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One and Only 4

Previously...Téa nods. "Okay. And Sam, thanks for the offer, I appreciate it."

Sam smiles as he stands up. He gives her a wave as he turns and heads for the door. After he leaves, Téa puts her head in her hands. She hadn't expected that. What on earth was she gonna do?


The Following Day

"Téa!" Viki smiles, surprised to see her former sister in law on the other side of the door. She reaches out and warmly hugs her.

"Hi Viki, I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time, I should have called first...but.."

"Not at all, I always have time for you," Viki says, ushering Téa into the house.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," Téa replies. Viki motions for her to sit down on the sofa.

"We didn't really get a chance to talk at the wedding."

"No, we didn't. I'm so happy for Cris and Jessica. You must be so happy, Viki."

"Yes I am. It's been a long time and quite a rocky road for those two. But somehow, I don't get the feeling you're here to back Cris and Jessie, are you?" Viki pushes softly.

Téa bows her head. "How is he Viki? I mean, really?"

"Really? He's miserable. Moreso than usual, which is making quite a statement considering my brother's usual moods."

Téa nods. "He hates me."

"No, no he does not hate you. He's angry, hurt, but Téa, he loves you very much. And, judging from the fact that you're sitting here, I would say you still love him too."

Téa sighs, standing up. "God, I don't know how we ended up here, Viki."

"Do you want to tell me what happened while you two were gone?"

She turns to Viki. "Yeah, I would. You know, I haven't told anyone what happened, but you might be the one person who understands." She walks over to the large window at the other side of the room, staring out into the bleak November day. "When we were at your cabin, he promised me that he would try, he would try to surprise me, he would try not to push me away. I tried to resist him, but ultimately I couldn't. He knows me so well, he knew as soon as I knew where he was, I would go to him. We've always been so drawn to each other, it's so hard to explain..." she trails off.

Viki watches her closely. "Not really. It's called being in love."

"Yeah," Téa responds quietly. "Anyway, we left and we ended up just travelling around for a while. And it was good, you know? Fun. But there was something..different about him. It was like as closed up as he was before, he was even moreso now, especially once we got away from Llanview. Like that year away had done even more damage to him. I tried so hard Viki," she says, tears streaming down her cheeks, "I tried so hard to make it work. To talk to touch him. But he just snapped shut."

Viki stands up and walks over to her. "Was sex an issue?"

Téa nods. "It was an issue, but not the main one, not for me anyway, although I'm sure Todd thinks that's why I left. It wasn't just he just refused to make the effort. I understand his past, and all the pain and fear he must feel because of it. But when he came back for me, I assumed that that meant that he was willing to try and put that fear aside and give it a shot. It was worse than before. When I tried to touch him, he would pull back. When I tried to talk about it, he would tune me out. I just got so frustrated that I left. I just left him, while he was sleeping, no goodbye, nothing. It was the only way I could leave, because if I had had to face him, I never would have left. So, I took the coward's way out. Just like my mother," she finishes, her voice breaking. She fruitlessly wipes at the tears streaming down her cheeks and walks back towards the couch. Viki follows her closely, sitting down next to her. "I actually didn't go that far. Just to a different hotel. I remember, I was laying there, crying, when all of the sudden I got this horrible feeling that I had just made a big mistake. I figured I had only been gone a few hours, so I went back...but Todd was gone."

"Does he know that?"

"I doubt it, I don't think there's anyway he could."

"So, if you went back, why didn't you come back to Llanview? I mean, you must have figured he would come back here."

"You know, I wasn't sure he would. I mean, when we were at the cabin, I asked him to stay in town with me, and he was so adamant that he didn't want to stay. But, then, I figured Starr would be more than enough to pull him back here. To be honest, I don't know why I didn't come back. Maybe I didn't want to deal with all the "I told you so's", maybe I didn't want to face anyone. And I guess when I went back to the hotel and found him gone, I took it as some sort of sign, that we were both willing to just give up. I left and he didn't really wait around for me to come back. So, I decided maybe the best thing to do was just to start over, somewhere else, and I went back to New York. I got back in touch with Carlotta, and she told me Todd was back here. You don't know how many times I almost came back, but I didn't. I guess I was afraid he'd hate me, you know? But when I got the invitation to the wedding, I knew that I would have to come back, and I knew I would see him, although I didn't quite expect to end up sitting next to him in church."

"Did you two get a chance to talk at all?"

"Aside from his snide remarks? No."

"Oh, I wish you would, I think you both need to."

"Well, that's another reason I'm here. There is a possibility that I may be in Llanview longer than I intended."

Viki's face brightens. "Really?"

"Yeah, Sam offered me a position in his law firm," she pauses as she looks slyly at Viki, "Did you know about that?"

"No. I knew Sam was up to something but I didn't know what," Viki says, smiling.

"He said he offered me the job because I'm a good lawyer, but partly so I would stay in town...for Todd."

"Are you going to take it?"

Téa sighs. "I don't know. I mean, from a professional standpoint, I would be crazy not to. Any lawyer would kill for the opportunity to work with Sam Rappaport."

"And from a personal standpoint?"

"Viki, I don't know if he and I can co-exist in the same town."

"Well instead of co-existing, why don't you look at it as a chance to work things out?"

"Oh Viki, you know Todd, he will never forgive me for walking out on him."

"I admit, Todd is stubborn, and prideful. And he's very hurt, but Téa, he does love you. And you love him. You both are obviously not very happy without each other."

"I just don't know if I can do it again," Téa says quietly.

"I can understand that," Viki says, "but this is the time it may work. Téa, it won't be easy, precious little about Todd is, but if you want this, then go after it. Besides, the Téa Delgado I remember loved a challenge."

"And this would certainly be that," Téa replies, a touch of sarcasm in her voice.

Viki reaches over and covers Téa's hand with her own. "You two have a lot to work out, and it seems that you both are experts at giving out mixed signals. But you love each other so deeply, that's obvious to anyone who is in the same room with you. And that's precious, and rare. Don't throw away another chance at getting it right because you're both to stubborn to admit your feelings are still there."

Téa nods, standing up. "Thank you Viki."

"So...what are you going to do?"

Téa shakes her head. "I'm going to do probably the last thing I should do. I'm gonna accept Sam's offer and move back here. I just hope I don't regret it."

To Be Continued....