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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Kelly's Stories
Fan Fiction Home

Chapter 7

Thanksgiving Day, 2000

She knew he was there before she even saw him.

It was always like that...that connection. She could always physically feel his presence. Sure, Todd Manning could sneak up and shock the living daylights out of some people, but not her. No, she always felt him. Always.

Téa clutches her drink a little tighter, feeling pangs of anxiety. How did I let them talk me into this?, she groans inwardly. Carlotta had insisted that Téa spend Thanksgiving with the family at Viki's. Now that Jess and Cris were married, they had wanted their first Thanksgiving together to be a big family affair, and being adoring mother hens, Viki and Carlotta had been thrilled. Téa had tried to decline, but Carlotta and Viki had tag teamed her. She knew Carlotta's motivations, being her surrogate mother. And she knew Viki's too. Todd would be there, and Viki and Sam had been playing matchmaker since Téa had gotten back into town.

For his part, Todd was being his normal, anti social self. He had, of course, spotted her when he first walked in. Allowing his eyes to roam appreciatively over her slim fitting long black skirt and fitted cranberry top. Her hair was darker again. She had gone through this highlighting chick thing, and while Todd was sure there was no way she could ever NOT be beautiful, he preferred her dark brown hair. It had grown out quite a bit, and was draped softly past her shoulders.

Not that he noticed or anything.

DAMN! Oh, he knew this was a mistake. He knew she would be here. They hadn't really talked all that much since Téa had revealed the real story behind her leaving. They had had some brief phone conversations about the custody case, but nothing more. It was still too hard for him to accept. Because he had tried to convince himself that she just left him without looking back, and she didn't. She looked back. She came back. And that had started to make him feel a pin pricks of regret for taking off so soon, not waiting around to see if she MIGHT come back. But why would he think that? No one ever came back for him.

But she did.

Shaking his head he walks over to the bar and pours himself a scotch. Viki walks up to him, smiling. He cringes.

"Hi, Todd! I'm so glad you decided to come out of your cave and join your family!"

"Whatever," he mumbles, taking a long sip of his drink.

"Téa's over there," Viki comments slyly.

"What am I blind?" he snaps. Viki grins. "And by the way, just because you're happily married to Dr. Ben does not mean you get to play Cupid," he continues, suddenly slamming his glass down, "and if the only reason you invited me here was cuz of Delgado..."

"Todd, take a breath!" Viki interjects. "Now you know very well you were invited here because you are my brother and it's Thanksgiving. Téa being here is an added bonus."

Todd sighs. "Can ya give it a rest, Sis?"

"Todd, I'm trying to look out for you. You obviously still have feelings for her."

"I told you, doesn't matter," he grumbles, then grabs his drink. Viki watches, a small grin on her face as he stalks off to a chair in the corner of the room.

Whatever you say, Todd.

Out of the corner of her eye, Téa sees Todd slump in a chair. Typical, in a crowd but not really. The urge to go to him almost overwhelms him, but fear of his rejection outweighs that urge. The look on his face makes her heart twist. Staring at his drink, watching the ice cubes float in the amber liquid. Missing Starr no doubt. She knew that Blair was pissed enough at him to deprive him of seeing Starr today. There was such a ...sadness...about him. There had always been, but it just seemed so much more profound. His sadness, his pain, always had reached her on such a deep level. Probably because in ways, it mirrored her own. She connected to it, to him.

She turns away from him, blinking back tears. Almost immediately, she can feel his eyes. So typical of him, to wait until she wasn't looking. It was, at the same time, welcome and disconcerting. Welcome to know he still wanted to look, disconcerting to know it was most likely an angry glare. She nervously brushed her hair back off her shoulders, her fingers grasping her delicate glass even tighter. It was like a laser, heat...his eyes watching her. The disconcerting aspect started to overtake the welcoming aspect of his hazel eyes on her, and she felt the need to escape.

"I'm gonna see if Carlotta needs help," she says quickly to Antonio and Sophia, with whom she had been sitting. She stands and quickly heads toward the kitchen, leaving them looking confused.

"What was THAT about?" Sophia asked.

Antonio shrugs, but then his eyes fall on Todd. "Oh man, I bet it was about THAT," he says, pointing to Todd, his voice laced with contempt.

The warmth of the kitchen comforts Téa. She smiles at the pots on the stove, bubbling, steaming. Reminded her of Thanksgivings past, except the kitchen was full of light, instead of that damn dark basement apartment.

"Need help?" Téa asks brightly. Carlotta looks up.

"Hmm, well Viki got a lot done this morning. Since I know they're your favorite, want to take on the platanos?"

"Sure," Téa replies, walking over and standing next to Carlotta. She busies herself with her task. Carlotta sneaks a look at her.

"He here yet?"

"Gee, how did you know?"

"Lucky guess," Carlotta replies wryly. "Just don't let him get to you. Today is hard enough...especially this year," she says softly.

Unbidden, tears spring to Téa's eyes. "Yeah. Don't worry. I'll be fine."

The two women continue to cook in silence, busying themselves with preparing the huge feast. It was a mix of traditional Thanksgiving foods and some of the Spanish foods the Vegas enjoyed on the holiday.

"Oh, no," Carlotta mutters.


"I forgot the sazon!"

"Oh, want me to run and get it?" Téa volunteers.

"No, no, I'll go, just keep an eye on this stuff okay?" Carlotta says, taking off her apron. She grabs her keys and heads out the door. Téa grins. What would Thanksgiving be without a little cooking crisis?

Meanwhile, Todd hasn't moved, other than to fill his drink. He watches everyone milling around, talking. Enjoying the 'family'. God, he didn't know what that was like. He felt almost...jealous. The warmth in the room seemed to dissipate by the time it ventured into his isolated corner.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite anti social uncle," Jessica chirps, sitting down beside Todd. He grunts a greeting, causing Jessica's smile to widen. "Happy Thanksgiving to you too."

"Holidays suck."

"Spoken with your usual rosy outlook."

Todd glances guiltily at his niece, clearing his throat. "So, how's married life?"

"Great. Even better now that Rosie skipped town. I love Téa, but I just can't understand how those two came from the same family." She notices Todd stiffen slightly at Téa's name. "I saw Téa before, where did she go?"

Todd takes great interest in the ice cubes in his glass once again. "Wasn't my turn to watch her," he mutters.

"Did you talk to her?"

Todd rolls his eyes. "Jeez, you are just like your mother. Mini Viki."

"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you."

"Whatever. And no, I don't have anything to say to Delgado, except when it comes to Shorty, and that's only cuz she's my lawyer, and THAT'S only cuz Sam set me up."

Jessica laughs. "Good Lord, you two are stubborn."

"What is it with all you married people huh? Is it some sick need to marry everyone else off too?"

"Cute. Remember, I saw you after she left. And you look just as miserable now. I understand pride, believe me I do. Pride is a lot of what kept me and Cris apart for so long. Don't let it keep you and Téa apart too."

Todd bristles slightly, then quickly stands up. "Whatever, I'm hungry. When's this feast?" he mutters, heading towards the kitchen. Jessica just shakes her head, an amused smile on her face.

In the kitchen, Téa is busy stirring the various pots. The steam tickles her face, causing her to smile. She closes her eyes for a moment, breathing in the different aromas...hearing her grandmother's voice....hearing her brothers roughhousing on the old furniture in the next room.... Todd walks in, stopping short when he sees her, eyes closed, a gentle smile lighting up her beautiful features. He immediately wonders what's making her smile, and them immediately chastises himself for caring. He thinks about turning around and walking out before she opens her eyes and sees him, but that smile...that holds him to his spot. No sooner is his decision made than Téa opens her eyes, her eyes bouncing from this pot to that, checking the status of everything. It takes only a moment for her eyes to fall on Todd.

"Hey," she says awkwardly, returning to stirring. He always caused this restless energy in amazed her. He had told her the truth when he said he made her feel alive. He did, more alive than she ever dreamed she could be.

"Hey," he replies, his eyes scanning the trays of snacks resting on the kitchen table. Pretending to be real interested, so his eyes wouldn't fall back on her.

"Happy Thanksgiving."

He shrugs. "Whatever," he snaps. He immediately regrets it, though, and looks up at her. "Yeah, you too," he says quietly. Their eyes lock for a moment, as they always did. And as it always seemed in the past, they were interrupted.

"Oh leave her alone Manning."

Todd and Téa look to the source of the voice, seeing Antonio standing in the doorway.

"'Tonio, please," Téa says, her voice tinged with annoyance.

"Téa, this jerk lives to hurt you, and you know it!"

"Well you would be the relationship expert Vega. How's Andy by the way?"

Antonio's eyes flash with anger as he steps toward Todd, who is smirking with delight. Téa drops her spoon and quickly steps between the two men.

"Todd, 'Tonio! Come on, it's Thanksgiving. Keep your barbs til tomorrow and then you can rip each other's throats out for all I care. Please," Téa pleads, looking at Antonio, "not today 'Tonio, please."

A look of understanding passes over Antonio's face. "Yeah, okay. But you stay outta my face Manning," he snaps, turning leaving the room. Todd turns to Téa, and she notices immediately the sneer on his face.

"Oh, so what, you sucking up to Antonio now? He UNDERSTANDS right? Like I never could I bet."

"Don't start Todd, please. This has nothing to do with you," she says quietly.

"So, what does it have to do with? Enlighten me."

Téa looks at him, considering him. She recognizes that anger, that hurt in his eyes. No doubt he had already made up some story in his mind that had her screwing Antonio. And normally, she probably would have fought it, but was just too hard.

"Forget it Todd, just forget it," she says, her voice wrought with pain. Todd watches her as she walks toward the living room. The pain in her voice had not been lost on him, but his own pain so far outweighed it at the moment, he resorted to anger. Like always. But he got the feeling that something was wrong. Usually, with Téa, she would never let him get away with any kind of snide remark, especially if it wasn't true. He felt a pang of worry in his heart, but almost immediately pushed it down. Don't care....not again. He reaches down and grabs a couple of mini quiches and stuffs them in his mouth, and heads back to the main room.


A Few Hours Later

Todd leans against his car, the dusk giving everything around him a peaceful feel. After being stuck at that dinner table with people saying what they were thankful for and trying to make conversation, he needed to escape.

He looks up at the sound of voices, and sees Téa exiting the house, a large bag in her hand. Todd grins. Knowing Viki she packed Téa enough food to last her for weeks. He watches her, enjoying being able to because she hadn't noticed him yet. She digs out her keys and places the bag in the backseat of the car. As she walks around to the driver's side, she notices Todd standing there watching her.

"Had to get out of there huh?" she asks.

"Yeah. Guess you did too, huh? I mean I'm sure if you want to stay there will be plenty of hugging and talking and sharing crap, and I know you love that."

Téa ignores the obvious barb, and smiles. "Actually, I can't. There's someplace I gotta go."

"Anyone I know?"

"Subtle Todd, real subtle. But actually, yes," Téa looks down, leaning against her car. "I'm going to visit my Abuela."

"Now? You're gonna drive all the way to Manhattan now? Tonight?"

"Wow, if I didn't know better I would say you were concerned about me."

Todd runs his hand through his hair and takes a step toward her, her pained voice from before haunting his thoughts. "No, I mean, you know it's late. Chicks shouldn't drive alone at night."

Téa shakes her head, chuckling. "You never fail to surprise me Todd Manning," she says softly. She searches his face, an idea occurring to her. Truth was, this trip was not one she was looking forward to, it was certainly not one she wanted to make alone, but also not one she wanted to take with just anyone. "If you really feel that way, maybe you should come with me," she says quietly.

Todd's eyes widen, confused and shocked at her request. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Thanks but no thanks. The last time we travelled together it didn't work out so well," he says bitterly.

Téa throws her hands up. "Fine. Why am I not surprised? I'm trying here, but of course, you refuse to."

"See? I don't do exactly what you want and it's a federal offense!"

"I'm not doing this, I got a long drive ahead me. Have a nice Thanksgiving Todd," she says, as she heads towards the driver's side of her car. Todd watches her. There was something...sad about her today, sadder than usual. And her little crack about trying didn't go unnoticed. He hated to prove her right. Before he could talk himself out of it, he stalks over and opens the passenger side door, quickly getting in the car. He slams the door shut and turns to meet Téa's surprised face.

"Well, let's get going," he mutters. "And don't expect conversations Delgado, just drive."

To Be Continued...