another lawyer, and you're the perfect choice. Interested?"

Téa shakes her head. "Just like that?"

"Well, it's not just like that, I know you're a great attorney. I've worked with you before. You'd be a great addition."

"Sam, I'm flattered, really. But, I just..I just can't right now."

"Join my practice, or move back to Llanview?"

"Both," she replies, looking down.

"Because of Todd?"

Téa looks up sharply. "You know, there are other things in my life Sam," she pauses as a thought occurs to her. "Is that was this is about? Todd?"

Sam turns his stool to face her fully. "I'm gonna be honest with you. Yeah, I'm trying to get you to stay in town, for Todd, and for you. But I also wouldn't ask you to join my practice if I didn't believe you are an excellent attorney, and that is the truth."

Téa takes a sip of her coffee, contemplating his words. Sam watches her closely.

"Listen, you don't have to tell me now. Think about it, okay?"

Téa nods. "Okay. And Sam, thanks for the offer, I appreciate it."

Sam smiles as he stands up. He gives her a wave as he turns and heads for the door. After he leaves, Téa puts her head in her hands. She hadn't expected that. What on earth was she gonna do?

To Be Continued...