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One and Only 5

Previously...Téa nods, standing up. "Thank you Viki."

"So...what are you going to do?"

Téa shakes her head. "I'm going to do probably the last thing I should do. I'm gonna accept Sam's offer and move back here. I just hope I don't regret it."


Two Days Later,
Sam's office

"Téa Delgado reporting for duty boss," Téa announces as she steps through the door into Sam's office.

Sam smiles. "Great! Get settled okay?"

"Well, I'm just gonna stay at the Palace until I can find a permanent place to live."

"Carlotta must be happy you decided to stay."

"Oh she's thrilled. With Cris off and married now and Antonio so tight with Sophia, she needs a lost soul to mother," Téa grins.

"Your office okay?"

"Perfect. Sam I can't thank you enough for this opportunity, even if you do have ulterior motives."

"Speaking of ulterior motives, I don't suppose you have spoken to him?"

"Uh, no. Viki knows I decided to stay, whether she told him or not I have no idea."

Sam nods. "Listen, how do you feel about jumping right in?"

"Sounds great, what have you got?"

"Oh, just a custody case. I haven't met with the client yet, so I thought maybe you could take it. I know you did quite well in your last custody case."

"You call going out a two story window doing well?"

"Hey, you won didn't you?"

A small smile crosses Téa's face, memories of a better time. "Yeah, yeah I did."

"So, what do you say?"

"Yeah, sure I'll take it."

"Great. Look, I have to be out of the office most of the day, I believe the appointment is for 2:00."

"Okay, I'll just finish settling in in my office in the meantime," Téa says, turning to leave. She stops at the door and turns back. "I really mean it Sam, thank you."

"Hey, I should thank you. Having such a good attorney in my practice is an asset."

Téa smiles, then heads back to her office. Sam watches her go, a sly grin on his face. This was too easy.


Later that day

Todd paces around the elevator, impatient as usual. He still had Starr for one more night until Blair and Max got back, but after that, it would depend on Blair's mood as to when he would get to see his daughter again. He was trying to change that though, trying to come up with some kind of legal strategy to get at least joint custody. He knew his chances of getting full custody were slim, since he had basically walked out on his daughter, plus Blair was married, even if it was to Max Holden.

Sam had been confident when Todd broached the custody subject with him, not that that was surprising. Sam's ego had never been in question. But truth be told, Todd was nervous. He wanted more time with his daughter, and he didn't want to have to rely on his ex-wife's moody whims.

The elevator stops on the 6th floor, and Todd gets off, striding quickly towards Sam's office, his long black overcoat flying behind him. He bursts through the door, much to the surprise of the receptionist.

"Can I help you?" she asks, slightly bewildered.

"Yeah, I'm here to Sam, I got an appointment. Todd Manning."

The receptionist looks down, checking her calendar, then nods. Seeing this, Todd starts to head towards Sam's office.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Manning?"

"What?" Todd turns around, annoyed.

"That office," the receptionist says, pointing to the office next to Sam's. Todd looks momentarily confused, then shrugs. He turns and walks into the other office.

"Sam, what the hell you doin' in..." he stops suddenly as he notices just who exactly is sitting behind the desk. Téa looks up, her eyes wide at the sound of his voice, her heart skipping a beat as it always did when he was anywhere remotely near her.

Todd is frozen as he stands there, looking at her. Conflicted as usual, awed by her beauty, but feeling enormously betrayed. God, just looking at her made his heart ache.

"What are you doing here?" he asks coldly.

"I was just about to ask you that," she replies quietly.

"I have an appointment, what's your excuse?"

"I work here. Sam offered me a position here."

Although his face remained impassive, that simple remark causes a storm of emotions in Todd. Confusion, fear, anger....relief...happiness. She was staying...for now anyway. At that moment, he felt very vulnerable, standing there in front of her. Like she could see all the pain, all the hurt. He didn't know quite how to react, what to say.

"Wait, you said you have an appointment?"


"You wouldn't happen to be getting ready to go for custody of Starr again are you?" Téa asks, realizing that Sam set her up.

"None of your business," Todd snaps. Anger, letting the anger feed him. Letting the anger blind him to her beauty, her eyes. Throwing up the wall, not allowing any cracks. Hiding.

"Actually, I'd say it is. Sam seems to be playing a little game with us. He gave me your case."


"Yeah, believe me, I didn't know it was you when he gave it to me."

Todd shakes his head. "I'm gonna kill Sam," he mutters.

Téa watches him closely, watches his reactions. She gets up from her desk and walks to the front of it, leaning against the edge.

"Maybe it's not such a bad idea. I mean, we certainly made a good team the last time Starr's custody was in question."

Todd looks at her incredulously. "Ancient history. Besides, how do I know you won't, I don't know, up and leave me in the middle of the case?"

Téa looks down. "That was a cheap shot."

"I'm a cheap guy."

Téa looks at him, starting to get angry. Yeah, he had a right to be hurt, but he wasn't innocent in this either. "Well I was just following your example."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I seem to recall you leaving me right after our wedding."

"Hey, I came back...eventually."

Téa throws her arms out. "Hello? I'm here aren't I?"

"Only cuz Sam offered you a gig."

"You think that's the only reason Todd?"

"Well it certainly couldn't be because of me, so don't even try to sell that on me."

"God you are unbelievable! You know, you came back and you expected me to forgive you for everything and follow you out of town, just like that. But you, you get to hold a grudge forever, is that it?"

Todd shrugs. "Yeah basically."

Téa rubs her temples, frustrated. "Look, you're here to talk about Starr's custody, so why don't we do that?"

"No way, I want Sam."

"Todd, I can win this case, and you know it. I know better than Sam what we're up against here. Are you gonna let what happened between us affect Starr's custody? I mean, what is more important to you?"

He runs his hands through his hair, agitated. He knew on some level she was right, she knew how to handle Blair, especially in the courtroom if it ever came to that. But he was terrified, working with her again, being close to her again. Then again, he was the king of shutting people out. He could keep her out, he had to. He would. She was right, it was worth it for Starr. And he tried to ignore the spark of desire that flared in him as he looked at her, contemplating working with her again. Just like old times.

Her trying to get in, him trying to keep her out. The only problem was, she was already in, and she had never left, although she didn't realize it and he would never admit it.

"Alright," he grumbles, "as long as you understand, this is for the kid only." "Of course," Téa says. She smiles inwardly to herself.

Thank you Sam...

To Be Continued...